Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 223 - Yu Xiaogang 4

Dong'Er and I walked all the way to a small village. It seemed a poor an inconspicuous village at first sight but sensing it nearer, there were a fool stink and death aura all around it.

Dong'Er walked towards the middle of the village, spirit rings flashed, 6 green spider legs appearing at her back. She slashed the ground with them, forming a strange pattern with them in the form of a bat. Each cut had a great killing intent behind.

Once she finished, she pierced her legs to the ground and her killing intent was released. A green and purple aura surged from her as she activated her Death and Deathgod domains.

"I am to become the god of Death, all beings shall kneel under Rakshasa!" The bat pattern was illuminated absorbing the Dong'Er domains, red lines surged from the draw, expanding all over the village.

Dong'Er had already explained to me this trial. Slaughter City was a paradise of depravity, where death was completely normal. However, the truth was that it was a place made by the death gods in order to collect blood and death, transforming it into faith for their inheritors. Now that Rong'Er was going to become a goddess, the place had achieved its purpose. All the people inside the city would be sacrificed by this ritual, Dong'Er absorbing the faith and accumulated strength.

"BOOOM!" From a near tavern, a red pillar shot up, destroying completely the tavern and piercing the sky. The pillar was deep red with some purple aura and seemed to be made purely of blood.

"It's too early" This ceremony was supposed to kill all the people inside Slaughter City including its ruler. This couldn't be done in so little time, it was supposed to slowly kill them. Something was wrong.

"Dong'Er!" I wanted to warn her, but she was in a trance state, ignoring her surroundings.

"Booom!" 5 more blood pillar shot from the ground and pierced the sky from nearby places. The blood pillars bend over clashing between them just over us.

A thick killing intent like no other fell over us, suppressing us. It was so dense that I almost flinched unconsciously.

"Be prepared" Dong'Er warned, the light returned to her eyes as she left the trance state.

A blood rain fell over us, it was at so high speed that resembled knives falling towards us. Most of them were focused on Dong'Er, but I tried to contain some of them. The blood didn't cut perse, but it directly pierced over your mind, despair, resentment, pain, fright... multiple negatives feelings could be felt in an instant.

Each drop was like a mental attack, strong enough to make someone mad. I was completely sure that if it weren't for this years of slaughter with Dong'Er, I couldn't have resisted even one, falling into a mad state instantly. I suffered thinking about the torture that was experimenting Dong'Er who was receiving the full might of the attack. My dėsɨrė to become stronger and help her growing.

The rain was becoming stronger until a blood pillar fell over us. I could only think about killing, about wanting blood, but once I saw Dong'Er's determined and unwavering face, I calmed myself. This was her test and I was only a helper, I wouldn't forgive injuring her for my uselessness.

Dong'Er face was completely pale, sweat ran over her face as she panted tiredly. Her killing aura had greatly improved, her pale face had obtained a tint of green, a purple horn surged from her forehead. All her eyes became dark with the exception of her red pupils. Her nails grew becoming over half meter claws. She seemed to have become a devil surged from hell.

She turned to me and forcefully smiled "Do I look ugly?"

No, she was truly different, but she continued being the woman that I fell in love, her look didn't matter at all. Even so, I didn't hate his actual form, it was a remember of our history together. I approached her and hugged her "You will be always the most beautiful to me" deeply kissing her.

We broke the kiss and she started meditating, detecting the new changed on her. After some time, a phantasm of a devil similar to her actual form condensed over her back, her features returning to normal. The phantasm disappeared inside her and she opened her eyes showing a serious look.

"Something is wrong" she stated "There should have been enough faith and energy for me to be able to activate the last trial to become a goddess. However, there's a lack from it. Even the two most important things are lacking."

"What are they?" I already noticed that something was wrong, but she would have much more information than me.

"Faith and the weapon" she answered "Most faith should be with the Slaughter King, meaning that he didn't die here. On the other hand, a weapon should have been created. Prepared during years and able to absorb the Rakshasa's aura, boosting it. Rakshasa should have been creating a divine weapon here, but there's no sight from it"

"Shall we investigate?" I opined. She nodded "Let's enter what left from Slaughter City"

We walked over where the tavern had previously stood. There, Dong'Er swung her hands, slashing the ground and revealing a stair. We start going down.

