Douluo Dalu: A Great Big Brother


Tang Hao, Ah Yin, Grandmaster, Flander, Zhou Wujii, Er long, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Tang San, Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were surrounding Tang Chen. They were excited, Tang San told them about Immortal herbs and what can they do. They were waiting for Tang Chen to distribute them the pills so that they can try to find the exact effect herbs will have on them.

Tang Chen gave them their pills and told them possibilities of the effect it can have on them and assured it won't harm them in any way, worst come to worst these pills will just purify impurities from their bodies. He then gave them pills he refined for them. He prepared each pill with potency for each person according to their Spirit and ranks. All pills were tailored for a specific person only. They all took their pills and sat in a different place so their changes do no influence others.

Dai Mubai and Grandmaster sat near the domain of Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum's domain with some distance between them as this immortal herb was base for their pills. Taking pills in their immediate surroundings will only help them. Others followed their suit, Oscar and Flander sat near Eight Petal Immortal Orchids, Tang San and Ah Yin sat at both sides of ice-fire yin yang well where opposing elements were meeting. They were facing each other, Fatty and Liu Er long sat near the domain of Infernal delicate apricot and zhuqing and Zhou Wujii sat near Daffodil Jade Flesh Bone herb's domain. Tang Hao just sat on the side, Seeing everyone one took their pills Tang Chen also took his pill and sat cross-legged.

Tang Chen woke up first feeling his senses and eyesight improved a lot. When he stood up there were cracking sound around him, he was 2 inches (5.08 cm) taller. He got the benefit he thought he would get from his pill he woke up first because there weren't very many impurities in his body.

After 30 minutes Tang Hao woke up he said he now had his rank consolidated, it wasn't a surprise he woke first among others being Rank 99 douluo his stats was completely different from others even with the combination of all immortal herbs, he can absorb it fast.

Ah Yin woke up after an hour later than Tang Hao, There were no visible changes on her except she looks younger and fairer. Tang Chen went to her and gave her Full moon Autumn Dew and told her process to absorb it. Tang San woke up 2 hours after that Tang Chen repeated the same with him as he has done with his mother.

After one hour a dragon roar was heard in surrounding and dense energy suddenly gathered where grandmaster sat cross-legged, Grandmaster already once had secondary awakening, so he wasn't going to have that again, Tang Chen knew that's why he increased potency so that with the help of dense energy in magical space he can jump the ranks and possibly become a Titled douluo. Seems like Tang Chen succeeded. Grandmaster suddenly stood up and came to Tang Chen and hugged him tightly no word seems to come from his mouth. Grandmaster was very emotional as of now. He was called trash most of his life, was being insulted, berated, disdained and looked down most of his life, but in last 7 years with Tang family he just didn't get a disciple with huge potential, but he became a titled douluo all he had to do was to and get a ring, and he was thinking of having red ring as his 9th ring. He hugged Chen for a while. Then he stood up and bowed in front of Tang Hao, Tang Hao seemed to understand him, he just nodded.

20 minutes later both Flander and Zhou Wujii came together to place where Grandmaster, Tang Hao, and Chen were. They looked younger and seemed to successfully become soul douluo. But their spirit didn't change. They weren't sad they knew what they gained was enough for them. They had their foundation strengthened the will certainly become Titled Douluo in the future.

Dragon roar once again resounded but instead of dense energy of whole magical space only heaven and earthly energy surrounding fireside of ice-fire yin yang well was gathering in her direction, then a dragon appeared behind Liu Er long, unlike grandmaster second awakening dragon didn't eat the rings but it started evolving after becoming completely red it breathed fire whose temperature was equal to ultimate fire of fireside of ice-fire yin yang well. Liu Er long was really lucky to take pills near the Infernal delicate apricot domain as the herbs itself grow by taking the essence of ultimate Fire in well. Her spirit evolved from a fire dragon to TRUE FIRE DRAGON. and she also seemed to reach bottleneck and will further increase her ranks after gaining a spirit ring. She also came to the group she looks enchanting. She hugged Grandmaster, others also congratulated her. The difference between her spirit compared to before was like heaven and earth. With only one word her spirit was now comparable to likes of clear sky hammer spirit. The TRUE in her spirit made all the difference. She was young and will surely become Titled Douluo in the near future.

Shrek student was taking a long time but it was good for them. They will certainly gain more compared to A.d.u.l.ts. The longer it took more beneficial metamorphosis will be for them.

