Qualifiers round ended after a month it started the Shrek Academy, The Blazing Academy, The Thunderclap Academy, The skywater Academy, and The Godwind Academy qualified to be in the promotional round. The promotional round will be held in the same arena with all the teams that have cleared qualifier round in different kingdoms of Heaven dou empire.

The rules of promotional tournaments were different than qualifiers. The rules were very simple. Both sides would each participate with seven team members. Each team that went up would fight until defeated, continuing to fight the next opponent if they won, until the seven people on one side were completely defeated. But each team has to fight other teams and one team with the highest victory will advance to the final round and fight for the title of champions with three seeded teams. As the Star Dou kingdom has already selected its strongest team as a seeded team and doesn't hold the first two rounds in their kingdom as they believe in only strong eat the weak concept. It was deeply rooted in the Star Dou empire so much as it was even their rulers were selected by such means.

Shrek Teams have progressed, Rongrong already had a breakthrough to rank 49 and others were trying their best to have breakthrough to soul king realm before the final round in the Spirit city. Dai Mubai was closest followed by Xiao Wu, Zhuqing and Rongrong who were at Rank 49. Ma Hongjun was at rank 48 and Oscar was slowest at Rank 47. The promotional will take about a month to complete and Finals will be held a month after that. All team members spend most of their time in Magical Space trying to have a breakthrough. Dai Mubai seems to hit an unusual bottleneck.

Two days later, In the arena.

All teams who were qualified for the promotional ranks were gathered in the arena. There were around 30 teams gathered in the arena including the Shrek Academy team. The matches will be set by the lottery method. The worst coincidence was The Blazing Academy drew The Shrek Academy as their first opponent. Being defeated like that in the last match, they decided a tactic to prove the Shrek's team and bait them to not send Ma Hongjun as their first opponent.

Both teams arrived at the center of the stage to greet each other before the beginning of the match.

Suddenly, the only female of their team, Hua Wu stepped forward, Huo Wu said: " We are willing to settle this match with only one battle, Do you dare to send any other member of your team than the red-haired one? I will personally fight in this only match, Are you willing to bet?"

Shrek team was looking at her like she was an idiot, this was probably the oldest trick and she is saying it with such nonchalance.

Tang Chen stepped forward and said: " We clearly knew what are you up to, but we will humor you. We will take the bet. I will fight in this match personally and see how it will be any different than last time."

Other participants of both teams left the stage, and both Tang Chem and Hua Wu were facing each other. The referee came and announced the beginning of the match. Both participants summoned their spirits and spirit rings. Tang Chen held his Staff in his hand and Five rings appeared behind him. Hua Wu's body suddenly trembled a faint orange shadow gradually appeared behind Huo Wu. It was identical to her, a vague flame shadow with an illusory feeling. But this was her spirit, Fire Shadow. The fire element shadow was an extremely peculiar spirit, but able to display the fire element to its greatest degree. Four rings also appeared behind her.

Both didn't move Tang Chen was waiting for Hua Wu to do her spirit rings merging techniques, even in his previous life he was fascinated by this another of his current father's technique. Hua Wu was also inwardly smiling not knowing the opponent in front of her was deliberately allowing her to perform her technique. After the humiliation, her team has to suffer last time she decided to go for this technique fro the get-go knowing it can harm her also.

Ring Merging wasn't any kind of technique, but rather an innate ability. Only some extremely peculiar Spirit Masters could possess this kind of ability. It used the simultaneous release of the spirit power of several spirit ring abilities at once, and could also be called an instant substantial spirit power release, making use of one spirit ability. The greatest benefit of Ring Merging was burst power.

An only egg-sized ball of white light floated out, flying straight for Tang Chen. After releasing this white ball of light, Huo Wu's complexion instantly turned deathly pale.

Tang Chen suddenly felt the extreme heat and small sense of danger from the ball, he suddenly summoned his clone and sent it to face the ball. A sudden explosion happened on stage when clone and light came in contact with each other. Tang Chen was surprised by the sheer power of the explosion. The dust settled down after some time Hua wu was looking very pale and with used most of her soul power. Tang Chen was relatively unharmed was shocked, he knew even if he has immunity to fire and the fire was not hot as Liu Er long's fire, he will still be harmed if he directly came into contact with the explosion. Hua Wu was not in conditions to continue the match.

The match ended in such a way, the audience began cheering again but this time they were screaming the names of both the academies.

Shrek has only one match on the first day so as usual, they returned to the academy.

Ten days passed and Shrek were still winning with relative ease and not encountered other elemental academies yet. They didn't care and utilized all their time on promoting their ranks. Dai Mubai Sat crosslegged, Today was the day he felt he will have the breakthrough.

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