Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 220 - Yu Xiaogang

<Yu Xiaogang POV>

I am Yu Xiaogang, the second son of the head of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, one of the strongest clan of Heaven Dou Empire and the Douluo Continent. Now, I am mostly known as the trash of the clan, with the jokely epithet of Grandmaster due to being unable to break through over Spirit Elder, being over 30 years stuck at rank 29.

Having born in a great clan, people had expectations for me. My father and brother both had the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon spirit, the characteristic spirit of the clan and considered the strongest beast spirit, with great talent, so people expected the same for me.

All these expectations were broken the day I awakened my spirit, Luo San Pao. Instead of a mighty dragon, mine was a fat dog with very little combat capabilities comparing with the Blue Tyrant. It couldn't even fuse with my body, making my body weak as support or food spirit master.

After I obtained my first spirit rank and became a spirit master, my situation even worsen. My spirit attacks, while not directly using my spirit energy, were using farts as a weapon, becoming the laughing stock of the clan. The only reason that I could keep in the clan was being my father's son.

My cultivation was slow, my spirit was weak, I had long since discovered that I didn't have a bright future as a spirit master. However, I had somethings that I was better than most, my intelligence and curiosity. Since little, I liked reading very much, every read word never forgotten in my head. In a world were people focus on strength, the theoric value is laughed at it, completely disregarding it and negating changing their ways.

To make up for my weak spirit, I decided to focus on knowledge, reinforcing my strength. So I started reading all the books inside the clan, most of them easily acceded as they were forgotten by the other members, increasing my knowledge about it. I almost didn't leave the clan, prohibited to it to not taint the noble image of the clan.

The biggest change happened when I reached 20 years old. For two years, my rank had blocked at rank 29, becoming impossible to advance. It didn't matter how much a tried to improve my cultivation or how esoteric methods I used, it didn't work.

About that age, my knowledge was very vast, having surpassed every one of the clan in theoric knowledge at least. I thought of some ideas that would help, but most of them were too late, I was too old and had already my two spirit rings. Spirit rings the most important about mutations of spirits. The knowledge of knowing that I could have done it better made even angrier at myself.

That year, the clan finally decided. They were bored and angry at the trash that I was without being able to breakthrough. They decided to cast off me of the clan, never refer me as one of them.

It was a great shock, some little part of me always dreamed to be accepted, that my knowledge and my theories would greatly help them, but seeing the cold faces of everyone, the smirking face of my hateful uncle, my father and mother avoiding my eyes, I learned that it was impossible. The Blue Tyrant Clan would always be one of only strength mattered.

This day, as I left the clan while being laughed by the members, even some rocks being throw at me, I made up my mind. I would show them my value and force them to kneel over me. I might not be able to reach their strength, but my knowledge would reach them. I would focus on learning more about the world and cultivation, someday, my theories would make someone surpass them all.

After being kicked out, I focused on recollect information all over the continent, using my savings and some little connections that I made, traveling all around the continent. Nothing else except trying to surpass my clan in my head.

Then, I met her. While I was at the Heaven Dou's royal library reading some new books, she appeared. Long shiny golden hair, with beautiful red eyes that seemed gems and reflected intelligence, she was truly beautiful.

She wore expensive robes and seemed from a powerful clan, like many people I met before that laughed at me. However, she seemed different, she came day after day at the library, continuously reading different books with a very concentrated face while surrounded by books.

After a week, I acted. Most of the books that she was reading were about opposite spirits and different energies coexisting, so I put a book at her. This was about a spirit beast that could control the fire and ice inside its body, greatly explaining how they coexisted. It was from my favorite author, one than rather than only explain the attack and spirit rings of the beasts, he explained beyond, studying its manners. Inside the book, some of my commentaries written over it, with some of my theories. If I was right, she should be studying about twin spirit, she having them.

She seemed so focused on her reading that she didn't realize the book. However, the next day that I came to the library, she approached me showing me the book that I gave her. She thanked me about the book, saying that it had greatly helped her, making it worth coming there.

Then, we started discussing it, comparing the theories and how could they be implemented in other areas. She was really intelligent, the first person that I could have this type of conversation without being ignored, laughter, or making the other person bored.

We were warned to leave by the librarian. Without realizing we had spent all the say discussing, it was already night. A little embarrassed, we left the library, promising to meet again the next day, and finally, she told me her name, Bibi Dong.

Since that day, we would meet each other almost every day, talking about theories and slowly opening us. I told her about the shame at my clan and she explained her life. I was right about her, she was really an important person, the disciple of Spirit Hall's Supreme Pontiff. Not only she was intelligent, but she was also an extremely gifted spirit master with twin spirits.

