After boys returned they went to their parent's house and told them about their gains. Their parents just nodded and Tang Hao told them that he will personally train both boys to be able to fully utilize their hammer spirit in battle. The boys were elated about it, especially Tang Chen, Who was Tan Hao, just his title was enough to explain a lot "CLEAR SKY DOULUO" not everybody was qualified to have the title, Even in clear sky sect Tang Hao's father didn't get the title it was passed from his grandfather Ultimate douluo of rank 99 "Tang Chen" to him. "Tang Chen " great grandfather of Tang San & Chen was the man who helped and brought clear sky sect to become top sect in the world. It's only because of his disappearance, the sect was forced to go into hiding otherwise Spirit Hall wouldn't dare to even look at their sect. Both Tang Hao and his grandfather was a talent found once a millennium. Tang Hao got the title purely because of his unparalleled way of using hammer and talent. Even now, the current sect master and elders were no eligible to take away his title, that was bestowed from sect to him, and that says a lot. Tang Hao never truly trained his sons except for teaching Disorder splitting wind hammer method, he just sparred with them and pointed out their mistakes and let them themselves to ponder and create their own styles and art. He just polished their techniques by his own experience, he was waiting for them to gain rings to their hammer spirit.

8 more months have passed, Ah Yin became Rank 94 douluo she was improving rapidly because of various reasons After crossing rank 91 a person not only have increased their soul power but also understanding of their spirit, Being beast turned human twice she has all the understanding in the world of blue silver emperor and herbal place was not only dense with energy but also probably world greatest plant mimicry environment that also the reason Tang brothers improves fast, Flander and Zhou Wujii were at ranks 77 & 76 respectively they both had good spirit but were not of top quality. Grandmaster few days ago broke through rank 85 he was only one daring to go to magical space's animal soul beast's area to train every day for 2 hours, Tang Chen has given him a pill to mask his smell from beasts but the danger was still there, but he reaps the benefit of it. Tang Hao was at brim of breakthrough he has soul and spiritual powers but was waiting for enlightenment about his spirit, he looks like he can advance to Rank 99 anytime.

Shrek's student also progresses, They started to call each other brothers and sisters after Tang brothers came out from magical space, The Eldest being Dai Mubai 16 year old, second was Oscar 15 year old, third was Tang Chen 13 year old, fourth was Tang San13 year old, fifth was fatty 13 year old though he lost quite a lot of weight but was a little overweight than average person, sixth was Xiao Wu13 year old seventh was Rongrong 13 year old and eight was Zhu Zhuqing who turned 13 years old this month only. The relationship between them became great they truly became life and death comrades. Though secrets were still there, they all knew everyone was hiding something from everyone but didn't mind. The romantic relations also improved Zhuqing was not at the throat of Mubai like earlier, they had their moment but neither of them progressed it further. Tang San and Xiao Wu were still shy around everyone, Tang Chen and Rongrong also started to have feelings for each other but neither of them was will to take the first step even after everybody's encouragement, Oscar and fatty were only truly single in the group. They all have trained very hard during these months and made good progress. The Manual and teachers helped in Their overall development.

Dai Mubai was at rank 44 he got his Fourth ring 6 months ago, but after that, he spent more of his into creating his own path and fighting style he said he can make up ranks progress later but creating his path earlier will help him rest of his life. He sparred regularly with Tang Chen, San, Hao, Grandmaster, Ah Yin, Flander & Zhou Wujii to get fighting experience of fighting all types of spirit master and creating his own style. He was battered and bruised daily, Zhuqing nurses him every time he completely stopped fooling around and being playboy after Zhuqing entered the academy. His effort was rewarding he found his path and was refining others even further. His path was to use his own strength to overwhelm his opponents. He becomes an inspiration for the rest of them.