It was Xiao wu who woke first, She seems gained only one rank and became rank 46. But now she gives a noble aura to people around her. It was her spirit that went through change. Her spirit already had golden outlines when she ate golden fruit but with the help of a pill, it finally went under metamorphosis. She now instead of a soft bone rabbit has SOFT BONE RABBIT EMPRESS. Her spirit now was slimmer and had a Tiara on its head. Only Tang Hao had felt what truly was the effect of pill even with his cultivation he cannot distinguish her a 100,000-year-old beast turned human, but she truly gives the feeling of a normal human. Closely looking he found a skin-tight thin film-like barrier was blocking her true essence, it can easily overlook as part of aura she was surrounded with, he can only distinguish it because he knew about her. Even Grandmaster who was rank 90 now can't find anything about her. Tang Hao nodded toward her and Tang Chen indicating pill truly had worked its wonder. Tang Hao was happy for her, he didn't want his worst enemy to feel like what he felt during Ah Yin self-sacrifice.

Next to woken up was Ning Rongrong who seemed just gain ranks She was now rank 45. But after hearing about others and under Tang Chen's persistence, she released her spirit again and after carefully inspecting it. She seems to be Standstill she once again checked to make sure she wasn't dreaming. She jumped towards Tang Chen and kissed him on lips. She didn't care about her surroundings or anything. She was just happy a major drawback of her spirit was removed. She knew the talent levels of her comrades, she knew they surely will be titled Douluo in future if not died at an early age even Oscar had that chance everyone but her, due to her spirit. Seven treasures pagoda is called Seven treasures pagoda because it had seven levels and can only acquire seven rings meaning she can only cultivate up to 79 Ranks it was her secret from the group, but now because of pill provided by Chen her seven treasures pagoda changed into Nine treasures pagoda meaning it now has nine levels and can acquire Nine rings she can now become Titled Douluo like her comrades. She then let go of Chen who was dumbfounded because of the kiss.

Ah Yin seemed to be awoken as Rongrong kissed Chen, she teased them a little. Ah Yin also Broke through to boundless spiritual realm. Tang Hao mentally communicated with her and told what happened until then. She nodded. Tang San also woke up he was still in Mustard seed realm like Tang Chen but both crossed its mid-level and close to the peak. Tang Chen was closer to it. Tang San lost his healthy wheat skin and was fair now he looked ravishing. Tang Chen was 53rd rank Soul king and Tang San was at rank 51.

Oscar seemed to wake up. He became more handsome, He gained ranks and was at Rank 45. His spirit was the same, but he can feel that he now can cultivate at the same speed as others which was a huge drawback for him as good type spirit master.

After a while, Phoenix cry suddenly erupted near the Infernal delicate apricot domain. Everybody saw a red Phoenix which seemed soaring towards the sky. It has its beautiful red wings spread out and rose from the ground towards the sky. Phoenix seemed to be made of deep red fire. When the scene cleared everybody saw a handsome boy of 13-14 years old. He has a handsome face, red hair, and well-proportioned muscles but a lean body. Surprisingly He was wearing a little loose clothes which did not fit youth in the least. Looking at clothes everyone knew it was their so-called fatty Ma Hongjun. Ma Hongjun was dancing looking at his thin figure. Flander was also happy and proud that his disciple lost the evil fire which was Plaguing him all this time was gone. Fatty also had spirit metamorphosis, like Liu Er long his spirit got rid of its evil fire and became TRUE PHOENIX. Fatty came where the group was happily skipping he was also now 45th rank soul expert.

After some time a tiger roar Resounded in the magical space but as it ended another tiger roar Resounded. These roars were from Dai mubai and Zhu Zhuqing respectively. Dai mubai and Zhuqing came to the group after sometimes. They looked slightly changed and m.a.t.u.r.e. Dai Mubai had just turned 16, but he looked 17 years old now, he has the aura of authority around him now. He looked more reserved and detached. Zhuqing was the youngest in the group but now looked more m.a.t.u.r.e, her figure became more curvaceous. They both also have gained ranks Mubai was rank 47 and Zhuqing was now rank 46 similar to Xiao Wu. Dai Mubai's Evil Eyes white tiger now became DEVILGOD EVIL EYES TIGER and Zhuqing's Hell civet became HELL TIGRESS.

Nobody in the entire continent knew that at the Shrek academy in this very moment a formidable group of 8 youths consisting of soul experts and soul kings were formed wise age we're between 13 and 16 years who will shake the whole continent in the upcoming tournament which was 6 months away named :

Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament.

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