Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 68 - 3 injured

Just at this moment, the room's door opened and Rongrong entered the room. She looked at me happily and jumped to me, hugging me with some tears in her face "Big brother, you're awake! What happened to you?"

I decided to put Paul's problem aside for the time being "I don't really remember about yesterday, Rongrong. Can you explain to me, why I am here and where I am?" I asked.

Rongrong separated from me and cleaned her tears "Some students found you yesterday night at the academy's garden. You were injured, with a lot of blood. They informed the teacher and they recognized you and took you to the nursery. Then they called me and I prepared you this room for your recovery. They said you are completely fine and only need to rest. How do you feel?" she asked

I smiled "I'm fine, only a little sour. And like I said I don't remember anything. I should thanks your dean later for the academy's help"

Rongrong pouted "And me what? I stayed all night awake caring for your health. I only went away a little to have breakfast"

I rubbed her hair "Thanks Rongrong. I don't know what I will do without you"

She smiled "I expect a nice present to thank me"

"Yeah, yeah. I would find something good" I said sighing.

[What a spoiled princess] Paul spatted, the strange fact was that I could sense some warning in it. I reacted making a strange face.

"What about that face!" shouted Rongrong "You will forget about me!"

(Fuck, Paul! I need to learn to ignore him) I thought (I need to find an excuse)

[Look at your storage, there's a present there] Paul said.

"Big brother doesn't

ignore me!" said angrily Rongrong "You are spacing out! You don't love Rongrong now that you left home"

"Of course I love you, I love you the most. I already have a present here" I put my hand in my storage bracelet activating it (If it is some kind of joke. I don't know how, but I will kill you, Paul!).

From the storage, I could detect a new item that wasn't there before and I extracted it. In my had now there was a blue shining crystal cranium. I opened my eyes shocked "Th-this is"

Rongrong had her eyes fully opened shocked "An sp-spirit bone! Big brother I'm very glad for you giving me this, but it is too much. It will be better for you to take it"

I recuperated from my shock and quickly analyzed the spirit bone. The truth is that is very compatible with Rongrong rather than me, focusing on illusions or support. I decided that it was good to gift it to Rongrong "It's not too good for me but it's perfect for you, so take it. But it will be better to keep it hidden. If you trust your teammates I don't mind you informing them"

Rongrong hugged me tightly "Thanks, big brother. This is the best present ever, you really are the one who loves me more"

"Bang!" the door opened with a crash and Chenxiang entered the room "I listened that you were injured. Are you fine, Bai?" Chenxiang asked worriedly.

[Who is the beauty?] asked Paul.

I ignored Paul and answered Chenxiang "I am in perfect form, Xiang. Only a little sour"

Chenxiang sighed in relieve and approached me. Rongrong broke our hug leaving space for Chenxiang who hugged me "I was worried that something would happen to you, Bai"

Seeing Chenxiang worried face and remembering Mayi I felt a little guilty and broke the hug "I am fine. You don't need to worry"

Chenxiang glanced at me and said in a low voice that I couldn't listen "I will make you fall". Then she returns to her usual face "What a night yesterday! There was a lot of commotion with three injured people"

"There were more people injured, what happened?" I asked her concerned.

"First, you were injured at the academy's garden, even with some blood you were the less injured. Then, we found cousin injured in the forest outside Heaven Dou City, thanks to Xiao Wu we could find him"

"Cousin? Who is your cousin?" I asked.

"Of course, you didn't know about it. Tang San is my cousin, his grandfather and my grandmother were siblings, we found it when he talked about his father, Tang Hao" Chenxiang answered.

[She is Bai Chenxiang?! What is she doing here at Shrek] Paul commented/asked.

"What happened to Tang San?" I inquired.

"His condition was a strange one. He had some broken ribs, but nothing very serious. The strange thing is that he was very weak, her organs only working very slowly seemed to stop at any moment. With some healing and herbs, he is stabilized now, Dugu Bo helped to cure him"

"And who was the last one?" I asked.

Chenxiang turned serious "The last one is Grandmaster. He was the worst of all, and even now they are continuing healing him. His blood venues exploded, his body saturated with spirit energy, with his skin charred. He nearly died yesterday" she then lowered her voice "Bai, did you give him a Golden Oreo"

"How could I give him one, I don't remember what happened yesterday. But, Grandmaster doesn't have a light or plant attributes spirit, giving him one will be like killing him. And you think that someone will survive. You were lucky that your spirit evolved and Lingling healing. I don't think another could survive" I explained.

