Douluo Dalu: A Great Big Brother


Both Tang Chen and Tang San were near smithy making some tools or helping Tang Hao. At the age of four both boys went to their father and ask him to teach them. Tang Hao was doubtful, so he asked them to pick his hammer. When they both lifted his hammer easily due to their strong body as they have been then cultivating for two years. After that he gave them an iron chunk and told them to come after hammering it 10000 times. Both boys did so in 12 days. Tang Hao then started to tech them about blacksmiths and his hammer technique.

Tang Chen knew it was disorder splitting wind hammer method and practiced very hard now both he and Tang San can do 49 hits after two year with their current hammers. Tang Hao also stared to increase their hammer weight as the managed to complete 81hits with small hammers now their hammer look like more of war hammer than smiting hammer for their height. It's handle was around of half meter and diameter of cylindrical head is about a foot long. The weight of hammers is around 400-450 kg but both Tang Chen and Tang San can lift it as easily. But cannot complete the 81 hits yet.

Tang Chen often go to his magical space to hunt beasts either for cooking them or gaining fighting experience. Due to his high spiritual powers and body strength he gained substantial fighting experience and quite amount of killing intent.

He remembers the technique elder mu teach to Hua Yuhao which use spiritual, soul and physical power to combine and produce intent. Tang Chen also tried than was able to produce intent in minimal amount as his combined prowess is low, and he only has theories. He also managed to produce such intent with hammer in the fight against soul beast with ancient bloodline in his magical space. In at two years he managed to add intent in disorder splitting wind hammer to the 9 hits. Even Tang Hao was surprised by this method, Tang Chen then told his brother and father about the method and his theory. Both were surprised and shocked about his method and such Domineering hammer might. He taught Tang San about using and combining spiritual, soul and physical powers. "Coincidently" Tang Hao was also listening. After some month Tang San also produced the intent but it wasn't as domineering but was smooth and flowing. They both learned from each other.

In terms of intent the difference between brothers were Tang Chen's were more domineering and have might while Tang San were flowing, smooth and have more polished skills. Both learned from each other what they were lacking but decided correct their mistakes but not copy each other scenery one has different paths.

Tang Chen also took Tang San to his magical space but called it forest in outskirts of city and didn't tell it was his space. Tang San was shocked at the amount of herbs there then Tang Chen told him he uses it his cooking with soul beasts' meat shocking him further. With help of Tang Chen, Tang San also gained fighting experience and killing intent. Both children then learned to suppress their killing intent after scaring some Villagers away. Tang Hao simply didn't react to it was as indifferent to it as other things. Both boys managed to suppress it after 2 months of meditation, they both decided to distract them with other hobbies. For Tang Chen cooking was not enough, so he started to do alchemy in his magical space. Tang San stated gardening learning music to calm his nerves. It doesn't mean they don't have killing intent, but they can hide it quite well.

With the help of intent both boys created their own self-made skills even before awakening. Though their soul power couldn't be increased but it was a lot denser due strong body and manual. Today was the day they both have been waiting for long time. Today they will awaken their spirits.

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