Douluo Dalu: 9 Treasure Sword

Chapter 98 - Here we go again

My calculation wasn't so off, once Bai was free and able to cultivate our spirit energy, I spent 8 months finally, attaining rank 60. I used this time, especially making me more familiar with spirit energy, learning from Bai, even if he didn't want to.

In this time, I learned to use spirit energy more effectively, wasting less and powering my attack thanks to it. It wasn't very important as my fighting style relied on in my sword arts, as my spirit was only supported. Even now, I couldn't use Bai's sword, I'd need to wait until I can devour himself, being the only true personality in the body.

As I already completed my objective of rank 60 I decided to return to Slaughter City finishing my matters there.

With my position, I decided to enter the nearest entrance. This one was situated at the graveyard of a little town. For it to enter, it was necessary a thick Killing Intent, it would be impossible to enter at first, but now it wasn't a problem at all.

Once I arrived at the graveyard Bai said (What are you doing here? As we are now rank 60, you should search for a spirit beast, you will waste time if not)

[Oh? True, I didn't explain to you, Bai. And you really don't know what is this] I told I was approaching a statue of a death angel with a scythe. I let my Slaughter Intent free, as being formed by Killing Intent, it was completely valid.

The statue trembled and starting moving back, showing that down it there was a stair leading down. I grinned [This is another entrance to Slaughter City. I will return] I said entering the entrance.

(What? This wasn't part of the deal!) He said surprised (Return!) he ordered (Or I won't help you again!)

[I don't need anything more for you, you whatever you want, or better said whatever you can] I said descending the stairs.

(Bastard!) Bai started cursing me, but as I was descending his voice grew weaker, being suppressed by Slaughter City domain. Even if he had grown in strength, that didn't change the fact that he didn't even kill someone, being extremely weak against Killing Intent, letting himself be suppressed by Slaughter City.

Once the stairs finished I could see the familiar wall of Slaughter City "Welcome again, Slaughter Sword" I listened, I quickly turned to the voice to find Black.

"You have taken more time than what I expect, I'm glad for your return" she said.

"What are you doing here, Black?" I asked looking at her warily.

"I had my eyes on you" she turned around "I expect you to not cause PROBLEMS" she maid emphasizing in the problems word, and left towards the city.

"This woman is mad" I said shaking my head, before returning to the city.

As I was now a champion of the Hell Slaughter Arena, I was considered as a guest of the Slaughter King. I house at the Inner City was prepared as my residence, with some brown-masked men as my slaves. I simply ignored them letting them maintain the house. As 10 months passed I started to recollect information about what had happened this time.

Slaughter City wasn't really a place that changed a lot and even when I was there and people were afraid of me, it was considered normal, the strong are always awe and feared. The only remarkable change, and the interesting for me, was Tang San. Asking people 'politely' with only a few broken bones I learned about him. Of course, he didn't use his real name, instead, he was one of the people who used their ID number. He had spent 8 months here, with a total of 53 victories at the Hell Slaughter Arena he already received his nickname as Asura King.

I had the luck that today he had a match and I decided to watch it. As a guest, I couldn't participate in any match but watching wasn't any problem, with the exception of a 100 winning match, in that cases, it was prohibited by the Slaughter King under death penalty. Watching the match, Tang San easily won over. I must say that his movements, technique, and awareness were impressive, better than mine. It may have helped to have a near 30 years old past memories in a world where combat was normal and he had somewhat of an ȧssassin training. Of course, in a fight, I could easily overpower him, even if her powerful hidden weapons were kind of a cheat.

After a week of recollecting information, I created my plan. I learned that I couldn't open the Hell Road, it may be a temporal right, completing the 100 victories in the Arena, now it was impossible so I should need the follow the first plan. I'd need to wait until Tang San complete them, enter the Arena stealthy and enter the Hell Road with him, I'd need to be very precise, as if the time is wrong, I would give time to the Slaughter King to kill me.