After what it seemed going down a kilometer, the stair finished in an open area, like an immense cave. It was a barren land where no plant could grow. A lingering smell of blood was all over the place, but it seemed that it had been all drained by Dong'Er, not a single drop of blood any way.

Suddenly, from the tip of my vision, I had bȧrėly sensed some movement. My body reacted instinctively, jumping over Dong'Er pushing her from her position.

"Crrrrr!" A growl and blood falling from my right arm was the only that I could sense as an extremely quick black shadow passed through us and escaped following the stairs that we took to reach here, too quick for us to chase. Even now I couldn't sense that black shadow at all, as it didn't have any presence or spirit energy.

"Xiaogang!" Dong'Er approached me worriedly, treating my wound. A deep teeth mark was all over my arm, piercing even the bone, a little more profound and my arm would have been torn. A black and purple aura lingering from the wound, weakening me. Somehow he aura was similar to the previous test. It wasn't long before Dong'Er used her spirit energy to absorb the aura and forcefully closed the wound.

"Are you fine, Xiaogang?" she asked worriedly.

I nodded "It wasn't serious. I'm glad that you're fine, Dong'Er. But what was that? I couldn't sense it, it was only by pure instinct that I reacted."

"That should be an ancient beast as I couldn't detect any spirit energy from it. They had great physical strength and we aren't used to them, making them nasty enemies. It seemed that it took the opportunity to escape from here" Dong'Er explained due to her experience in Slaughter City "I don't know how it survived, but it seemed to be one of the reasons for the energy loss. From the aura over your wound, I could feel Rakshasa's powers"

"So we need to chase after it? It would be difficult to find it as we can't detect it normally"

"It had a great deal of the accumulated energy, we will need to eventually find it, for difficult that it seem" Dong'Er deducted "But I am worried about the faith and weapon, they are more important. Let's investigate."

After that strange episode, we continued our explosion. Slaughter City was a ruin of a small city, most of the buildings were little and destroyed. We directed us to the tallest building, the Slaughter King's castle. A great cut of a kilometer long extended outside of it, showing the results of an intense battle. More hints of fighting could be seen inside the castle, especially near to what it should have been the treasure trove that was completely empty. There was no trace of the Slaughter King or the weapon.

"This was caused by the Slaughter King" Dong'er said signaling a claws' marks over a vip lounge. It seemed to be made randomly like done in a state of fury or madness without any clear objective.

Over the Arena, I could feel some traces of an ancient formation. Being one of my passions, I couldn't help to take a look at it, moreover, it could be of help for Dong'er. After some time I was able to grasp the fundamental information about it. The formation had traces of blood, some patterns indicating absorption and madness. It extended all over the colosseum being able to affect anyone inside.

"We might not need to worry about chasing that black shadow" I said to Dong'er "This formation had the function to kill the people inside that not have the 'requirements', I suppose that the requirements being completing the 100 victories at the Arena. The blood, despair, and resentment of the death would then be used as a sacrifice to activate a spatial door. This blood containing a great deal of the energy necessary to Rakshasa." I explained.

"It might take some time. But I should be able to copy this formation. I can't rewrite is as it's too ancient and complex, but I should be able to redirect the blood to ourself" I explained.

Dong'Er's eyes opened widely "We will be able to obtain the necessary energy from the death. Recovering the lost energy" Dong'Er jumped kissing me "You're such a genius!" she stopped still and frowned "We will need a lot of sacrifices to make it work" Then she made an evil and sėxy grin "With war approaching, it wouldn't be difficult to find sacrifices. Their negatives feeling even stronger in the fire of battle" she started evilly laughing "Fate is at our side."

I stayed some months inside Slaughter City, completely learning the now named by me Bloodsucking Formation. Then, the next years were spent planning for the future war against the continent and searching for the Slaughter King that most probably ran to the surface.

10 years had passed since I was together with Dong'Er again. We might have made horrible acts together, but I was truly happy being with my most loved person. Being with Dong'Er the only truly important for me.