"You're right, the effects were similar at what I suffered, but clearly not so severe, if not he will have died. Sorry to doubt you, Bai" She shyly smiled. "We will need to search for the responsible for this. Maybe it has some relation to cousin's attack. But for now, we could only wait for them to wake up"

At that time Zhu Zhuqing entered the room [Really the fuċkɨnġ day of the spontaneous. It's too much to knock the door!]

"Tang San woke up. He is a little weak, but he said that wanted to explain to us what happened to not make us worry" Zhuqing explained.

Rongrong and Chenxiang looked at me "I'm fine you could go. To tell you the truth, I also a little curious, can I accompany you?" I asked.

"I don't think that cousin will molest. Come with us!" said Chenxiang, she hugged my arm and help me to stand up.

"I can walk alone" I said.

"You were injured, maybe are some hidden one, I will help you walk" She said smiling charmingly. I could see Rongrong cheering for her.

I sighed surrendering "Okay, whatever you want".

Chenxiang separated from me and approached Tang San "Are you fine, cousin?" she asked worriedly.

"I am fine, only tired, nothing that a good sleep won't solve" Tang San said lightly smiling.

"Now that we are all here, would you explain what happened to you?" Dai Mubai requested.

"We should wait for master to arrive" said Tang San. The other listening to him looked between them with a worried face.

"Something happened?" asked Tang San observing their reactions.

"You see..." Dai Mubai explained Grandmaster condition making Tang San worried about his master condition and angry at the culprit.

"Could it be related to what happened to you?" asked Xiao Wu.

"I don't think it was the same person. Yesterday I was attacked by Shi Nian" Tang San told.

"The vice dean of the Blue Sunshine Academy" asked Dai Mubai.

Tang San nodded "He used illusions to make me leave the city, I think that to kill me and made it like a suicide. The strange thing is that when I was at the forest outside Heaven Dou City the illusion broke. I investigated what happened and found a black-haired boy killing Shi Nian"

Listen to the black-haired boy I couldn't help to think in Paul […]

"The boy had a death aura around him, and his behavior was very strange, he seemed a little crazy. He found me and we both fought. After the fight he won me making me unconscious, I could pierce him with my Eight Spider Lances poisoning him" Tang San explained.

"With your poison, he will be dead, we all know how terrifying could it be" Dai Mubai said.

Tang San shook his head "I doubt it, he let me poisoning him, even stopping his attack and then he was grinning"

"So someone could win against brother San, he will be a high ranked spirit master" Xiao Wu said concerned.

"Do you know how old was he?" I interjected, "How tall it was?"

"He seemed young, close to our age. More or less of my stature. He also named himself as Paul Blanch" Tang San explained

(It was you, fuċker!) I shouted in my mind.

[It's not like I killed him. And even I were to kill him, so what? There wasn't anyone to see us]

"I never listened to anyone with this name" said Rongrong "What was his spirit?"

"I don't really know, he had a strange tool and a big wolf. But he didn't use any of them when fighting, he only used a sword. Without showing any spirit ring he could form flames, lighting and a death aura. Really strange" explained Tang San.

"The important is that you're fine, brother San. Let's forget about it and concentrate in your recovery" Xiao Wu said pushing all of us outside the nursery, only staying herself "Brother San need to rest"

I looked at the other devils of Shrek and rubbing my neck I said "Thanks all for helping me. I will try to find information about the attacks. I will return to my academy, they will be worried about my whereabouts. Goodbye at all"

Chenxiang approached me and kissed my lips using a little tongue. She separated ŀɨċkɨnġ his lips said "Bye, Bai. I look forward to the next time"

I was shocked and stayed still until Rongrong pushed me away "I will guide you outside the academy, big brother"

Leaving the building with Rongrong, she said "She really is in love, you should go out with her, at least one time. Don't make her sad"

"I can't really do this to Mayi. You already know" I said.

"Sister Xiang will accept others for you if both of you really love. While you love her, she wouldn't mind" said Rongrong. "What can you said about the ant?" she spatted "She is crazy enough to go on a killing spree"

"Don't talk badly of Mayi. I know she is a little temperamental. But I will respect her, I promised" I said.

Rongrong sighed "I'm only worried about you, big brother. Sister Xiang is always training with you in mind. In the future, she would surely beat Mayi and then she will go for you"

We arrived at the door and Rongrong said smiling and waving his hand "Goodbye. And a lot of thanks for the present"

I kiss her forehead "Bye, Rongrong". I walked into my academy direction.

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