Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 237 - Sword Talent

Lightning flowed around Bai's body, boosting his speed while Slaughter and Retaliation aura twisted over his sword. Bai swinging it, reflecting or killing every sword that came towards him.

Now that his Chaos was possible to stop, it wasn't much worst in this fight. While it was Bai's most powerful intent, he hadn't time to perfectly comprehend. Every time that he used, it required a great deal of mental strength, much more than the others. In a mental fight like this one, using the Chaos Intent was even more exhausting than dying. Once his mental strength ran out, it would be game over and be absorbed as part of the God Sword.

The God Sword hadn't moved from his initial position. He was now, with his arms crossed and eyes closed, calming commanding all the swords around.

It would be extremely exhausting to control many and different swords. However, Bai could see the truth. Each sword had its own conscience, all together forming the true God Sword. The silhouette in the middle seemed to act more of a core, ordering the others without exhausting his mental strength at all.

"Boom!" A sword exploded with raging flamed in front of Bai. Bai kicked the ground changing directions, launching towards the God Sword.

It was like entering a cloud of swords. Swords all around covering Bai's sight, dancing everywhere trying to stop him. Bai continued advancing avoiding most of them, however, as it advanced the concentration and strength of the swords increased.

Bai swung his sword, creating an opening, but this was quickly closed by more sword, the only that accomplished was exhausting himself.

When he was 50 meters from the God Sword, swords started congregating, forming a giant sword thrust towards Bai. Bai clenched his sword, white Protection Intent shooting from it, creating a shield in front of him.

The giant sword didn't directly clash with the shield, countless swords clashed with it, the giant sword was like a river, swords being its water. Bai was swallowed by the torrent and pushed away, returning to the 2 km distance before he could land safely. Back to the start, but this time more tired.

The God Sword didn't let Bai take breathe, more swords coming towards him "I won't go anywhere fighting like this." Seeing the swords coming towards him, Bai opened his arm, letting go his sword that disappeared before touching the ground.

Five swords pierced over Bai's body, Bai only bȧrėly moving to avoid any deadly area. Bai made a thoughtful look "I have started badly this fight. I don't need to destroy all of you."

Bai held one of the sword pierced over his shoulder, taking it out of his body. A powerful lightning intent exploded around the sword. This wasn't Bai's intent, it was the own will of that sword. Bai could sense the sword, learn from it, and make it his own.

"<Thunder Fury>" Bai swung the sword, four lightning dragons were launched from the sword, pushing the other swords aside.

Bai turned to the God Sword "I'll make you mine!"

The God Sword grinned with passionate flames in his eyes "Try it!" He extended his arms, hundreds of thousands of swords launching towards Bai.

"All my body is my sword" Bai smirked taking the swords from his body, clenching another with his left hand, another one with his teeth, and the last two throwing at the air in front of him.

Bai twisted his body quickly double kicked both sword at the air "<Meteor Shower>" "<Darkest Day>" The swords shot over the cloud of swords approaching, one of them dividing in multiple flaming meteors and the other exploding in black aura.

"Boom!" Both attacks clashed with the cloud dispersing it. Nevertheless, it was only for a moment, as they continued chasing after Bai.

Bai dashed forward, completely entering the cloud. With such a distance from the God Sword, his control over the swords was minimum, the swords only moving by pure instinct.

"Boom!" "Boom!" Explosions occurred everywhere as Bai unleashed the Sword Hearts of every sword, his barrage never stopping. Continuously being replacing the swords at his hands, kicking others and swinging and thrusting his swords, making countless of swords as his own.

Bai moved by pure instinct, he found himself extremely calm and collected. He could instantly know the element and power of the swords around him, precisely choosing the perfect one for each situation, even taking into account the strongest ones that would take more time to make his own, deflecting them to take before.

