Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 252 - Dragon of the End

"Clank!" Xiaogang was pushed away by Tang San and Chenxiang's strikes. His aura had become much weaker, his robes were all in tatters and his spear was about to collapse, cracks everywhere.

Xiaogang was preparing to receive their next attack when he turned his head to a side. It wasn't only him, the other two gods also looked at the same direction.

"At the end, you died, Rong'Er" Xiaogang said with a sad voice. Having detected a great boost from Renxue's holiness followed by the erasing of Bibi Dong's aura, he was sure of her death. Xiaogang breathed loudly, taking a vial of blood from his coat. Looking at it, Xiaogang made a sad smile.

Xiaogang's spear returned to the grimoire form. Like as the spear, the grimoire was badly damaged, most pages shattered.

"I will make our dream come true." Xiaogang opened the blood vial, pouring the content over his grimoire. Just as the blood touched the grimoire, an ominous purple flame started from it, burning the grimoire while a strange pattern over the cover shined with a dark light, pulsing like if alive.

"We won't let you!" Chenxiang and Tang San could feel an ominous feeling from it, they must stop him before it's too late! They dashed towards Xiaogang, a water torrent flowing by Tang San's trident while Chenxiang's rapier shined brightly.

"It's too late, children" Xiaogang said with a sad tone, leaning the burning grimoire over his body and started being absorbed inside his ċhėst "Let's all fall over madness and darkness. <Dragon of the End>" Four horizontal strange formations appeared over him. They seemed to react with the darkness at its surrounding, absorbing it, instantly expanding and becoming huge.

"Boom!" Black aura shot over Xiaogang. Tang San and Chenxiang tried to push over it, but it was too strong, forcing them to back up.

All the darkness had disappeared, the Dark World vanished just like this, letting the blue sky again shine. Tang San and Chenxiang looked up, seeing an over 1-kilometer enormous black dragon, with dark scales that glowed alternately between black and purple. Veins could be seen all over the dragon pulsing in purple and dark color, all of them converging over a cocoon at the giant dragon's ċhėst, where Xiaogang's figure could be seen inside it.

This wasn't like the ones used by Xiaogang before, it seemed completely real, not merely formed by darkness. It was a true living dragon with overwhelming divine power. This was Xiaogang's last trump card, offering the darkness, himself and Bibi Dong's blood and divinity over San Luo Pao, causing a forced evolution of his power.

At the end, San Luo Pao best characteristic didn't change, it continued being the capavity to absorb and ȧssimilate huge quantities of energy. Even when he was trash, a spirit at rank 29 was able to absorb the spirit power of two spirit sages, being able to form the Holy Dragon. Now that he absorbed the power of two gods, the transformation was far more real and powerful, his aura and strength capable of drawing against God Kings.

The Dragon of the End opened his eyes, showing ones unfocused and purple shining pupils

"GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" The dragon roared powerfully, the air trembling. Chenxiang and Tang San vomited blood. Just its roar was enough to completely suppress them. They were forced to unleash all their aura to release from its binds.

Completely ignoring the two gods, the dragon turned his head to one side, opening wide his mouth, dark-purple aura seemingly to surge from inside him.

"GRRRRRR!" A purple ray shot from its mouth, turning its head to the other side, drawing a line over the mountainous terrain.

"Boom!" "Boom!" The purple ray exploded, over 50 kilometers of mountains evaporated by it.

Its nose flared, detecting the life from its surroundings, turning its head over where both armies had been fighting "Grrrrr!" It growled spreading widely its wings, flapping them, directing its enormous body forward.

Each time that it flapped its wings, a purple smoke similar to Xiaogang's darkness, surged from its wings, spreading all over his surroundings. This smoke was highly corrosive and lethal, killing any life form.

"We need to stop him!" Tang San shouted to Chenxiang "If we don't, I doubt that it would stop merely at the battlefield, he would continue, erasing all the life in the continent."

Tang San clenched his trident tightly, water waves flowing all around it, condensing over it, acquiring a golden glow.

Chenxiang nodded, unleashing all her aura around her. Now that the Dark World had been erased, she was finally able to use her full strength. She lifted her rapier, commanding all the light towards her. For an instant the world around her turned black, completely absent of any light source, the only being the shining tip of her rapier.

Tang San thrust his saber towards the dragon "<Sea God Golden Halberd 3rd form: One Goes Without Return>!" A half-illusory golden light shot from his trident, cutting over the sky, obliterating everything in its path.

