Douluo Dalu: A Great Big Brother


The elders sighed and turned to Tang Hao and Ah Yin. The long-eyebrowed elder said: "We are sorry for blaming you for sect's condition. And welcome you and your whole family back to the sect." These were again clever use of words. But Tang Chen didn't dwell on it because making these geezers to acknowledge their mistake and being welcome back to sect was a huge thing for his father. They seemed to apologize but were also roping Tang Hao and his family back to sect after seeing the strength of Tang Hao & knowing the talent and strength of Tang Chen. These father and son duo's talent and strength were enough for them to place importance to their whole family because by such simple apology they get their Clear sky douluo back and possible future douluo for the sect to secure its future. They didn't know about their other family members but these two were enough for them.

Tang Hao also knew that the elders were still blaming him for the loss of their previous sect master, his father and others who lost their lives against Spirit Hall, but truth of the matter was he was actually responsible for that, even he knew spirit Hall has vented his anger to the sect and the elders weren't completely wrong to blame him. He also sighed bowed his head and said: "Thank you, but I was also at fault, the sect and its members were harmed because of me and my personal matters. I am sorry for all my mistakes, now please allow this Tang Hao and his family to repay the sect for its grace of raising me making me the man I'm now. This Tang Hao is eternally grateful for this opportunity." Tang Hao stood up and looked toward Tang Chen and gestures something.

Tang Chen also bowed his head towards elders and in an apologetic tone, he said:" Sect elders please forgive this junior for his Impudence, I was out of line before. But our family is willing to give our best to benefit the sect further in the future."

Getting the apology from both father and son, the gloomy mood of the courtyard lessened a lot. The elders also nodded their heads in acceptance.

Tang Chen also straighten his back after apology, then turned towards the clear sky sect's disciples and said:" Since the beginning of the ceremony we got sidetracked and never introduced ourselves to the whole sect. Let our family formally introduce ourselves to the whole sect."

Tang Chen then stepped forward raising his both hands and summoning his both spirits he simply said: "Tang Chen, 13 years old, Rank 53, twin spirits: Clear Sky Hammer and Blue Silver Emperor, power attack system, battle soul king." He then summoned spirit rings of both spirits one after another. The elders knew but disciples hearing twin spirit was again shocked. Twin spirit was heaven's blessing to spirit master. This kid not only have them but also have 5 spirit rings on both of them. They now also understand why his hammer has 5 black spirit rings. The elders were again intrigued that Tang Chen was a power attack type even with his frail blue silver emperor spirit. But they decided to let go for now.

Tang San followed after him raised his both hands and said:" Tang San, 13 years old, Rank 51, twin spirit Blue Silver Emperor and Clear Sky Hammer, control system and power attack system, battle spirit king." Then like Chen, he released his spirit rings for his spirits. The elders and disciples were flabbergasted again now realizing how talented and heavenly blessed sons of their clear sky douluo's sons were. The second and third generation disciples didn't think that this kid is also a Soul king with the same color configuration of spirit rings as his brother on both spirits.

Ah, Yin decided to went after them, to let Tang Hao's introduction have the most impact in front of the sect. She raised her right hand and summoned her spirit and spirit rings 2-yellow 2- purple 4-black and 1-red ring but she didn't release her pressure. seeing whole 9 rings and one deep red 100,000-year-old ring at the end the courtyard has pin drop silence now. The disciples, the elders even the sect master Tang Xiao and Tang Yue-Hua were also stupidly staring at her. Ah Yin didn't even needed to enforce her soul power to her voice, her soft voice was automatically seemed loud and reverberating in courtyard she said :"Ah Yin wife of Clear Sky Douluo Tang Hao, Rank 96,Spirit : Blue Silver Emperor, Control system Battle Titled Douluo, Title : BLUE EMPEROR."

The people woke up from their trance after hearing her and looked again at Ah Yin but this time all their gaze was filled with respect, even elders were not exceptions to this. The elders were thrilled that now their sect have 5 douluos including Tang Hao there's were sect master and Two elders and now wife of Tang Hao. She was even a super douluo, nearing the rank of their sect master Tang Xiao Howling Douluo of Rank 97. It seems that sect now can come out of hiding again took their deserving place in the continent as Number one sect under the heaven in upcoming years. Their only problem was the elder Hall in spirit Hall. Their mood slowly changing, Now they were happy that they apologized to Tang Hao and his family. Tang Xiao was also happy for his once sister and now sister-in-law.

Their thinking was again disrupted when Tang Hao stepped forward. Everyone in the courtyard seemed unconsciously straightened their backs everyone including elders, disciples, sect master even Tang Chen and Tang San. The boys never have seen their father like that. Just one step and it looked Dragon has awakened from his slumber. There was an aura of complete dominance in that step. Tang Hao seemed to become the center of everything. Older generation once again reminded of the youth who got the title of Clear Sky after skipping a generation. Tang Hao didn't release his aura or anything thing but his foot left One-inch deep impression on the ground, Tang Hao then took Two steps forward. His mere presence was asking them to kneel down in front of him. Tang Hao infused only little of his power in his voice but it seemed he was roaring, he calmly raised his right hand and summoned his hammer looking at his hammer with a 3.5-meter long handle. Handle has thin cylindrical shape and diameter to 2 inches with cylindrical hammerhead of half a meter of diameter and 1 meter was the length. With the pronounced pattern of clear sky sect and Deathgod Domain and a golden dragon seemed to coil around the hammer handle. It looks intimidating and dominating. Spirit rings appeared behind him one by one as he was introducing himself he said :" Tang Hao, Rank 99,Spirit :Clear Sky Hammer power attack system Titled Douluo, Title : CLEAR SKY."first black, followed by another black it continued till six rings each one darker than other sixth ring even had red in it. But from seventh ring onwards red color rings started to appear and it happens till his ninth ring. A full 9 spirit rings of 5- black, 1- reddish black and 3- reds colors emerged behind him as he finished speaking. The rings were not moving rhythmically but standing still behind him. It seemed that CLEAR SKY DOULUO has announced his return to the world.

There was pin-drop silence reigning in the courtyard. Tears were in the eyes of all the people present there the elder generation was reminded of their previous CLEAR SKY DOULUO TANG CHEN. The second and third generation was happy that now their sect can stop hiding in the mountains. It wasn't said but they were inwardly ashamed of sect's hiding. Once the number one sect under heaven has fallen so far as that, it was now hiding in the mountains. But now it seems they can get out of hiding with their back straight and announcing their return to the mainland. All grievances they had for Tang Hao has washed away and instead, now their gaze was filled with respect and intense worship. Tang Hao has not forgotten them he came back after becoming more formidable to help the sect in taking their rightful place.

The long-eyebrowed elder suddenly shouted:" All sect disciples and elder kneel down and pay respect to YOUR EMINENCE ULTIMATE CLEAR SKY DOULUO."They all knelt down even sect master Tang Xiao, Tang Yue-Hua, Tang San, Tang Chen, and Ah Yin. It was a sign of respect they all have to show to An Ultimate Douluo of their sect and if that Douluo's Title was Clear Sky than more reason they had to kneel down, the respect has to be shown.

Tang Chen looked at them he was expecting this, After all, it was a law passed down but his grandfather the previous 'ULTIMATE CLEAR SKY DOULUO TANG CHEN'.He accepted the respect shown to him and said: "Get up, I was a reason for sect hiding, so it was natural for me to come back after becoming more formidable. Now, we will once again go back to the mainland and I will personally do my best so that sect will have it's glory once again. We will together remind others once again why they should have never messed up with our sect."

Next chapter Tang Chen vs slim elder.

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