Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 22 - Mayi's past 2

"I was born as a female Fifteen Ton Ant, as a female my main objective should be to grow becoming a queen and moving away from my actual nest forming a new one in another place extending the influence of the ants and specially of my mother the at that time Fifteen Ton Ant Queen. One thing that you will need to know is that the Fifteen Ton Ant Queen doesn't have any attack power it can only make offspring and control them" Mayi starts.

"Being born I was very weak and I only need to eat the special queen essence of my mother to grow needing 100 years to become one queen myself. In the colony there was thousands of ants I specially liked 3 of them that were especially powerful, having gained a lot of honors fighting against other beast usually being other ants. This three came a lot of times to me explained their adventures and their demonstrations of royalty to mother. I really liked them, even more than mother, calling them brothers. She was always commanding me and trying to brainwash me to do as she want, and always saying how useless is to train my body because I as a female will be impossible to obtain attack power, and always saying to maintain at my control all the males ant... Having a very monotonous life" She then sighs and continue "All of this changed one day when my 3 brothers grew to a thousand years old, I was happy for them and the nest having all grow stronger. Then mother said to me that the 3 must die because she couldn't control a thousand years old ant. I try to convince her to let them live, that they were very loyal and they will become our main strength to fight others but she ignored me. Hopeless one night before the trap to kill them I escaped my mother view escaping without anyone knowing and told my brothers all of mother's plan. They thanked me and quickly escaped from the nest. At that time I was sad because I though that I won't never see them again but happy for them being alive. Mother was furious not knowing how they learn of her plans escaping and she bullied me to calm herself".

She turns serious "Then after some days another war started between our nest and another ant's nest. My mother and I stayed at the main nest while mother commanded the other ants to attack. When the war was at his highest point and mother was concentrated commanding the army my 3 brothers entered our room and quickly before mother could contact any ant they killed her without any resistant for her part. After that they eat her corpse and some of the queen essence prepared for me. Then they turned to me and I though that they would kill me. But they not they gave me some of my mother remains saying to eat it that they will escape with me and that they will protect me from any harm. Me trusting them more than anyone and being afraid of the other now uncontrolled ants I ate my mother remains growing a little stronger and follow them".

"After that we escape from the uncontrolled army and they hid me in a hidden cave saying that they will find food and queen essence for me. So they went to hunt another ants' colonies breaking the nest and killing their queens eating their body and taking their essence to me, sometimes they came very injured. But as time went by they grew stronger being easier to attack nests. After a lot of time when they finally broke through the 10.000 years they were so strong that the other ants only could hide from them. Then some time passed and I also broke through the 10.000 years growing my powers to the point of being capable of controlling other nest easily. So I ordered in a big area to all the ants to take their queen to us. With so much amount of essence and food in little time we accomplished growing to 50.000 years old evolving my brothers to emperors and in my case to empress".

"Being an empress, for the first time I obtained offensive capabilities being even stronger than my brothers only being suppressed by them because their fight experience and my lack of it. After a lot of time we all grew to 90.000 years old. Being so full of our new power and thinking of us as invincible we went to the center part of the forest. There, there was a lake where the concentration of spirit energy was the highest being the best place to cultivate and grow stronger to try to attack the 100.000 years bottleneck" She does a frighten face "But when we approached at the center, the area was occupied by three 100.000 years old beast, one orangutan, one big three headed serpent and a rabbit. At seeing us invading their territory they attacked us" Mayi has a chill "They were so strong that we didn't even put a fight, it was a beating. Leaving us heavily injured with the only choice to separate in different ways trying to escape".

"I run without looking back, leaving the entire forest arriving at another little one, where the spirit energy's quality was that all the beast living there were pitiful weak. When a stopped running my injuries were so serious that even one of that pitiful beast maybe will be enough to kill me. So I hid inside a cave trying to recuperate to not vain due the lack of spirit energy. After a year being debilitate I though that I will die there, but at this instant a white haired human entered the cave".

She smiles at me "It was you Big Brother. For me it was the first time seeing a human but my brothers warned me about them, saying that all of them are evil creatures trying to kill indiscriminately every beast. So at the moment a saw you I prepare to use my last strength to kill you. But at that moment you shouted to a little hamster that was so inoffensive that it couldn't do anything, then you throw to me a black cookie. From it I could sense spirit energy so with a little of doubt I ate it. It was delicious, the sweetest and best food ever, even it helped me to recuperate some energy to start healing me. After that day you came everyday and throw more cookies to me, sometimes it was not in the cave but after a month a could finally walk so I was following you whenever you went. You were my savior my hero in shiny armor that came to me to heal me, bringing sweets!".