Chenxiang stabbed with her rapier "<Light God 3rd Rapier: Light that Burns the Sky>!" A multicolored light ray shot towards the dragon, burning the sky at its trail.

Both attacks clashed, fusing together and shooting as an even stronger multicolored ray towards the dragon.

"Boooom!" The ray clashed with the dragon causing a great explosion at the dragon's side, pushing him and knocking him.

"GRRRRRRRR!" The dragon flapped its wings recovering his stability. Over where the attack had hit, there were charred and damaged scales. However, as the veins around the dragon pulsed, the scales were healing. Not only that, but they seemed to become stronger.

"It's becoming stronger" Chenxiang realized.

It wasn't only that scales, but the overall scales and body that were becoming stronger. With each breath, the strength of the Dragon of the End grew, the veins over its body becoming less prominent as the physical form of the dragon was stabilizing.

The dragon continued again its destruction path. Without even looking at them, it swung its giant arm towards them, similar to shooing flies. Immense dark-purple claws piercing over the sky.

"Avoid!" Warned Tang San. Both of them flapping their wings, shooting towards opposite directions. A strong gravity could be felt over the claws as they deformed even space, trying to pull them over it. From the trail of the claw, only darkness was left. All the other elements were twisted and ripped, only a dark trail leaving behind.

Tang San and Chenxiang exerted their maximum strength, covering themselves in powerful auras and flapping their wings to leave the area of effect, bȧrėly escaping from it.

The dragon's might was enormous, a simple movement for his part was enough to force them to go all-out for simply avoiding it. If they were to be hit by it, there won't be any corpse to bury.

"We need to kill him before it reaches its maximum strength!" Realized Chenxiang "If he reaches completion, it would be unstoppable, the continent is ruined."

Chenxiang shot towards the dragon. Due to its corrosion smoke, even approaching was difficult, needing to focus on her own aura to prevent the corrosion from spreading.

Chenxiang backed her rapier "<Light God 4th Rapier: Dawn Bringer>!" Chenxiang became a ray of light, quickly stabbing the dragon all over its body, rebounding all across it, trying to pierce over it, stabbing everywhere. It seemed a light stale orbiting all around the dragon.

It didn't matter how much Chenxiang hit, she was unable to pierce over the scales, the most was damaging a little and were rapidly recovered. Each time that passed, the scales were becoming harder.

Even if no true damage was done, the dragon was starting to be pissed. The scales all around Chenxiang started shining just as she was about to pierce. The scales opened a way, Chenxiang's rapier stabbing over its meat.

However, it was a trap. All the scales around her shot over the dragon's body, completely encasing her in them. The scales twisted, pointing their sharp like blades side to Chenxiang. All of them shooting towards her.

Completely surrounded by scales, with her speed useless and her strength insufficient, she was unable to escape from them. Just as they were about to hit her "Boom!" An attack hit the scales, some scales being destroyed by it. Chenxiang didn't wait, shooting over the opening created at full speed. Her body flashed, appearing outside the scales, having avoided the attack.

"Than-" Turning towards where the attack was shot, Chenxiang was stunned to see the one that had saved her life. With twuelve wings at er back and surrounded by a golden holy light, the Angel Goddess, Qian Renxue, stood floating over her. Renxue was the one who had shot her golden flames, destroying the scale cage over Chenxiang, saving her life.

"Y-you!" Shouted Chenxiang pointing at Renxue "What are you doing here? Why did you save me?"

Renxue's sight was over the dragon, feeling the familiar purple aura of Bibi Dong over it, made her even angrier. Listening to Chenxiang, she turned to her "Bai would be sad if something were to happen to you. Moreover..." Her view returned again towards the dragon that continued dashing forward unstoppable "If we want to stop that monster, we will need to cooperate together."

Just as Renxue finished talking, Tang San appeared next to them.

"Sea God" Renxue said coldly, recognizing his existence.

"Angel Goddess" Tang San nodded at her "I suppose that we will have your collaboration against the Dragon of the End."

"That monster must be stopped at all cost" Renxue said determined "If let alone, it would destroy all the planet. We must kill him before he attains its complete form. Once it completed its formation, his power would be overwhelming even for me at my peak, it's energy stronger with a body far superior to mine." Renxue turned to Tang San "Do you have any plan? I will say it, but I am in an incredibly weak state, at most I will be able to use a 1st god power for 3 minutes."

