Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 24 - Team growth

After that 'sparring' session the emperor team members seems more eager for training so they started to train harder. I even made a training regime for them so they can improve their foundation. But after 1 month of training and no apparent strength growth for them, they stopped training seriously. Saying it was a waste of time that will be better to use for cultivate. They accepted Mayi and my strength over them and thought of it as normal both of us being of good clan. They as noble where good enough, being superior to common people.

I could only sigh at their poor ambition and their pride and arrogance. (For then to start thinking seriously they will need to lose very badly versus a common team with low level spirit. But where can you find a team like that? For the age group the Emperor team is almost invincible, only losing very bad if the go against Spirit Hall, and again they will think as normal)

Like this two years passed. Mayi and I both broke through rank 40. I was waiting for her to arrive at my rank, because I learn that when our ranks are more similar both our cultivation speed grew. Also, I confirmed with my previous rings that having twin spirit permit you to absorb an older ring dividing the pressure at absorbing between both spirit, so I want to try if as Mayi and I have spirit affinity maybe when absorbing a ring she can help me and I can help her creating one, having the possibility of taking an older ring. So we will try in my case for some 40.000 years old and Mayi to create her own minimum of 10.000 years. So in this years I trained using the most of every resources of the academy improving my control and sword play greatly. I even get a glimpse of the sword domain, still I can create one but with some training I'm sure that at spirit king rank I will surely have it, being extremely rare to a spirit king to posses one.

For the other members of the Emperor team I almost give up of them. They maintain their arrogance and only focus in their spirit energy. All of them arrived at the late ranks of spirit elder and they accepted me and Mayi as the strongest. Only Tianheng still being the leader because me not accepting the position.

For the team practice, Qin Ming decided that our best formation will be similar at the previous one, only changing the vanguard Shi brothers for Mayi and me. Mayi having a stronger defense, better power and speed surpassing in all aspects at the attack oriented defense system of the brotbers. And in my case stay back Tianheng, applying debuffs and defending the the control and support directly and the speed system with ranged protection. Even with having less basic defense that the brothers, I surpass them with my intent and ranged defense.

Fortunately, after some months there were 2 exceptions that found me to become stronger. They were Feng and surprisingly the always expressionless Lingling.

Feng was the first one to come saying he wanted to become stronger. I prepared him a regime focusing on improving his flying control and speed. At first he was very against the idea of training his speed wanting to focus in strength doing weight training. After some weeks of asking why, he finally confessed us the truth. First being that he was part of the speed clan. Like Mayi's strength clan, the speed clan is one of the four uni attribute clan, the other two being the Breaking clan and the Defense clan. Previously being under the upper clan Clear Sky Hammer before they went hiding.

In the case of the speed clan they focus in speed of course, but it's a little different than the other clans, they didn't have other option. They have the best speed of almost any spirit, the price being their completely lack of attack power. Their spirit must focus in speed, in the case they absorb a ring not-speed oriented they will be unable to advance further. In the case of a strength configuration since their first ring, they're locked at the rank 38. And this is the main reason for her obsession with power, wanting to not follow his clan steps and trying to break through the famous 38 rank demonstrating to the world that his clan is not a good for nothing cowards only good at running. After 2 month I finally convinced him of training his speed saying that never had been a power focused speed clan member that broke through over the 38 so if he wants to do something that anyone did it he must try to think different to everyone, combining speed and attack. Since then he put his maximum effort training until exhaustion creating his own style.

Like Grandmaster 10 great core spirit competencies say the first skill marks the way of the future for the spirit master being the easier to use so Feng focus in his Wind Edge applying the wind attacks when flying gaining speed and having the possibility of changing direction midway, increasing the power of the others attack skills because his bigger speed. He improved a lot now being a true speed attack system but he is blocked at rank 38 trying to find some way to broke through.

Also after a year we discovered that 'he' is a 'she'. Feng was in truth a girl, she was cross-dressed because she wanted to be recognized for her strength not for her looks, also she though that it will be easier to hide her past as a speed clan member stuck at the 38 with an identity of a boy. I couldn't disagree with her, surely if the principal of the academy now about she at least will expelled of the team, thinking that she never would go over rank 38. Her real name was Bai Chenxiang and her spirit is in truth the speed clan Needle-Tailed Swift but for its strength configuration it muted seeming another so she changed its name to Wind Chime Bird to hide her origins.

We promised to keep her secret identity and to completely help her in trying to break through, when someone accomplish going against the heavens law is when the most power can be obtained, so if she can broke through she will have the best potential, similar as my clan STGTP, if broken through to the spirit douluo is support power improve greatly, in my father case improving a 30% all his other abilities and this without having the legendary NTGTP only with the ETGTP.

For Lingling she is now also rank 38 she wanted to improve her body strength, she was tired of following her clan rules and only being a little static flower only capable of healing. At that I couldn't help to grin. Maybe healing is not the best power to have while fighting, but it was one of the best after the actual fight and for training. Thanks to her all our training, I, Mayi, Chenxiang and Lingling, evolve to the next level. We trained with heavy weight, rupturing everyday or muscles and snapping our bones followed by a healing of Lingling, greatly improving all our body constitution. Now Lingling even though not strong as a power attack system with a beast spirit she has a body robust enough to draw with a attack tool user. Her combat style is based in self-defense, never attacking the rival and only counterattacking and evading waiting for time until their comrades will help her. Her being a support system is best to not directly fight and with her heal skill is necessary that she not lose first.

Also I taught both of them to better control their energy increasing their spirit reserves and reducing their consumption. Now Lingling will easily win vs Yan in 1vs1 being immune to her poison with continue healing and with greater physic and Chenxiang easily winning vs Osler and maybe drawing vs Tianheng due to him counter her, being electricity a good counter of flying type stopping her flight with ranged and all around lighting. But in her role in group battle being her better speed power than him attack power.

Even when all of this changes in both I couldn't make for the others to overcome their arrogance, they being conformed with a higher spirit rank that Chenxiang and Lingling, but surely in the future Lingling will surpass them and Chenxiang if she can solve her problem. I'm really sorry for Qin Ming, even if he is considered a genius he also train a lot even joining with a more severe training for him to our 'healing' training. But Ming never achieve that the other members join our training remaining in their arrogant nature. He is now rank 64 with his Inferno Grey Wolf.

For Mayi she became a lot stronger with all the training and finally she stopped using always all her full power, being able to stay more time fighting even when her words "It's boring when you don't go with all, being entertaining fighting strong people and finish quickly the weaklings". Also she seems to enter a some rebellious phase, calling me Bai instead f Big Brother and getting a little mad when I call her little sister or a treat her like a child (She only has 12 years so she is a child). And always blushing at kissing saying something like we must do it romantically and not like if a routine.

For our spirit fusion now is completely controlled, only needing 1 second to use it and being able to fight after using, only using the minimum spirit energy required. There's also an increase of power and now even if it doesn't absorb a previously attack it can attack but being less powerful.

Today is the weekly training of the Emperor team so now I'm waiting with the other member at the training grounds for Qin Ming to arrive. He finally arrive, a little late, and says "This training will be a little different of what your used. You all need practical experience so we will go to the Great Spirit Arena to train against other teams".

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