For what it seemed Tang San had already got completely used to the City, only having some difficulties if he fought multiples spirits douluos. If I remember correctly and the story didn't change, he would need 16 more months to finish his 100 matches, the double he spent in the first half of the matches, this first half more difficult as he had to get used. This was due that his rivals were already wary of him, so it would take a lot of time to fill matches when he decided to participate.

16 months were too much, so I decide to make it quicker. As I couldn't go directly to the Slaughter King and ask for the same as me to Tang San, this time I didn't have another option except forcing participants to enter the Arena to fight when I knew that Tang San was going to participate, making he spent a lot less time.

6 months passed, I just spent them training and having some fun. For the training, I complete my Sword Heart, now without any flaw stabilizing the realm completely, with the Slaughter Intent, the combination of Killing and Death. I continued practicing trying to get even a glimpse of the All Sword Realm, without any gain. Somehow I sensed that this wasn't the correct place if I wanted to attain the All Sword Realm, but at least my strength was increasing little by little.

Tang San continued participating in the Arena and is now 91 victories, making the 100 very near. A strange thing, is that I was seeing Black more, she really was a woman of few words, but I could convince her to have a drink one time. For some reason, she decided to take it to her house, which was a lot grander than mine. The strange thing was that there wasn't anyone in there, she prepared the drinks, while I was futilely trying to create a conversation. There weren't any brown-masked slaves in her house, unlike mine that I had 2 always in there. After drinking, she quickly got me out of her house. I really didn't know what she was thinking.

Today I was walking around the town, trying to find something to expend my time, listening to the usual sounds of depravity of Slaughter City when I heard someone shouting "Baiiiiiiiii!"

I quickly turned to the voice, finding an extremely beautiful girl, she seemed to be 18 years old, with long straight brown hair that arrived at her hɨps, with a rosy face with brown eyes and very long legs. Her facial features were soft, with gleaming eyes and a neat outfit, she really stood up in Slaughter City, not seeming to fir in. It had passed almost 3 years, but I recognized her, it was Bai's girlfriend, the ant beast, Mayi.

She ran towards me with a smile in her face, even with some tears falling from her eyes "Baiiiii" She jumped to me with the arms open, trying to hug me. When she was 2 meters from me her expression changed to a warily one, she stopped her charge stomping at the ground, it was so strong that even cracked the ground, she then jumped back creating distance between us. "You're not Bai!" she shouted angrily.

"Oh? It's not the little ant, to even stalked me here, you're really a yandere. Mayi, no?" I said making her even angrier.

"Shut up! Give up the control! Return Bai!" She shouted.

"You really know a lot, a little glimpse to me and you already know our condition, eh?" I said surprised.

"Of course, Bai and I are one" She said puffing her ċhėst.

"You think to forget about me, I think that I'm also part of this one" I said grinning.

"You're only a little part of him, you shouldn't be in control. Return Bai, if not...?"

"If not, what?" I asked teasing her.

"I will force you" the air around her changed completely, I always saw her as a little stupid, cute girl following Bai like a dog while shaking her tail. I would have said that a dog spirit will be best for her, or at least, one that had a tail to show her happiness. Now that image was completely crushed, the air around her gained pressure and a thick Killing Intent only gained after countless killing. The girl that didn't seem to fit in Slaughter City, now seemed to perfect for this place, becoming a Deathgod of it.

I smile escape my lips. I was attracted to that girl, her incredible aura much like mind, our spirit completely compatible, it even made me think if this was love. Of course, that thought quickly disappeared when a brown armor appeared, all around her body and she jumped to me with her punch at front.

I invoked my Black Sword on my left hand, black aura surging from it. I left stepped to not receive all the blunt strength of the hit. I blocked it with my sword deflecting her attack, causing her to be launched and crashing to a near dormitory.

The dormitory walls were created by an ancient method and were extremely resilient, almost impossible to destroy without the use of a very powerful spirit skill, but they couldn't even resist one punch of Mayi who destroyed one wall entering the building.

I smiled "This will be funny. Come!"

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