Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 26 - Suotuo City

We all arrived to Suotuo city and we will stay the best hotel of the city, being a smaller city of what we where used the hotel was not as luxurious as usual. In my case I didn't mind it but in Yan case she didn't waste any opportunity to complain about the poor conditions. When we had all our luggage in our room Qin Ming reunite us.

When all of us arrived at his room Qin Ming says "The first match will be in 2 days so be ready for it" but he is interrupt by Yan "Why did we come to a backward city like this? What can it be expected to find in this rundown place? Surely all the teams will be extremely weak, I don't think any of them will keep more than 5 min. And can we find a better hotel? I'm feeling dirty only being here much less sleeping".

At that Qin Ming can only sigh "This place is the best of the city, you can't expect to sleep in 5 stars hotel everyday if your live so take it as a test. For the fighting maybe you will find some interesting team here. It won't be your first rival, but I think that in a month time it will be ready. So have a little patience" He finish leaving us alone at the room.

"I listened that Suotuo city is famous for its food stands, especially one that ramen shop that it says to do the most delicious pork ramen. Someone joins me?" Chenxian says. "I never understand how can you dirt your mouth with such commoner food" sighs Yan shaking her head.

"I want to try it! And surely Bai also." Mayi says. "It's a good plan. And Yan if you're always so focus in avoiding non-noble things, you won't try some of the best things of life. Live a little and don't be so arrogant for once" I say.

Yan becomes angry "I have better plans! I will go with Tianheng to find some decent restaurant. Even in this forgotten city must be something acceptable". At that Chenxian smiles and tease Yan "So this is it. It's normal to want spend time like two lovely birds" She pats Yan's shoulder "You don't need to invent excuses, but try not to be so merry with us in the room. We will be jealous us being poor vɨrġɨns. You should learn about Bai and Mayi only in intimity" At that Yan explode in anger and try to hit Chenxian, but she easily dodge it stepping aside without being aware that a red faced Mayi is kicking at her back, hitting her smashing her to the wall.

Osler help Chenxiang to stand up "You should stay quiet, you will live more. And next time it will be better to let Yan hit you, it will always better than Mayi" He turn to Lingling "Lingling, please?"

Lingling nods activating her spirit and healing Chenxiang saying "It seems that Mayi held back this time, only 2 broken bones. Good for you Feng". At that Chenxiang says "It's my honor for this handsome me being a partner of such beautiful lady in her goal to control her strength". Before Mayi makes another strike I stop her clapping "Clap! I'm hungry. Did you say something of ramen? Let's go" I take Mayi and Chenxiang being in the middle of them to stop their fight.

Calming down we went outside and walk toward the food stands. "Do you always have the need to make fun of them?" I ask. "It's one of the pŀėȧsurės of the live to make ladies in love angry " she answer. "Your also a girl and surely someday you will fall in love, and that day be prepared for a laughing round from Yan" I say.

"You're wrong my dear Bai. How can such a beauty like me fall in love. It will be the other way around needing to chase away the crowds of men madly in love for me". "Yeah sure, there's no more attractive than a girl cross-dressing like a boy" Mayi interject. At that Chenxiang pouts saying "You'll see when I will break through over the 38 rank, I could finally use my true identify, and at that moment it will be the start of my love life, even Bai here would fall to my woman's charms" says making Mayi very angry. I pat her shoulder sarcastically saying "Yeah, yeah".

Arriving at the food stands we find that is full of people. " There are a lot of stands, it seems that this city has a gourmet focus, there's a lot types of food" I observe. "There! There! There's the ramen shop come" Chenxiang says running toward the ramen and us following her.

"" One service of the pork special ramen!"" Chenxiang and a fad boy next to her say at the same time. " Sorry but for today I only have enough for one" says the vendor causing the fad boy and Chenxiang to look to the other with hate "I arrived first, so it's mine!" Say the fad boy. "It seems you're not only ugly you're also blind. It's clear that this handsome me said before!" She turns to me "Right! Bai".

" Don't take me in your mess. Decide yourself" I answer. Finally they decided to have and eating contest, the one that could eat more ramen will take the special pork ramen. "You're very intelligent, let's eat until full to win a service of rammen" I say sarcastically "Let's go Mayi I found some dumplings that seems delicious" Mayi then takes my hand and we go to another stand leaving both of them in their own world eating (It seems she found another mad eater like her. One more with Mayi).

Mayi and I eat a lot of different food Mayi eating the ration of 10 people causing the vendors to be happy saying "The second coming of Hongjun!" whoever is Hongjun, surely being a big eater. Finishing eating we return to the stand where is Chenxiang. I can see a semi unconscious Chenxiang lying down surely having eaten too much.