"We have a big advantage. I don't know if it's only rampaging around or is thinking but it doesn't consider us as enemies, mostly ignoring us, only acting by instinct" Tang San explained as he looked at the dragon "And it's quite evident that the weak point is the dark cocoon over its heart, even if it's slowly disappearing. We must finish him before it's completely ȧssimilated."

"All of this doesn't matter as long as we are not able to pierce through its defense" Renxue said "Do you have the ability to pierce him?"

"I might have" Tang San stated.

Renxue opened her eyes remembering something "Are you referring to that drop of water?" Tang San nodded "It certainly had a great piercing power and counting that the dragon won't react..." She said thoughtfully before shaking her head "No. It's not strong enough, even after you had become a god, I doubt that it would be able to pierce over the scales and 200 meters of meat."

"Normally, I can't." Tang San said "Guanyin's Tear is its name. It consisted of drawing pure water from my own blood, condensing all my body, soul and divine energy into it, shooting it to the enemy. I am not enough to do it, but if we cooperate it might be possible."

"Joining our blood and powers?" Renxue asked with a doubtful face "We are too different, you won't be able to control our powers, they would clash auto destroying before you could even shot them."

"It might be" Tang San answered serious "It's never been tried and it had I high probability of backfiring, losing our last strength, not being able to continue fighting. But is the only way that I could think about it. If you have another idea, please let me know it."

Renxue made an angrily look for Tang San's cheekiness, but she sighed, lifting her hands in surrender "Let's go with your plan."

Tang San nodded "Renxue, Chenxiang, extract some of your blood infusing most of your divine energy left. I will take it and extract the water from it."

"Buah!" Renxue and Chenxiang vomited a single drop of blood, using their divine sense they made it float over their hands. Having been infused with all their strength, Renxue's drop shined with a bright golden light while Chenxiang had a multicolored light changing over her drop. Both of them offered their drop towards Tang San.

Tang San's hands became pure blue using Mysterious Jade Hand that had reached the highest level, both hands becoming incredibly tough and tensile.

With extreme care, he used his Controlling Crane Catching Dragon using his divine sense to take control of both drops, each drop approaching each hand.

Sweet started to fall from Tang San's forehead, using all his concentration to control the drops. It could be considered the easy part, but taking control of so powerful drops was incredibly exhausting.

Tang San started making strange movements with his fingers, lightly grazing the drops. With each touch, red mist surged from the drop, each drop becoming more translucent.

Two minutes passed with Tang San exerting all his control, both drops over his hand were completely clear, transparent water drops with a divine aura, obtaining two Guanyin's Tears.

Tang San slowly started joining both hands. This was the most difficult step, joining both tears and , at the same time, extracting his own tear, using it as the core to fuse the three so characteristics tears. A simple alteration or error would cause them to go havoc, exploding. And even if it all goes accordingly, Tang San wasn't sure of being able to fuse the three so different auras, but there wasn't any other option.

As he was joining them, Tang San's body trembled but his hands were stable. A tremendous force ran across him as he pushed both tears together, each power attacking the other.

Suddenly, a spark surged between the clash, forcing Tang San to use all his divine sense to avoid them to rampage. Stopping still, finally, being able to stabilize them.

"Run!" Warned Chenxiang looking at the giant dragon who had turned its head towards them. Due to the clash of divine powers, the dragon's instinct had acted, detecting that it could be dangerous.

Like a whip, the over 300 meters dragon's tail was swung towards them. For the three gods, they felt locked by the pressure from the tail, it was like an unstoppable mountain was charging at them. With their weakened self, it was impossible to stop or avoid, Tang San's Guanyin's Tear not even prepared, they could only accept their fate.

As the tail crashed with the gray twisted space "Swinx!" Purple and black blood and smoke surged as the tail was sliced in pieces, forming a bloody mess, the dragon tail completely eviscerated.

In front of the three gods, a gray-armored man stood floating with a strange sword at it hands whose blade wasn't physical, it was formed by pure chaos!

""Bai!"" Shouted with joy Chenxiang and Renxue at the same time.

Bai smiled "Did you miss me?"

"Idiot" Renxue said in low voice at Bai cheekiness turning her head to a side.

"I thought that you were dead!" Chenxiang said with some tears over her eyes "You must pay me later for worrying me."

