Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 226 - Angel's Final Trial

In Spirit City, there was a magnificent building. It seemed to be a big palace that even surpassed the majesty of the Supreme Pontiff Palace, all made of white marble adorned with gold. From it, it could be sensed a strong and holy aura, making it even more awe-inspiring. This was the Douluo Palace, considered the most important edification of the Spirit Empire.

It was a prohibited place where not even the Supreme Pontiff could enter without the permission of his guardian, the grand priest Qian Daoliu. Usually, the only ones that received the honor to enter inside were that proud son of heaven that reached the titled douluo realm. They could enter one time inside the Douluo Palace and decide their title there, engraving it over the palace to be remembered forever.

Inside the Douluo Palace where rounds of names of pasts titled douluos should be written over tombs and walls, only rumble could be found, most of them destroyed previously by Qian Daoliu himself to teach his granddaughter how insignificant they were against their proud angel clan.

At the deeps of the Douluo Palace there was a statue of a beautiful angel with six wings at her back. On her hands, she was holding a beautiful golden sword that had a lingering energy that emitted a strong divine and holy aura.

In front of the statue, an old man and a young woman stood. They were Qian Daoliu and Qian Renxue.

"Xue'er, you showed your immense talent, greatly surpassing any other talent before. Only you are worthy to take our name, to ascend over the humans and govern them" Qian Daoliu approached the statue and touched its sword. The space around them distorted and they found themselves in a different place, it was a golden chamber that seemed a mix of real and mental world with only the angel statue there.

"You will complete my long dream. You will become a goddess, making our name and the goddess known all over the world" Daoliu's body started shining, from his heart a golden sword surged. When it left completely, it changed its form becoming an angel's halo that floated over his hand. This was the last of the 6 spirit bones that conformed the Divine Angelic Raiment.

"I'm very proud of you Xue'er." Daoliu smiled as golden flames surged all over his body, this flames started combusting him, converting him in pure energy to activate Renxue's last trial.

"Grandfather!" Renxue shouted worriedly finally discovering the destiny of his grandfather. Her own grandfather and the only person that showed family love to her was sacrificing himself for her.

"Don't worry about me" Daoliu smiled as his body was disappearing "Do me a last favor. If you meet a strong spirit master called Tang Chen outside, kill him and make him know that I surpassed him, creating a god." Renxue nodded with tears over her eyes, accepting his grandfather's last will.

Daoliu completely disappeared and the golden flames surrounding him were absorbed by the halo spirit bone. The halo that now shined brightly approached Renxue, resting over her head. Golden flames exploded all over her body, but they were not hot or burned, instead Renxue only sensed a warm feeling like being tightly hugged. Unconsciously, her 10 wings spread, covering herself and forming a golden cacoon over her.

"Yours is not a simple inheritance" Over Renxue's mind a voice that she recognized as the Angel Goddess resounded, it was full of dignity and holiness "You would step over myself, reaching an even greater." she announced "But be aware, my daughter. Only your true and pure feelings would help you step forward, never let evilness taint you."

Over the Divine Realm, the Angel Goddes was praying for Renxue. If Renxue's feeling were dark and evil, she wouldn't be able to pass the trial, dying being purified by the angel's divine powers. With Renxue's life of hate and revenge, she wasn't sure if Renxue would be able to pass it.

After the voice left, Renxue found herself in golden space. Energy unstoppable was entering her body, changing completely. However, this energy came with a great pain, some unbearable pain that seemed to tear her body apart.

As Renxue was trying to resist it, two figures appeared in front of her. They were Qian Daoliu and Qian Xunji, her grandfather and father.

Qian Xunji warmly smiled at her, it was a smile full of care and love. She didn't remember much of his father, him dying when she was 4 years old. The only that could she remember was this smile. She knew that his father loved her very much, making him a very special and holy existence in her heart. This love made her stronger, being able to resist the energy entering her body before Qian Xunji disappeared.

"I wish to know you better, father"

Qian Daoliu was with his usual grandfatherly smile. Seeing him, Renxue couldn't help to sadly smile at him. His grandfather had been the most important person in her childhood. He was the only that showed love to her, the one that taught her all about the world. She loved her grandfather dearly, greatly respecting him.

"Thanks, grandfather"

More energy entered her body, the pain becoming bearable for a moment. Qian Daoliu disappeared, in his place stood Renxue's mother, Bibi Dong. She was looking down at Renxue, with hate and coldness in her eyes.

Renxue clenched her hands. This woman who was supposed to be her mother had ignored her all her life, only showing her contempt as she pushed her away, not even trying to look at her. She even negated Renxue as her child, preferring to make known that Renxue was her sister. Even as her mother, Bibi Dong never was one. Renxue hated her, one of her dreams being able to defeat her.

"I hate you, sister!" Renxue said in fury.

"Ah!" Renxue cried in pain as she clenched her head and heart, both of them hurt a lot, like if some hot knives were piercing them.

"True feeling" A sweet voice resounded in Renxue's mind.

"Why?!" In front of Renxue, a little girl about 10 years old shouted in tears. Renxue knew who she was, it was herself. Her image when she was a little girl.

She was looking up to Bibi Dong "Why don't you look up me, mum? I only want to be loved" The little Renxue cried "I only want to be like you, intelligent, strong, and respected by everyone. I want to be your daughter" The little Renxue knelt on the floor.

"Of course" Renxue realized. Her plan of impersonating the prince of Heaven Dou Empire was only to be recognized by her mother, to demonstrate to her that she was talented and worthy of being her daughter. She only wanted her recognition.