Oscar also became serious he knew he was of common background though talented so what he is only a food spirit master. He was at rank 35 his spirit was really slow to train he spent his time in the kitchen which was the best mimicry environment for him when 6 hours daily limit of magical space ends. He knew his weakness and try hard to counter it. He also went to Tang Chen to give him ideas to get stronger, Tang changed told him To find his rings from the animal that can give him abilities to copy the attack type spirit master as there were many beasts which were weak but has the ability to copy others, he agreed to it. Tang Chen also told him to pick a weapon to help him close combat. He liked the idea and picked spears he became proficient in it and was able to bring out its intent. He created his own style in a similar way by fighting others. Tang Chen even gave him spear of heavy silver alloy of peak Thousand refining.

Tang Chen and San were same ranks as before, They were training with Tang Hao mostly, Tang Hao has sealed their soul power and spiritual power by the special method used at Clear sky sect, he was a slave driver, he increased their physical drill under upped gravity. Gravity upped every time they were able to withstand it. He even had them to do all their techniques in respective pressure. He had shown them how to use all body strength while hammering especially how to efficiently use calf muscles. Both boys didn't want to waste time in hitting nothing, so they did their training in smithy while doing a thousand refinement, and creating alloys to checkout their toughness as whether they cannot be used to make hidden weapons more deadly and this also provided the necessary cover for their special training. They had to their hammer the metal while feeling mountain was crushing them while using pure physical strength. This training took four months to finish. They made quite a lot of hidden weapons in these months. They now can do all their techniques in normal gravity with our feeling any effect and were more efficient due to correct use of muscles and Smiting while training has taught them strong force was not always the answer they have to switch and maintain the rhythm. It also helped them to accommodate to their bodies' sudden growth while absorbing hammer spirit rings. He then trained them by telling them, again to do them all the hammering techniques, while he will fluctuate the gravity. It lasted three months before he declared this phase to end. It helped boys to understand their center of gravity and was able to shift it instantly, and they have made hidden weapons for everyone. Last month he was training them on how to use their domain and withstand killing intent when he first released his deathgod domain both his sons literally got frozen on the spot. Both Chen and San have killing intent but their father seems to able to materialize his it was the difference in the quality of using it. He also sparred with them by summoning his own hammer, Both boys now understand many intricacies of their hammer spirit which the overlooked. They were more adept at using the hammer infighting instead of how earlier the just used their self developed, variant method of disorder splitting wind hammer method with or without intent to charge forward with brute force only. As for how a sect once the top of the world can be a one-trick pony. They have become truly strong for their age.

Fatty was also training hard. He was rank 38 Phoenix spirit, spirit masters. He was mostly training under Grandmaster as Dragon and Phoenix were top-quality animal spirits in the continent. Grandmaster trains him on how to control his spirit instead of letting it control him. He trains fatty to increase the temperature of the fire and how to control it. He let fatty to Spar with others especially Tang Chen when he was free as he has immunity to fire, Fatty also developed his style it mostly was to escape from attack and then counter it with his own abilities clever but great style if used properly.

Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhuqing was also training under Ah Yin as Shrek academy lacks agility. Ah Yin was helping Xiao Wu and Zhuqing to up agility through meticulous training and ingenious ways to use her spirit. She was training Rongrong to up the Heart separation method. All the girls were progressing greatly under her guidance. She also trained them in close combat and intent. Girls were grasping it. She didn't want them just to be protected by their better half but was to stand and fight with them as she still remembered the bitter moment of her helplessness when she has to sacrifice herself to Protect Hao and her children. If she wasn't blue silver Emperor, which are famous for astonishing vitality in most basic form of blue silver grass let alone her, A 100,000 years old blue silver emperor transformed pseudo-human, then she would have died and never experience things that she was able to now. But not everyone has such luck. So, she wants them to be formidable spirit masters themselves. She knew about her both sons' romantic interests, Xiao Wu was no problem, but she was also accepting of Rongrong too she especially spends more time with Zhuqing and Rongrong to know more about them. Xiao Wu, Rongrong, Zhuqing were rank 46, 37 & 37 respectively.

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