Douluo Dalu: A Great Big Brother


Tang Hao, Tang Chen and Tang San are still sitting in the room. The room was quiet and then Tang Hao asked Tang Chen to show him space as he wants to be sure of the claim.

It was a simple statement but both tang Chen and Tang San found that it was at this moment it was impossible to deny or say something against it. This common Statement carries such dignity that it wasn't possible to even dare to say no at least to both brothers. Tang Chen nodded and open the magical space and only went to plants and herb as until they were with Tang Hao cultivation and age of beasts will be out of their league.

Tang Hao and Tang San followed behind him. Tang San was there before, so he wasn't surprised but Tang Hao was surprised to see the number of herbs and their age. Some hundreds of years, some thousands of years and some even crossed ten thousand marks. But it was the area where herbs are they were not plant beasts. He asked Chen why to which he replied it was the area with most dense energy plant beasts will quickly gain the conscience and develop too strong for him, he can still grow strong plant beasts here if he wants.

Tang Hao was happy beyond the measure as it is the perfect place for "her" in her current form. He turned around and asked if something drastic happened will it affects or felt outside to which Chen replied as negative.

Tang Hao inspected the area for some time after that he was satisfied. He then asked if both boys are ready for the awakening to which he got a yes.

Both boys sat facing each other and started meditating to get in peak conditions as revelation took some mental toll on both of them unknowingly. After getting in their top condition and calming nerves Tang San lifts his right hand and summon blue silver grass and similarly, Tang Chen lifted his left hand and summon Blue silver king. They don't have to do anything as both spirits seemed to attract each other. Both spirits touched each other it seemed as the flow of time stopped and a huge wave of vitality spread across the magical space the dense energy became denser. The herbs starting to grow even Tang Hao experience the wave of vitality in him the injuries in him began to heal at an astonishing rate The leftover medicinal effects of herbs that been acc.u.mulated inside of him due to Tang Chen's cooking began to churn. It cleaned and purify his body, spiritual power, and soul power. His injuries almost healed only 10% remain and were not critical anymore. He hurriedly sat crosslegged and has a broke through to rank 96 and solidify his core.

Both boys were unaware of the changes they brought. Their body was filled with strong vitality and changes started to appear their faces became more m.a.t.u.r.e, their facial structure becomes more and more Handsome, Tang San's hair has grown to his waist and changes to deep blue color while Tang Chen's black grow to his back not as long as Tang San's but his hair remain black but looks wild and has charm to it. They both grew slightly their thin figure became more well proportioned. They both have slightly thicker arms and skin was healthy bronze due to their work at smithy but now they have become well proportioned and skin which even girls will get jealous. Though they were becoming fairer they didn't look girly they still have their masculinity was still very much there. Even in commoners clothes, they have the aura that makes the look like Nobles.

But the most changes happen to their spirits. Tang San's spirit becomes slightly thicker and have golden blue color stems in them and have a golden pattern throughout. Blue color was still most Prevalent in the spirit. But now it has the air of emperor and a strong life force. Yes, His blue silver grass has evolved into BLUE SILVER EMPEROR. He can now increase his ranks like any other top beast or tool spirit. Blue silver emperor can still pass through as blue silver grass as nobody knows about blue silver emperor have a disdain towards blue silver grass. But it's strength, durability and toughness can rival even clear sky hammer.

Tang Chen's spirits also under home a metamorphosis become more radiant but slowly the radiance disappeared and went back to normal the stem in the spirit disappeared but the azure blue pattern becomes more and more apparent. It looks like normal blue silver grass but strength, elasticity, durability, toughness increased to another level. If Tang San became emperor his became ruler. Yes, the name of his spirit is BLUE SILVER RULER and now it was in the same league of his hammer but instead of domineering pressure, it emits of vitality. It can also pass as blue silver grass it looked the same as the pattern become dense and not easily able to distinguish between them.

Both sat crosslegged for half a month as the metamorphosis took long. Both open eyes at the same time, look towards each other and shocked to see the changes in each other. They both smiled at each other, stood up look around and found a surprising change in the surrounding. The surrounding became richer in energy by nearly 30% and herbs were grown in age. Hundreds of years turned in the thousand and some thousand years crossed ten thousand year mark. The plants of ten thousand marks look to age as well. Then they saw Tang Hao looking at them surprised.