Our preparations were ready, we forced the war to start, focusing all the troops over Jialing Pass. Inside the fortress, I already had draw the Bloodsucking Formation. My and Dong'Er had greatly increased, her completely controlling her Rakshasa's powers and me obtaining some of the darkness divinity and reaching rank 99. Who would have thought that trash like me would one day reach the limit of humans? Moreover, we even found the trace of the Slaughter King that we found him madly destroying towns. We only need to collect the blood here, kill the Slaughter King and take his own divine weapon and Dong'Er would become the Rakshasa Goddess.

Dong'Er being the Supreme Pontiff had mostly full control of Spirit Hall's army. We focused most of our troops inside the fortress. Now we only required some diversion to make the allied armies of Heaven Dou and Star Luo enter the fortress. The problem was that they were to passive.

I would kill their high-rank officers, breaking the commanding line. Then I would take advantage of the chaos and sent a small unit to kill them. This small unit would be insufficient to win over even the chaotic army, being forced to retreat again to the fortress, the allied army chasing over them would then with my help broke the 'robust' gates of the fortress, invading it and starting a chaotic battle. With all the negatives feeling of kills and death all over the place, it would be the perfect moment to activate the formation.

My plan was canceled due to the appearance of a new player in the game, Ning Bai. He commanded the allied army directly attacking the fortress. It was a change of plans, nevertheless, it could become a good opportunity, quickening my plans.

Ning Bai was stronger than what I thought. He easily killed his way over our army, even killing two titled douluos under Dong'Er in mere seconds. He was too quick, he had advanced his own army and charged alone and unstoppable. If this continued, he alone would enter the fortress and kill most of the sacrifices himself, even it might detect the oddity of the high number of troops inside and command his army to retire. I couldn't permit this, I need to delay him.

I used my darkness powers with my spirit avatar form and dashed towards Ning Bai. There, I wanted to stop him, disabling him for some time. His death wouldn't be as worthy as a simple delay, him being the perfect one to break the gates without showing my plan. There was also the fact of not wanting to kill him due to his help in my change. I only need their army close to him when it happened. Once the army entered the fortress, it would become too chaotic to even retire.

Chen Xin interposed between us, my attack finally cutting one of his arms. It seemed that Ning Bai was very fond of him, making him delay enough trying to heal him for their main army to reach them. It was a bit different than what I had planned, but it was effective anyway, so I retired returning to the fortress, changing my position with San Luo Pao and then withdrawing him.

Like I wanted, Ning Bai broke the gate, the allied armies entering the fortress, the negative feelings reaching their peak. However, it wasn't enough. Some time was needed for more people to enter the fortress to complete the ritual for Dong'Er.

Dong'Er and I were forced to entertain Ning Bai, keeping him to kill a great number of people. With Dong'Er and I combination, it wouldn't be much difficult.

Ning Bai resulted being an extremely strong opponent, forcing us to seriously fight, even trying to truly kill him. His skill sword arts were strange, adaptable, and very numerous, making him a difficult opponent with a physical strength boosted to over the human capabilities, surpassing even Dong'Er.

At final, even Dong'Er was forced to use Rakshasa's power with her second spirit. Even with that, Bai invoked a little girl and a werewolf that were capable of stopping us. I was really surprised and interested by them, Ning Bai really had a lot of secrets. If we didn't were in a hurry, I would have wanted to dissect him of all his information.

Just as we were about to fight completely seriously. The other gates were broken by none other than two previous Shrek's students, Bai Chenxiang and my previous disciple, Tang San. With the new influx of people, there was no need to fight anymore. With the help of Dong'Er's Deathgod domain, I activated the Bloodsucking formation, effectively killing everyone inside the fortress and collecting all the energy of both armies. The only ones that survived were the people near Ning Bai and Tang San. Both of them had the Deathgod domain and had the qualifications to not be affected by the formation.

Now that we collected the necessary energy and blood, we only need to kill the Slaughter King. Dong'Er and I left the battleground, completely ignoring everything from it. The next time we appeared before the public would be as gods.

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