Even when she discovered about me being trash, she didn't mind it, negating that someone with my intelligence couldn't be. If something, they were the true trash not being able to recognize my talent.

We studied her twin spirits, thinking about how to maximize their strength. She was the first person to be interested in my theories and even help them. With her own knowledge and her giving me access to some of Spirit Hall's books, my theories improved a lot. Both of us proposing a theory of how to obtain the maximum strength of the twin spirits without exploding as cases before. I didn't know if she would risk to try it, but somehow I knew that she would have it in mind, improving making it suitable for her.

This time with her became the happiest of my life. Before I realized, I had already fallen in love with her. Her wits, her smile, our long time together. I loved everything about her. Some part of me said that I wasn't worthy to be with her, she was a monstrous talent while I was considered trash, pushing me more into my studies to help her. I realized that I didn't mind my clan or anything else, I only wanted to be with her.

Finally, I couldn't hold it any longer and confessed to her. With joyful tears in her eyes, she also told me that she loved me, making that day the best of my life.

After two months, I had prepared a gift for her. It was a compilation of my theories, all of them in a book that I called 10 Great Core Spirit Competencies, it was only a draft, many theories needing a rework, but it was the first book that I could call mine and she was the only person that I wanted to have it.

Bibi Dong accepted with shock and a smile, surprised about how important and useful were its content, a revolution she called. She would finish to read and show it to his teacher, with it Spirit Hall would recognize him and she promised that they would be together after that.

I trusted her, but I was wrong, very wrong. Bibi Dong returned 3 days later, her face was cold as she looked down at me, her usual radiant smile replaced by a smirk like the ones I had received countless of times at the Blue Tyrant Clan. She laughed at me, ridiculing that I thought that she was in love with me. She was only acting to obtain my knowledge, now that she had it, there was no need to meet again. This time was only for her so see and enjoy my despair. She quickly left me alone without looking back.

She broke my heart, tears uncontrollably fell from my eyes. My most precious memories, my love, it was all a delusion. The little voice inside my head was right. How could I thought that someone such as herself, the beautiful and talented disciple of the Supreme Pontiff, could fall in love with m, the discarded trash of the Blue Tyrant Clan? It was my fault to try to believe such a joke, so much knowledge and what an idiot I was.

At that time, all that I wanted to do was to die. I went to a nearby bar to try to drown the sorrow in alcohol or die from an ethyl coma, any option was fine with me.

At the bar, after too many cups, I started a fight with some grunts. They dragged me outside at a nearby alley and started beating me. I couldn't even feel the pain, the pain of my heart overshadowing it. I accepted every hit, with them I might accomplish my death.

Then, the grunts stopped, a single guy had appeared at the alley and easily beat them down. He extended me a hand that I unconsciously took. He had realized my situation, my heartbreak, and talked about him to make me forget.

He was called Flender, with an owl spirit, he was strong. He was a highly talented rogue spirit master who traveled the lands trying to find adventures and treasures. However, his dream wasn't becoming the strongest, or live an easy life. He wanted to share his experiences and eventually opening a school, a school where only monsters would be trained and that would be recognized as the strongest of the continent.

I couldn't help to laugh at him and at myself, he really dreamed big. But somehow, it was similar to my dream of being recognized by my clan.

I finished accepting it. I needed to think about another thing and forget Bibi Dong. Traveling and maybe retaking my lost dream of revenge from my clan might help.

Not long after we start traveling, Flender became my best friend, but he could never rival what Bibi Dong had been. He followed my suggestions, plans, and ideas but he wasn't very interested in the knowledge that laid behind them, being too confusing for him. Little by little, my frail heart was being repaired, gaining strength to continue forward with my life and theories.

In one adventure, we went to a forest to search for ancient ruins that I deciphered in some old diary. There, even before reaching the ruins, we were surrounded by a great number of spirit beasts. We were about to run away using Flender's flight when we met a woman who was soundly sleeping under the shadow of a tree.

The woman was beautiful, with a delicate face, with long black hair and a slender body. It seemed that all the noise of us being chased had woken her up. She stood up, her black eyes shining in anger looking at the spirit beast that had woke her. Flames exploded from her body as she charged towards the spirit beasts.

It was a complete slaughter. Hundreds of spirit beasts were killed by her, burn bodies part flying around while I and Flender could only look up to her with our mouth wide open.

Once she finished relieving herself with the spirit beasts, there was a smile at her face and she looked to us, asking us what were we doing.