"I won't be so easily killed, especially in so chaotic battleground" Bai stated, then he turned completely serious "Let's talk about it later, we must kill a dragon before that." Both women nodded at his word.

Bai turned at Tang San "When it's time, throw me that." Tang San realized what was the plan and nodded at Bai.

For the first time, the dragon had stopped, it turned its body around, directly facing at Bai. It could sense something strange around Bai, something dangerous that could put it in danger. He wasn't a fly, he was dangerous. Even if its tail was already being healed, no more than 10 seconds to be reconstructed, Bai was extremely dangerous to him.

As an incomplete being, not fully ȧssimilated, the dragon's body even if extremely strong it lacked stability. For Bai, it was far easier to affect the powerful dragon rather than the stable gods. Bai's Chaos was the perfect counter to it.

"GRRRRRRRRRRRR!" The dragon roared angrily at its tail being cut. Its roar suppressing them. However, Bai stood still, completely immune to its effect as chaos intent surrounded him.

Without waiting, the dragon swung its right claw, targetting all the four gods. Even if Bai decided to avoid it, the dragon would kill the other three gods.

Before the approaching claws, Bai clenched his sword, the blade becoming more chaotic as he lowered it, positioning with an unsheathed stance "<Theory of Chaos 2nd stance: Gray Sky>!" Bai swung his sword multiple times at a speed impossible to see with the eye, leaving a gray trail behind, only blurred images could be seen around him. A net of cuts was formed in front of Bai, the sky in front becoming gray.

After so much fighting and thanks to his Gluttonity's experience, Bai had created his own style, maximizing his sword and chaos.

As the claw reached the gray sky, there wasn't any resistance. It passed through, however, after crossing it became mist, completely eviscerating. Bai's attack was so sharp for him that the claw was cut in microscopic substances, only leaving a mist behind.

"Grrrrrrrrr!" The dragon shouted in pain retiring his arm, knowing that it was impossible to go through it. It opened its mouths, purple darkness surging from it "GRRRR!" It shot a ray of darkness towards Bai's group.

Bai grinned "I needed some strength to recover" Black aura surged from Bai's body, his armor and sword tainting with black color, the aura around him completely changing as using his Gluttony God mode.

Bai lifted his black sword "Devour!" Two children appeared in front of Bai holding each other hand, a little girl with a big plushy helmet with the form of a ant's head over her head and a little boy with a big wolf's head plushy helmet over his head. They were Fenrir and Mayi.

"<Fifth Plate: Main Dish>!" A black torrent shot from Bai's sword while both Fenrir's and Mayi's head grew becoming 100 meters wide. Bai swung his sword towards the darkness ray while Mayi and Fenrir bit over the attack with their sharp teeth.

Under the three attacks, the darkness ray was weakened while a powerful black aura was surging over Bai as he was devouring and absorbing the energy of the attack. However, the ray didn't stop, pushing over them and starting to destroy them.

"It's enough. Good work" Bai said.

"Good luck!" Mayi happily waved her hand while Fenrir simply nodded, before disappearing.

Bai's attack dispersed, his form changing returning to the Sword God, but the black aura recollected by Gluttony, remained surrounding him. Instead of absorbing inside him, making part of the Gluttony energy, Bai decided to store it outside.

Bai swung his sword around him, light cutting the dark aura around him, that instantly turned gray, becoming part of his Chaos energy. The energy recollected continued being part of Bai and if something characterized Sword God BAi was the ability to use any kind of energy.

Bai lifted his sword "<Theory of Chaos 1st stance: Regression>" Bais swung downwards his sword, gray aura surrounding it as it cut over the darkness ray that being sliced in two, instantly disappeared like if it was never there before.

Regression was a technique that converged the surrounded energy, forcing him to return as before the universe was created, when only chaos existed as energy. This attack wasn't much strong as it won't affect living beings, but it was perfect to neutralize any elemental attack. In Chaos, no element would survive.

Bai kicked the air, flapping his wings, shooting towards the dragon's body.

"GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" All the scales over the dragon shined brightly. All of them detaching from the dragon and shooting towards Bai, chasing towards him.

Bai continuously kicked the air, maneuvering over the sky, avoiding most of the scales, swinging his sword reflecting them. However, they were too much and quickly Bai found himself completely surrounded.

