Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 250 - Trident, Saber and Spear

"This is all you can attain, Tang San?" Xiaogang said looking down at the mass of darkness started compacting over Tang San.

Suddenly, the darkness started contorting, being pushed from the inside, holes started appearing over it where a blue light surged.

"Boom!" A water whirlpool surged from inside the darkness, rising up to the sky destroying the darkness surrounding it. Inside of the whirlpool, Tang San's figure could be seen. He swung his trident, the whirlpool transforming into a raging torrent that started flowing all over his trident, finally revealing him.

Tang San had a determined look at his face. Both his wings and armor had gained a golden color and the power exuded from him was much stronger than before.

"That is a better look" Xiaogang said looking at Tang San "Why are you fighting?"

Tang San furiously glanced at Xiaogang but decided to answer "I decided to fight you. I want to protect the nature of the world, I want to honor my sect making it known all over the world, even for future generations, I want to avoid innocent losing their life. However" He made a serious face "I fight for myself. I want to show all my strength, show that I am stronger and make the world as I want. I want to stop you, master" Tang San stopped and shook his head "No. I'll stop you, Yu Xiaogang!"

"This is your answer?" Xiaogang said thoughtfully "Great. There is no need for grand reasons like good or evil, you must always fight for yourself without mattering how vain it is." Xiaogang grinned "We are gods! The world must fall under us and does not have other options that follow our whims."

Xiaogang took out his grimoire, opening it, a great dark aura shooting from it "Now you are worth to increase my fame!" The dark over him condensing forming dark spears.

"Crack!" From the dark cocoon, cracks started to appear every, a blindly light surging from it.

"Grrrrrrr!" A painful growl could be heard from Pao that was shot from the cocoon by a sword made of light, the cocoon completely collapsing behind them, revealing a shining Chenxiang, her sense at maximum.

The sword of light finally couldn't continue over the dark world disappearing, releasing Pao from its grip. Pao was a bloody mess, blood everywhere with his left arm looking the other way. His black coat was completely destroyed and the aura around him was at a minimum. Darkness around him started converging to him, trying to heal his wounds, but they were too serious and were affected by Chenxiang's Light making it impossible a fast recovery.

Xiaogang looked at Pao "What a shabby look. And you were the one that said it would be easy." Xiaogang sighed "Even after using two spells, turning yourself darkness and caging you two in it, you lost."

"I didn't expect her to be so strange" Pao said holding his wounds, even talking was difficult as blood leaked over his mouths "That's not how a Light God is"

"I already told you that she is special and goes for speed, but you ignored me." Xiaogang shook his head " You were surely thinking about other things and did not concentrate on my explanation. Anyway, return. You are useless in this state".

Pao growled in fury, but finally accepted, knowing that it was purely due to his playful nature that he lost. Pao turned black smoke shooting towards Xiaogang, being absorbed inside him.

"Now is your turn, Xiaogang!" Chenxiang said glancing furiously at Xiaogang as she approached Tang San.

"Fighting against two gods, mmh?" He said thoughtfully as he looked over Chenxiang and Tang San. He turned over his grimoire and sighed regrettably "If only Bai had not forced to me waste so many spells."

Xiaogang's main strength laid over his grimoire. However, his grimoire wasn't the usual divine tool. He had worked very hard all these years as he tried to become the Darkness God, writing over it all sort of lost knowledge and myriads of formations obtained during his travels, converting them to spells.

The spells were concentrations of power and were extremely powerful, making him do acts like would be impossible otherwise, as the Dark World over the continent. However, the flaws were big and apparent, all the spells were a single-use, needing to prepare them again after their use. Moreover, it was a great work and time only to prepare them and making them able to be used with the Darkness God's power, that without counting the time that he spent learning them. After using all the spells, becoming the worst divine tool that mostly didn't increase his output.

"I will need to resort to my trump card" Xiaogang said regrettably. He bit his own finger, with his own blood writing over his grimoire, the grimoire started shining and floating.