Tang Hao came and hug them and told they both acquired some traits of their mother as well. Tang Hao also looks a lot younger and more refreshed. The surrounding seemed to have enhanced and it can now help to grow herbs faster.

They left the magical space as they sat for quite long have adjusted to changes to their bodies. They decided to have the second awakening of Tang San's hammer after half a month. Till they will adjust and research their spirits and find it's positive and negative aspects as they believe that everything things have their strong point and weakness. Nothing was invincible.

After they reach home Tang Hao told then he was going somewhere and will return in 10 days. Both boys didn't object and then he left. Both boys utilize this time to adjust by meditating and using their self-created skills. They seem to use intent better with the spirit hammer. Both boys can wield it because of vitality and increased stats. Their fist intent begins to shape and the stated to get their manifestation. The hammer intent also increased as well but the no. of hits decreased due to low silver power. Tang San reduced to one hit and Tang Chen to 4 hits in disorder splitting wind hammer technique. But their might increases.

Tang Chen named it SOVEREIGN HAMMER DESCEND because of its domineering nature and name of his hammer SOVEREIGN CLEAR SKY HAMMER. Tang San named it FLOWING HAMMER.

They both practiced it to state of exhaustion but still couldn't increase the number because of low soul power. Tang Hao returned on 10 days and told Tang Chen to open a magical space. He looked like he never stopped in his journey, he has extremely disheveled looks and his clothes were torn at several places. Both boys urged him to rest and eat something, but he refused. He has a box made of pure lead and purse with him.

Tang Chen opened the space. Tang Hao dashed inside the space. Both of them followed behind him. When they reached the place Tang Hao immediately bring out blue silver grass from the purse and started to plant it. He was so meticulous about it that he didn't allow even Tang San to do it. When he planted the grass the plant started to show abnormal growth due to being in dense energy surrounding and in the presence of both boys as they have a blue silver emperor and blue silver ruler spirits. Seeing Tang Hao kneeling and crying both boys also knelt. Blue silver grass was rapidly growing in two hours it grown nearly about 7,000-9,000 years. Seeing both growing grass and increasing happiness of their father both boys looked at each other and nodded at each other. Tang San steps forward and pricks its fingers blood starts to flow through him on blue silver grass it starts growing more rapidly after 5 minutes of blood pouring Tang Chen's face became pale even with his vitality, and he stopped the blood. Blue silver grass seems to again start growing rapidly and it crossed 10,000-year mark and was still growing it stopped at nearly 16,000-year-old grass. This was not a simple grass it was once grown to a hundred thousand-year-old beast became human and still cultivated to ranks of spirit saint. It seems to have instinctively used both energy and tang San's blood to stimulate itself and to grow rapidly moreover it was once a blue silver emperor so it wasn't hard for it to stimulate its growth using Tang San's blood to cross Threshold to become 10,000-year-old spirit, king.

Tang Hao was shocked when Tang San started to feed blue silver grass its blood but was stopped by Tang Chen he told him they both know instinctively that their blood will do wonders for the grass as they both have spirit related to it has of higher quality. He also told them it was only a one time effect. Tang Hao was shocked but happy after seeing the blue silver grass to become a blue silver king.

Tang San stepped back and started meditating to recover from blood loss. After the growth of grass seemed to be stopped Tang Chen went forward and repeated the same process as Tang San, but he pricks his left hand. The blue-silver king absorbs only 30 drops then his blood went to ground and increased the vitality is soil below the plant beast. Blue silver king once again started to grow it increased its cultivation to nearly 25,000 years old. But it gets the most benefit as it unlocked its conscience and memory thus only took 30 drops as no mother in whatever form wants to hurt her child. But blue silver king plant beast still benefited a lot because now instead of instinct it will now use its memory to cultivate and it will be much easier with dense spirit energy around it. Also, Tang Chen's blood at root and ground will be extremely beneficial to any blue silver species. As his spirit was at the apex of all Blue silver species. It wasn't a matter of ranks but purely bloodline. After consuming Tang Chen's blood it not only gain conscience but also appeared to have changed. The process seems to have taken another 6 hours. As most of the time have passed in magical space. Father and sons decided to spend the rest of the day in space only. Tang Chen prepared some food which the all-consuming. Then Tang Chen and Tang San started meditating while Tang Hao seems to have peaceful sleep beside the blue silver king.

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