After eating the tulip Glut started to cough a lot. (Ahh! A sense of deja vu)

"Rongrong do you know what could happen if you eat the herb" I asked Rongrong.

"According to third brother its good properties were emitted by the steam to the air leaving the herb completely poisonous, eating signifying death" explained Rongrong.


After 1 minute Glut stopped rigid and disappeared. I turned to mum "Mum, can you release me? I need to find if something went wrong with Glut".

Mum let me free and I started meditating. Entering the white an black I could see some changes. From the blacks trees were now growing golden fruits, and the hardiness of the forest grew.

At the center of the world was Glut sat waiting like being a dog. There were some changes in him, his body reduced, being only 1 meter long now. It's fur now shined brightly, I can even see my reflection in him. He maintained his black and white color, being black with some big white stains gaining some golden lines that started at his eyes until his tail.

If I must describe him it will be a cute dog, now he doesn't look like a rodent. (Are you fine Glut?)

He looked at me with doubtful face like saying what do you expect.

After some conversation, if it can be named like that me thinking and Glut sending sensations, I learned that my fears were unfounded, as my spirit soul he is immortal as long as I am alive and supplying spirit energy. At most he could enter a weakened state. Also, he evolved now to an Insatiable Golden Beautiful Wolf. (Yeah very beautiful) I said sarcastically.

"Gooof!" Just as I was about to exit Glut bark. (Now even you bark like a dog) I sighed.

Around Glut manifested 3 rings, all of them black (It seems that you even aged the second one this time, Glut.) "Goof!" Glut barked with a face that seemed to say you didn't see anything.

Around him appeared another black ring, this one was strange with an orange tone in it.

I was very surprised seeing the orange color (Orange! What did it means? Orange is close to red so maybe near 100.000 years)

Opening my eyes I looked at the nervous and expectantly faces of my family.

"So?" asked dad.

"Glut is fine. It seems that he can't die while I am alive so I don't have to worry about him" I said, causing my family to sigh.

"You must be more wary, Bai. Glut is a completely new resource for cultivation, maybe in the future we could learn how to replicate it, he is very precious and important now that is completely linked at your second spirit" said dad.

"How can it be replicate it? You will need to have a food spirit, let some weak spirit beast choke with it. And after this you even need to hunt for its own food, how can a food spirit master hunt enough beasts?" I said "Without considering that the most probable is that there are others requirements. But yeah, I know dad that he is important".

"It's a shame that we lost the opportunity to study the Beautiful Silk Tulip, even when the most probable is that we wouldn't accomplished anything. The nature, specially the powerful one is almost impossible to replicate" said dad tired"Anyway, I'll try to search for another one"

"Maybe this won't be necessary, dad" I interjected. I lift my left hand, from it appeared an Oreo surrounded by 4 black rings, one of them a little orange.

"Orange?" Mum said surprised, but quickly returned to a smile "Even with its orange tone it's pressure is not even close to 100.000 years, maybe 20.000?"

"20.150, its the actual age of Glut. This ring is quite particular, the energy that emit is the maximum that Glut can emit. But when actual using the spirit ability it will use the residual energy left after Glut ate the Tulip, the own tulip essence instead of only my own spirit energy" I said.

"Are you saying that for your 4th ability you don't expend spirit energy?" dad asked.

"Yes and no, it used a lot of my spirit power. The truth is that I need to expend all my spirit power. However, the main energy that it is used is the residual one. With this residual energy its power become beyond what its age will permit, actually I think that the effect it will be one over 100.000" I explained surprising all my family when they listened 100.000 "However, there's a big flaw. The residual energy unlike mine that it is replaced automatically, this one will run out. To more uses I will need to replenish the energy with the same source so another Beautiful Silk Tulip"

"How many times you could use it?" dad asked.

I answered "If my calculations are correct, 10 times. There's a lot to consider so...". "Ahhhh! Stop Bai!" mum stopped me "Go first to the important part, what is the ability? Even with 10 uses limitation will be a good trump card"

"It's not a trump card at all, like my first ability it doesn't have any application in a battle. In this case, the effects are simple to imagine. It's an imitation of the Beautiful Silk Tulip, a cookie with the effects of breathing the heaven and earth essence of the tulip" I said, dad eyes shined with glee "Without knowing exactly the potency of the actual herb, I couldn't ȧssure that it has the same power, but boosted by my spirit and Glut, the potency will be high. Its main property being the improvement or even evolution of spirits related to plants or light, improving their foundation and increasing spirit power"

Dad hugged me tightly "Your great Bai! With it the flaw of our spirit is solved" Dad recuperate from his exhilarating mood. I only saw dad so happy when Rongrong's birth.

"We should try it first like you said you don't know the potency, maybe the improvement is not necessary enough to evolve to the nine pagoda spirit" dad said calmer.

"Zhi, don't try to hide now. All of us can see how expectant you are" mum laughed provoking dad to blush a little.

"Let's try it now on you dad" I said.

"It's a limited use, treasures like that are best used when growing to rise one potential. It will be better to..." dad was saying until mum interjected angrily "Zhi, we all know that your dream was to obtain the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. Be a little mean for one time and not think about yourself!"

"The most important thing is our family, not the clan. If there's a possibility, even is little to greatly improve your strength, why doubt? Even if nothing happen there's 9 more uses don't worry" I said.

Dad smiles at me and lifted both of his hands in surrender "I surrender. Yeah I would really like to try it. Please Bai, use your ability"

I nodded "It only can be maintained 15 seconds so eat it quickly. ♪Wonder if I gave a golden Oreo♪" From my left arm surged a very intense golden light that blind us.

After 5 second the light finally died out and I could open my eyes. Over my left hand was hovering a golden Oreo surrounded by a golden aura. I approached dad who took it from me. Just as he took I fell to the floor completely exhausted with my spirit reserve empty.

"Are you fine, Bai?" dad asked worried.

"Yeah it's only lack of spirit power after a quick rest I will be better" I said "Hurry eat it quickly!"

Dad ate the Golden Oreo "I sense a very pure energy, without doubt a true treasure! I will need to start to cultivated immediately, if you'll excuse me" dad said and sat in lotus position and started cultivating.

"Now it seems we can only wait for its results" said mum "Come Bai, while Zhi cultivate explain mum about this months" mum said signaling me to join the hug.

I sighed and accepted being again trapped with mum. At least I have Rongrong!

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