The little Renxue cleaned her tears and made a determined look at Bibi Dong "I will make you recognize me" Both Renxues' voices overlapped at they said with a determined look. She would show her strength to her mother, forcing her mother to accept her and explain all the why of the contempt of all these years.

The little Renxue and Bibi Dong disappeared. Renxue's pain lowered a little and a great deal of energy entered her body. However, it was too much, it seemed to not have an end. She clenched her teeth. It was like thousands of ants were crawling all over her body, her head seemed to be about to explode when the last figure appeared, it was Bai with his black and white hair.

Hate. It was the first thought that crossed her mind. He was her enemy, someone that should be eliminated. He was the one that interposed in her path, even destroying all her hard work over 10 years at Heaven Dou Empire. He and his family were the ones that interposed in her plans, even hurting her grandfather.

"AAAAAAAAHH!" Renxue clenched her teeth, her hands over her heart. The pain was unbearable "True feelings"

"I hate him!" shouted Renxue "I must kill him. If it weren't for him, the continent would have long become mine"

In front of her, the memory of Bai piercing through her truth, beating her at Heaven Dou Palace ran like a film, intensifying her hate and sense of defeat.

"...!" Renxue's body shuddered, the pain was so high that she couldn't even shout, voice not being able to leave from her mouth.

"True feeling!" the voice inside her shouted this time. The Bai in front of her changed, replaced by a white-haired Bai about 12 years old.

"My name is Ning Bai, your highness" He introduced himself

"What do you say about a little spar?" The little Bai said grinning. "I'm a year younger" The memory of the battle happening. Bai smiling even having lost "Let's be friends!" Renxue as Qinghe smiling at him giving her hand.

Memories of their time together, spending it chatting or sparring. Bai gifting him a saber to practice the sword arts.

Even if Renxue wanted to negate as a lie, as part of her cover, she knew that it wasn't absolutely. In her years impersonating Qinghe, Bai had become her friend. She even had thought of telling him the truth but she didn't dare. Bai was the only one with whom she didn't need to act.

"I like Bai. He is my best friend" Renxue unconsciously said, gaining a little strength to continue fighting the energy and not fell prey to it. But she wouldn't last much more.

Bai's form changed again, becoming like the last time she had seen him.

"Truce!" Images surged of them inside the Giant Sword Mountain, both of them fighting together to pass their trials. They chatting together when they were under the torture of the swords.

"Look out!" Bai saving her when her attacks failed and were cornered by the enemies.

Renxue realized she was simply too proud. Without wanting the image of Bai had imbued in her heart, even becoming her most important person, even more than her family.

"Die!" the last image was the final at Heaven Dou Palace. Renxue had been tired and injured in the last moment, never being able to analyze what happened at the last moment.

Bai's face was contorting. His left eye shined in pure darkness full of killing intent towards her. However, his right side was painted with indecision, pain, longing, and Renxue was even able to sense love for her. Similar to when he was with Qinghe, even stronger than that. Finally deciding to protect her and not kill her.

"Don't forget it" Bai said his last words.

Renxue realized, they were enemies due to the circumstances, but any of them wanted any harm to the other. Renxue's most important dream was for Bai to join her. She had offered him to join her side with the excuse of his support and spirits, but it was more profound. Renxue wanted to be with him forever.

"Bai" Even with all her pain, Renxue smiled charmingly at Bai, it was so bright that even could overshadow the golden world "I love you" New strength surged from her, her willpower increasing every second. "I love you!" She shouted her true feeling that she had hidden even for herself.

The pain was gone replaced by a warm feeling all over her body. The energy around was already her, under her control, rapidly absorbing it.

At the Douluo Palace, the golden cocoon shuddered. It started becoming smaller, taking human form. A human silhouette could be seen inside the cocoon. The face of the silhouette was revealed, showing Renxue's face. Renxue seemed younger, returning to her 18 years old, like recovering the best years of youth that she had lost impersonating Qinghe. She became extremely beautiful, her rosy cheeks, her jewelry golden eyes, her fair features, her long and shining like gold hair, made her a perfect beauty.

Renxue could be considered beautiful before, but seeing her, people would focus on her dignity. Now her beauty couldn't be negated, becoming otherworldly.

The golden energy from the cocoon perfectly hugged her slender body and long legs, condensing over her body forming a perfect sized armor. It was a extremely beautiful white armor with gold patterns that enchanted the holiness aura and beauty over her, exuding divinity.

At her back, wings spread, showing a total of 12 wings. Her true feelings were positives and strong, so much compatible with the Angel Goddess that she evolved at the last time.

Renxue put her arms over her ċhėst. A bright light appeared, a golden saber surging from her. Her saber had also evolved, more intrinsic patterns appearing over it. The holy aura around it, even surpassing the one at the angel statue's hands.

Finally, a halo made of golden flames manifested over her heart, her senses boosting to a greater level, receiving knowledge about her god's powers, a mark of with the form of 12 wings appearing over her forehead.

It didn't stop there. The golden pillar concentrated over the sky, twisting itself and acquiring a round form, becoming a complete new Sun that could eternally illuminate the world. Showing the world the Angel Goddess's strength and influence, the strength of a God King!

"Congratulations, my daughter" the previous Angel Goddes's voice sounded "However there's something that you should know" she said very seriously and with a sad tone "Ning Bai is..."

Renxue clenched her hands, a rain of tears falling over her rosy cheeks.

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