"Did you finish, Feng?" I ask. She recuperates a little and say sadly "I can't believe a lost"

The vendor happy to such a profit day gives the special pork ramen to the fad person "So here's your prize, you don't need to pay for it with how much you spent today Hongjun" (So he is Hongjun, it isn't strange to be so famous with the food stands if he can win in a food contest versus Chenxian). At that Hongjung being in a similar state than Chenxiang with a small voice says "I'm completely full reserve it for tomorrow".

Mayi taking advantage takes the ramen bowl and quickly eat it in only 5 second saying with a big smile "It's really delicious! The best I tried today". The vendor smiles at the compliment "Thanks for the compliment little lady. I saw how much you ate next time come to my stand" Mayi nods saying thank you. I sigh saying "I'm surrounded by foodies" causing Mayi and Chenxiang to pout.

Chenxiang turns to the Hongjun and angry challenge "Your only lucky today. Come tomorrow at the same time and I surely win! It's a challenge!" and she run away. I approach him "Nice to meet another one that can keep with their rate. My name is Bai" I present him my hand. He shakes "Ma Hongjun, nice to meet you" he say with difficulty almost throwing up. "Mayi" says Mayi. I point to the direction that Chenxiang run away "And he is Feng, he is always like that. If you continue challenge like this tomorrow don't let him win or he won't stop bragging." Then Mayi and I leave him resting "Good bye" receiving a low movement of his hand.

After that we go to the commercial area too see if we can find something interesting. We walk through all the shops observing their merchandising and I gift Mayi a rose hair pin that seems to like. She accepts and she doesn't wait an instant to put in her hair blushing a little and smiling.

Walking a little more I see a girl running away through the crowd, she has long black hair with black eyes, a slender body with a very developed figure, specially the bosom. Chasing her is a boy of similar age as me blond hair, heterochromic blue and red eyes, tall with broad shoulder shouting "Please stop Qing'er!" without being very aware of his surroundings he crash with Mayi, Mayi falling to the ground and breaking the hair pin that a gifted her. The boy stops a moment and say "Sorry, I must hurry!" but before he can start running a mad Mayi activates her spirit and with great speed and strength punch the boy. The boy with very little time to defend he only can activate his spirit appearing a ghost figure of a white tiger at her back to increase even a little his defend. Being struck at his face the boy fly away crashing and breaking a cloth stand.

I approach the boy and help him stand up "Sorry for her, she is sometimes a little temperamental and you broke something of her and don't apologized correctly".

The boy still touching his injured face "What a punch!" then bow to Mayi "I am Dai Mubai, I am completely sorry for hitting you and for my disrespect. I will pay for any damage caused" He turn to the owner of the broken stand "Put everything at my count" then he give me his hand. I shake presenting me "Bai and her is Mayi, apologized her for her rude behavior, there's better ways to respond". He look around and hurried say "Sorry but I'm in a rush". I pat her shoulder and push him toward the running away girl "Love quarrels, good luck!". He thanks me, say good bye and return to run.

After that is become dinner time so we return to the food area. There's a new stand with a boy somewhat handsome with white hair he is selling sausages. Mayi approach him "I want to try one! They seem to have some spirit energy". The boy smiling gives Mayi one and I pay for it. Just as Mayi was about to eat it I see the boy saying "I, your father, have a big sausage" and creating more sausages. At that moment a hurriedly invoke my sword <3rd skill: Lighting speed> to Mayi and take the sausage from her throwing it towards the floor, causing Mayi to pout angry "What did you do? I wanted to eat it". "Never eat this sausages Mayi, please do it for me" I beg she nodding. Then I approach to the boy angry "What's your name?". He turn to me with a smile "My name is Oscar. Do you want more of the delicious sausages of this handsome me?". At that a lift him catching his neck "Never! And I say never give to that girl" I turn to Mayi "Any of you sausages. I will forget you this time because I know how lame can be the food masters chant". Then I leave with Mayi to eat more until she is full finally returning to the hotel.

The next day it was the day before of the team fight, but he won't participate like usual. To pass the time Mayi and I went to the Spirit Great Arena. We approach the women at the counter and I ask "We are the Brilliant Ant team, there's some two people team here that had some record of unbeatable?". The women search our information "Brilliant Ant team, spirit elders with 10 wins and 0 loses all the combats finishing within 3 minutes" she says a little surprised, then continue searching for something "We have one team of your rank that didn't lose anytime. I'll try to contact to them and prepare a match. Please come later to know about".

We spent some time walking and like always eating (Sighs). Before lunch we return to the arena. There the same woman inform us "The other team has accepted your challenge. Your match will be tomorrow at 5 o'clock at evening. The other team name being Three Five Combination".

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