"After 9 month I was completely recuperated, not only that even I was stronger. Then I listened a holy voice saying that a broke through 100.000 years and if I wanted to continue with my actual strength and continue being a beast or if I want to reincarnated as a human returning to being weak and small with low numbers of years to live but with the possibility of finding divinity. If it was asked before I without doubt will choose the first option, but your help all this month, the sweets! Your effort to grow strong. I really liked you so I decided that I will became a human and live all my life with and for you" She says. I am touched and hug her saying "Mayi..."

But she quickly interrupts me pushing me and saying "Let me finish Big Brother. After accepting the offer I entered in a deep sleep and when I finally waken up, I didn't know how much time passed. I observed my body and it was like a little human girl a little younger than yourself. I was happy to be able to be together so I tried to find you and be with you. But searching the forest I couldn't find you and even the forest was dying so I went outside of it trying to find you."

"Because you were in a forest before I went to my previous forest, maybe you grew tired of that weak forest and went to a stronger one to train. Arriving at that forest I search for you. After some time without any result a big monkey attacked. It was not even 400 years old, but without having eaten almost anything in days desperate to find you and not being used to my new body and strength the big monkey injured me and I couldn't fight it"

"At that moment when the monkey was doing its final attack a big pressure caused the monkey to crash to the ground immobile. Then came the person responsible of the pressure. He was a big and old man, very tall with strong muscles with a short white hair and a long white beard. He was accompanied by another little monkey faced boy 4 years older than me. The boy killed the monkey and absorbed the ring. Then the old man seeing me injured asked me if I was fine and if there was someone with me. I answered that I was alone and I didn't have any family and seeing that he also had white hair maybe he had some relation with you so I asked if I could follow him"

"He took me to his clan and healed me. I was sad being unable to find you there but they treat me well enough. When I was fully recuperated they ask me for a little spar to observe if a was fully healed. I fought the monkey faced boy of that time. I won easily over him surprising all the clan"

"After that the old person asked me if I want to be part of his clan that if I didn't have any family he will adopt me as his granddaughter, that my spirit was perfect for his clan. Knowing that I would need help to move around humans to try to find you I accepted. Then they presented themselves, being the strength clan specializing in strength configuration and blacksmith, being the old man its clan head and named Tai Tan and the monkey faced boy Tai long being his grandson becoming my granddad and brother. Not having any previously name granddad decide that I will be named Tai as part of his family and Mayi as my spirit being an ant".

"Then the clan spent 2 years teaching me some things, specially common sense that I lack but also a little of history and blacksmith, but even having the strength I lacked the patience for it. Being I little more used to be a human I asked granddad where the strong people of my age were, knowing that you were strong for your age. He answered that depend of their background but a lot of them went to prestigious academies, and if someone is very strong sooner or later it will be known to the world. With this information I decided to go to the best academy. So I asked granddad if I could go to an academy. Seeing me begging for the first time he accept saying that after a year training at the clan he will permit me to go out and make a name for the clan. After a year of training I was rank 23 with a purple ring so when I asked for transfer at the best school of Heaven Dou Empire they quickly accept me".

"Entering the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy I was disillusioned not finding you but I thought that staying there someday I will listen about you. After a year I was the strongest of my age group and they put me in the strongest team, the Emperor team, even when I didn't accomplish the minimum of rank 30. At that time I was so disillusioned of not finding you and bored of the pitiful weak people and classes that at that time I followed the flow without regardless of anything."

"The members of the emperor were somewhat strong so it was a little funnier but I was sad without finding you so I decided to not show much emotions. Finally the day before yesterday came and after waking up like usual and being called to a reunion, I entered the room and I saw you. I was so happy that I couldn't contend myself and jump towards you hugging, swearing that I will not let you escape another time and that I will be with you forever" Her serious face return to a smiling one and hugs me "And here we are Mayi and Big brother together, I couldn't be happier knowing that you don't mind Mayi being a spirit beast".

I answer also hugging her "Thanks for telling me all your life. I really like you Mayi, and I will protect you as if you were my little sister so trust in me. ♪Wonder if I gave a normal Oreo♪" I invoke an Oreo eat the cream part and give the black cookie to Mayi.

Her eyes shine likes starts seeing the cookie and eat it quickly "Yummy! It's even better than before, Big Brother is the best! More Big Brother!". I stop her "Only one everyday, eating more it will be bad for you. She pouts a little "Meanie!".

I rub her hair causing her to smile then I take her hand "It's late, it will be better to return to the academy, let's go!". Mayi nods and we run with joined hand to the academy.

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