This pure instinct was due to great facts, completely necessaries for Bai to try this method. One was Bai experience, he had spent all his life fighting with and against swords, creating a familiarity. The other one that even was unknown to Bai was due to a characteristic of his spirit, not simply his spirit, but also from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

Each possessor had a specialized talent. Bai's father, Ning Fengzhi, it focused on spirit objects while his sister's focused on gems, being able to discern their properties and quality. Bai had thought that he didn't have this talent due to his mutation, but the truth was that he simply didn't have the opportunity to show it off as treasured swords were rare. Yes, Bai's talent was to recognize and analyze, discerning the quality of every sword. Now, this talent shining the brightest, becoming indispensable in his situation.

"Boom!" Some swords exploded and Bai's body was pushed over, crossing over the smoke and somersaulting, recovering in the air and landing with his four extremities.

Bai lifted his face, glancing at the God Sword "Now, both can play this game" Around Bai countless swords laid on the ground, having been deflected and used by him previously. "Dance!" The swords started floating all around Bai, following his will, dancing around him creating a tornado around him.

Bai directly charged towards the God Sword. There was no need to hide or search for an opening, he would create it, he would take the full control of him. Bai put aside the headache over his head and dashed forward.

His tornado crashed with the cloud of swords, regulating the swords coming towards Bai. As Bai advanced, more and more swords were becoming his, the tornado of swords around him increasing. Even with Bai only using the minimum mental strength to make the swords summit, then simply made a command and let them act on their own, he was getting tired. He decided to finish this in an all-out attack.

The God Sword body started shimmering "Good! Struggle! Fight! My blood is boiling! Make this fight worth it!" The God Sword said with a big, battle maniac grin. Even more sword shooting towards Bai.

Bai continued charging, his control over the swords closest to the God Sword. Bai no more than 50 meters from the God Sword.

"You are underestimating me, fuċker!" The God Sword twisted in pure rage. More sword surged from the ground, creating a 10 meters wide wall between each of them.

"Die" The Sword God said coldly.

Bai found himself completely surrounded. A strong wall in front, while sword floating all around him. "Explode!" Bai commanded to all his swords that started shining brightly, burning their own souls.

"BOOOOOM!" All the swords that Bai had made his own caused a great explosion of multiples elements and intent, pushing aside all the swords and even cracking the sword wall, smoke filling all the space.

"Hg!" The God Sword put his hand over his head, so many swords souls lost had lowered his mental strength. His expression was continuously changing, everchanging between rage, calmness, enjoyment... Making him seem like a deformed monster with all the skin moving over.

A gray light crossed over the smoke, slicing and completely cracking the wall over. Bai completely surrounded by Chaos Intent quickly dashed towards the God Sword. The aura around him extremely strong with his eyes glinting brightly while his sword stood over his hands.

Bai clenched his sword and dashed stabbing the air"<Erratic Meteor>!" The aura around Bai increased, surrounding all his body and even creating a stale behind him. He thrust his sword toward the God Sword.

"It... I...s uSe...lEs...S, BA...sTar...D.!" The God Sword shouted in different and unlike before not at the same time voices, making it difficult t even understand.

A gray sword appeared over the God Sword's hand. He swung it over, a gray aura surrounding it as it was swung towards Bai.

The sword crashed with Bai's meteor. Sword against sword. The clash was so powerful that space cracked and twisted around them, all the space threatening to be destroyed.

Suddenly, the pressure over the God Sword disappeared, his sword cutting over the meteor, easily slicing in half Bai's body. Bai had let go his sword, leaned his body forward, letting the God Sword slice him. Bai's bottom half flying away while the top half was pushed forward.

"Ahhhhhh!" Bai shouted accumulating all his strength as he extended right hand, chaos aura exploding from it.

Seeing the hand coming to him, the God Sword's face froze in shock, not being capable of stopping him.

"I will make you mine!" Bai thrust his hand over the God Sword. Opening his hand and gripping the God Sword's forehead.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Shouts of pain surged from the God Sword as a Bai was trying to take control of him.

"Haaaaaaa!" Bai shouted focusing all his strength, trying to push his will over while stopping his great headache, his head seeming to explode at any moment.

Bai's palm started closing, the God Sword's body changing becoming a gray long sword, Bai gripping his hilt.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" "Haaaaaaaaaa!" Both shouts resounded all over the space as a great gray light swallowed them, completely blinding the space.

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