"Boom!" Darkness exploded from the grimoire. The darkness quickly stopped and started returning towards Xiaogang, concentrating all over his body.

"<Darkest Dragon>" Dark scales were formed around his body, a 1-meter long tail appeared and two wide wings. Finally, a dragon head condensed over his head, hiding his face. Transforming him in a humanoid dark dragon.

The grimoire didn't stay still, the pages were continuously passing as more darkness was released from them- The grimoire started spinning over itself, becoming thinner and larger, finally transforming into a two meters long black spear.

Xiaogang gripped the spear with both hands, the aura around him becoming much stronger and threatening, the surrounding darkness continuously being absorbed by him.

"<Darkness Spear Consciousness: Fall>!" Xiaogang swung downwards his spear, the sky broke apart, a mass of darkness falling towards Tang San and Chenxiang.

They revolved their auras, yellow and blue light climbing over the falling darkness. However, they passed through it like nothing, piercing over the sky. The darkness dispersed all over, falling like an unavoidable rain.

Falling over their bodies, Tang San and Chenxiang could feel their movements becoming more sluggish, making it difficult to move as it debuffed their overall abilities.

Xiaogang dashed towards them. Over his spear, a twirl of darkness was formed, attracting Tang San and Chenxiang towards it.

Tang San didn't back, he thrust his trident, a whirlpool of water spinning over it. Chenxiang's body flashed with a blindly light, multiples copies appearing around Xiaogang. The copy at Xiaogang's back blinked and dashed over, stabbing forward with her rapier whose blade disappeared becoming high-frequency light.

Being surrounded by both side, Xiaogang lowered his body, resting his spear over his neck. He stopped still, he released his right hand from the spear, pushing the lower half with his left hand, letting it spin over.

"<Darkness Spear Consciousness: Lock>!" The swirl of darkness expanding all over Xiaogang, creating dark waves that hit them, locking them down. He gripped again with his right hand, thrusting the spear over Tang San, shooting a dark ray.

Tang San's trident shined brightly with a blue glow, waves of water sureged from it crashing with the black waves, releasing him from the lock. Tang San tilted his trident, he thrust it forward, spinning it by the lower half. The waves started being attracted by the trident, forming a whirlpool surrounding it, shooting it towards Xiaogang's spear.

Spear and trident met, water and darkness surging all around, any of them being unable to push the other. But for Tang San, there wasn't any need.

Xiaogang twisted his body to the left, bȧrėly evading a light ray to stab his back. Chenxiang had released from the lock, stabbing Xiaogang's back. Thanks to his last instant action, Xiaogang had avoided most of the damage, but the rapier had stabbed over one of his wings, dispersing it completely.

Chenxiang attack didn't stop there, a bright light shined from her rapier, as she quickly stabbed over Xiaogang, 10 stabs were thrust over Xiaogang.

With a strange position full of openings surrounded by both attacks, Xiaogang tilted his spear upwards, releasing Tang San's attack, his trident thrusting over him. Xiaogang let his body fall to the left, gripping his spear over his body. The spear shined with a black ŀuster, darkness flowing over it.

"Boom!" The three attacks hit each other shooting Xiaogangs away from the other two. Xiaogang had instantly calculated the strength and angles of the attack, counterstriking with his, accurately making the three cancel each other, only causing enough force to push him away. However, he had paid a price for it, exploding his own energy so near him, had caused some burns over his arms. Moreover, a crack appeared over his spear.

Looking at the crack, Xiaogang had a resigned face "This is how much last a written consciousness." The truth was that Xiaogang never had great control over the spears, not enough at least to be able to attain a consciousness from them. He had created a spell, robing it from She Long, an elder of Spirit Hall. But it wouldn't last much, especially using with his divine powers.

"Come!" shouted Xiaogang, Tang San and Chenxiang dashing towards him, thrusting their weapons

(I cannot last much more time, Dong'Er) Xiaogang said for himself as he clenched his spear, pointing at Tang San and Chenxiang.

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