As thanks, and mostly for fright, we told her our idea of searching for ruins. At what she joined the group, wanting also to explore the ruins. We presented each other, her being called Liu Erlong, her spirit being a Fire Dragon.

Now, being a group of three, I guided us following my information and discovering the ruin's entrance. Inside, we passed some trials, using my intelligence to resolve some puzzle, Erlong's strength to kill some beasts, and Flender flight capability as a great scout and lifesaving from traps.

At the last chamber, a powerful 10.000 years old beast was guarding it. We almost lost our life against it, but at the last moment, our spirit energy seemed to resonate with each other, boosting Erlong's strength and killing it, she obtaining her 6th ring.

At the end of the ruin, we found two spirit fruits and a belt. I knew what were the spirit fruits and knew that it wouldn't help my condition, the effects being increasing the spirit power absorption, incrementing the cultivation speed.

Flender and Erlong took the fruits and they forced me the belt. Reading the ruins, the belt was called Twenty Four Moonlight Bridges, a spirit artifact that worked as a storage compartment, each of its 24 round pieces of jade, capable of storing up to a meter cubic.

I always had been very interested in spirit artifacts. They were objects made by long lost people, now impossible to replicate. How could they make this so many years before? I took it to investigate it, to see if I could somehow replicate the effects.

After finishing the exploration an all being happy with the results, we decided to continue traveling together, searching for adventures and treasures.

I studied their spirits and cultivation and suggested them to improve their spirit control, changing a little their usual cultivation with great results. With the study of their spirits, I finally discovered what was that boost effect at the ruins. All three of us were highly compatible, being theoretically capable of a three people spirit fusion.

The problem was that my strength was to despair with them, not making the equilibrate forces needed for a fusion. After much study, I finally found a solution. Rather than directly fusing the three spirits, it would be to focus the strength of two over one, this one being the core. Surprisingly, the best core was my Luo San Pao, being able to absorb the other two becoming a strong and completely different beast, a giant golden dragon that we called Golden Saint Dragon.

With the passing of time, the three of us became closer. We made great explorations and hunts, our names resounding all over the continent, being called the Golden Iron Triangle in honor of our spirit fusion. I was the Directing Corner who commanded us, Flender the Flying Corner due to his ability, and Erlong the Slaughter Corner due to her tendencies of gorily killing her enemies.

My theories greatly improved with all the new knowledge learned traveling and to explore. I even dared to publish another 10 Great Core Spirit Competencies. This one more exact and instead of being focused over Bibi Dong, this one was about the average spirit master, being able to greatly help them. Not that many people even try it to use or read it.

With the passing of time, I found myself more attracted with Erlong. I found it different than with Bibi Dong, but, Erlong was much different than her so it might be normal. Erlong was beautiful and caring and I liked to be with her. She might not share my obsession with knowledge, but I realy liked her. This feeling blooming in love.

After some time, Flender declared his love to Erlong. Like me, he also had fallen in love with. I was prepared to congratulate them, as they both were strong and would make a great couple, when Erlong negated Flender, confessing that she loved me.

After a year, I and Erlong married, only to my hateful uncle to interrupt after the ceremony. I discovered that Erlong was the illegitimate daughter of my uncle, making her my first cousin. H-how could it be? After so much time healing my heart and falling in love again, at final, it was my family. How could I be married with my cousin?

I didn't know what to do under the shock and tears of Erlong and the hateful face of uncle. Unconsciously, I ran away. I needed to run away, far away.

I finally stopped at a little city called Nuoding. I wasn't made to be love. Every time that I open my heart is only to be destroyed again. The only thing that avoided me suiciding myself was that as I had discovered before I was too much of a coward. "I'm truly trash"

I decided to stay here, I would hide away from the world, peacefully living in this countryside city. Running away from all, vowing to not open again my heart to anyone, and working in the spirit master's academy of the city, Nuoding Academy.

Nothing changed until I met him, Tang San. Tang San was a young boy with enormous talent that seemed to appreciate my knowledge even requesting myself being his teacher. Seeing him, I instantly knew that he had twin spirit and that the most probable was that he was the son of the Clear Sky Douluo, Tang Hao.

He instantly made me remember Bibi Dong, both with great talent, with twin spirits and great backers. I wanted to negate him, but I decided the opposite.

My long lost revenge awakened in full might. I decided to take him as my disciple. I would use him, I would make him the strongest, probing all my theories and surpassing the stupid clan that kicked me out and even surpassing Bibi Dong. What could it better than using someone to similar to her to take my revenge? I would show my value through him, I would be recognized! And I would make him destroy the fuċkɨnġ clan and Bibi Dong!

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