Bai clenched his sword, flicking it "<Theory of Chaos 3th stance: Storm>!" Bai spun around, spinning and slicing the air around, creating a tornado of pure chaos that pushed away the scales, piercing through the encirclement. Finally reaching the place nearest to the dragon's heart.

"Tang San!" Shouted Bai.

Tang San was already prepared, quickly reacting. He swung his both arms, shooting Chenxiang's and Renxue's Guanyin's Tears towards Bai. Without stopping, he formed another one, this one concentring all his strength, quickly throwing it towards Bai. Each of them flying towards Bai, however, they weren't as sharp as usual, with their penetration power reduced.

Seeing the three rainbow drops flying towards him, Bai smiled. He swung his sword, cutting the three tears "Boom!" the aura around Bai exploded, a great and strong Chaos aura surrounding him. Bai had instantly fused the three drops, using the three gods' power to his Chaos. Fusing different energy, it might be difficult to Tang San, but Bai was extremely familiar with, his power mostly based in it, Chaos was the fusion of all!

Bai lifted his sword, twisting and lowering his body, pointing his sword towards the dragon's heart. All the Chaos aura around him, started being absorbed by his sword, a chaotic storm forming in its blade.

"<Theory of Chaos Final Stance:-" Bai charged forward, thrusting his sword "<Big Bang>!"

"BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!" Energy exploded from Bai's sword, Bai shooting forward wielding it. The energy of the explosion was able to affect causality and reality, it was the energy surged from chaos, enough to even create a new universe.

It didn't matter how many scales were in his path. In Bai's path, everything was evaporated, ceasing his existence. Bai pierced over the Dragon of the End's body. The walls inside the dragon tried to push him but were unable to approach him before being disintegrated.

Finally, Bai pierced over the heart. Gray light expanded all over the dragon's body, over its veins and muscles, making it shine with a bright light.

"BOOOOM!" All the dragon's body exploded with a big explosion that burned all the sky before the stunned gazes of everyone.

Over the sky, surrounded by the dark bloody mess of the dragons remains, two figures stood. One was Bai whose aura had weakened a great deal after such a great attack, the other one was Yu Xiaogang who was the dragon's heart. His body was all charred, his legs no existence. He had his eyes half-open, glancing angrily at Bai as the remained darkness around his body, even now, was trying to recover, commanding the remains of the dragon, trying to reconstruct it again.

"Like I'll let you!" Bai kicked the air, with all his strength he thrust his sword, dashing towards Xiaogang who was unable to move "Die!"

Xiaogang with a mix of shock and anger moved his mouth like cursing Bai as Bai pierced over Xiaogangs's body with his sword, launching both of them to the ground, like a gray comet falling to the ground.

Falling inside a crater and crashing to the ground, Bai could see his sword embedded over Xiaogang's heart, no darkness or energy could be felt from Xiaogang whose eyes were already closed.

Bai retired his sword, Xiaogang's dead body falling lifeless to the ground. Coincendiatelly, next to another corpse there that Bai could recognize as Bibi Dong's.

"Even in the end, you would be together" Bai said with a somewhat sad voice looking at both dead lovers, before turning away, flapping his wings and slowly climbing the crater.

Just as he left, Bai was clashed by two strong forces. Renxue and Chenxiang tightly hugging him. Bai reciprocated the hug with a warm smile over his face "It finished" He said hugging them tightly.

After some minutes, Bai broke the hug. He seriously looked at Renxue "You must do a last thing, Xuexue. I will help you." Bai said holding Renxue's hand, green and white aura flowing from his body towards Renxue, infusing her with his Life intent using his last strength.

Renxue nodded. She did a last look over the crater, letting escape a last tear seeing her mother's corpse.

Renxue gripped tightly Bai's hands as started floating. Countless people, the remaining soldiers of the three empires, Heaven Dou, Star Luo, and Spirit, that had experimented all that godly fight looked at the gods with fright, awe and stunned faces.

Renxue spread her wings, golden aura surged over her expanding all over the people. With great Life and Holy energy with Bai at her hands, this holy image was etched in their minds.

Under the holy aura, the soldiers' wounds healed, recovering most of their strength.

"I, Angel Goddess, Qian Renxue declare the disband of Spirit Empire!" Her powerful and holy voice sounded all over the place, resounding inside of every soldier, moving their hearts "The war had ended!"

"Poof!" The sound of countless people kneeling down, bowing towards the goddess echoed, no one daring even doubting going against their words after having spectated such power.

The war had ended.

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