Douluo Dalu: A Great Big Brother


Tang brothers and Tang Yue Hua were packed and was waiting for Tang Hao to arrive to lead them to Clear Sky Sect. Tang Hao arrived after half an hour but he wasn't alone he came with Ah Yin and Xiao Wu. Seeing their sons Ah Yin came and tied to hug them bot was beaten by one person who was already in Tang San's embrace. Xiao Wu jumped in the embrace of Tang San and fiercely kissed him on lips. They separated after a while after hearing a cough. Both blushed to remember others were there too but two years of separation was not easy for either of them. Tang Chen ended the embarrassment, he came forward and patted her adopted sister's head and smiled towards her, she also hugged him and told him She also missed him and her carrots while smiling mischievously. He was happy to see something that was familiar to him in her hasn't changed. Ah Yin then hugged both her sons. The family reunion lasts 20 minutes.

Ah Yin didn't change much but Xiao Wu has grown a lot from the mischievous girl she became a poised woman but she still acted mischievous and spoiled brat in front of them. She was 5ft 7inch tall, became curvacious, and was still wearing a pink gown.

Tang brothers and Xiao Wu talked awhile Xiao Wu told them she was already at rank 70 but didn't gain the seventh ring as she decided to have it with them in magical space, she may have changed into a human but she still didn't want to kill the beasts on the continent. She also told them that Ma hongjun was also a Rank 63 rd spirit emperor and he gained a 75,000-year-old ring for his sixth ring. Two years of training in the Tang sect has helped them all. The Elders and Shrek teachers were not Titled Douluo yet but were close. Tai Tan and Liu Erlong were closest at 89th rank they will breakthrough in 6-8 months while others will take one or two years.

Tand Hao then told them it was time to go to Sect. The whole family then went towards the sect they reached the village they previously arrived when they entered the sect. Tang brothers noticed there were several changes around the village, sects disciples were patrolling in the periphery and it didn't look pitiful as before. Tang then took them to the real entrance of sect. Different youths were guarding the gate than last time when they arrived here, but they didn't stop them as they clearly recognized not only Tang Hao, Tang Yue Hua, and Ah Yin but also Tang Brothers from the clan meeting before, only Xiao Wu was new addition but they didn't say anything about it and opened the gate.

The Family and Xiao Wu then arrived at the meeting hall of Clear Sky Sect, where sect leaders Tang Xiao and elders were present. Everyone except Tang Hao and Ah Yin went forward and bowed and greeted the sect master and elders. It was rule and tradition of greeting the sect that only ultimate Douluo and his wife were the exceptions. Tang Yue Hua was proud to see the effects of her teachings of etiquette on her nephews. The Elder and Tang Xiao was surprised and pleased to see the progress of both brothers. Tang Hao and Ah Yin also took their elder seat at the council. Tang Yue Hua was also an advisory and external affair elder so she also took her seat. Her seat and Ah yin Seats were close so children stood in between their seats.

The greeting and Meeting went on for a while, Then Tang Hao stood up and said: "Elder brother and Elders I have brought my sons to let them train in the sect. I have trained them well but I didn't train the secret techniques and core fighting style of the sect to them except disorder splitting hammer method. It was my wish that my sons learned these only after returning to sect. Now they have concluded all my training tasks outside of the sect. It is imperative and beneficial for them to train at sect, t not only to train but also that they can form a bond with the sect and disciples. I want my sons to truly feel the close familial bond we of Clear Sky Sect have with its members."

Tang Xiao and elders nodded hearing this. They also knew that both Tang Chen and San were always trained outside and didn't have a bond with the sect. It was important for the sect that these two extremely talented youths spent some time in the sect to form bonds as one of these two surely will be future sect master of Sect. Second Elder then stood up and said: "Very well, Tang Chen and Tang San will train in the sect for foreseeing future, but first we have to asses their progress of these years to know what to train them in." Everybody nodded hearing that the seventh elder was going to say something but before he can even open his mouth Tang Xiao said: "I will asses them." This shocked everyone except Ah Yin, Xiao Wu, and Tang brothers. They didn't know but every sect disciple knows that Sect master only asses the youths for one reason to see whether or not the youth was worthy enough to get the most prestigious Clear Sky Title. Elders were also kept quiet as they know that sons of Present Clear Sky Douluo were truly up for the task, if even they can't pass the assessment then they may have to wait for a long time and again skip the generation as nobody in third-generation were as capable them in the sect. It was also a good strategic way to ensure the loyalty of brothers towards the sect. They have seen both brothers were close if they hook one of the brothers then another brother will surely follow.

After a while, they nodded Tang Xiao the told the assessment will be held tomorrow in front of everyone. Tang Chen And Tang San kept quiet but both of them can guess what's happening, They were not naive and after their etiquette training they can clearly see through the political reasons behind doing such thing. They didn't mind either Tang San was never interested in becoming the sect leader of Clear Sky Sect or gain a title of Clear Sky, While Tang Chen also didn't want to become the leader of any sect whatsoever but was interested in Title Clear sky because of Great Sumeru Hammer method. The meeting then finished and news about the sect master's assessment of Tang Brothers spread like wildfire in the sect.

Next day Every disciple of every generation was gathered in the training field of Clear Sky Sect. Tang brothers also reached the field with their family and Xiao Wu. Tang Xiao and Sect elders were also present there. After a few minutes, Tang San and Tang Chen stood in the middle of the field and Tang Xiao was at the opposite of them, Tang Hao decided to become the referee and he signaled and started the match. The condition for Tang brothers to win the match is to withstand for 2 hours in front of Tang Xiao where Tang Xiao will use his spirit power and his hammer freely but not his spirit abilities. Tang Xiao was standing there with the hammer which has the same dimension as Tang Hao's.

Tang Chen and San decided to see how far they can go just relying on one spirit, They decided first to use all abilities of blue silver spirit then use their hammer spirit. The even restricted them to use one spirits domain attached to the spirit they were using. They summoned their blue silver spirit and rings. Everybody was again shocked to see their configuration behind Tang San was 2- yellow, 2- purple, 1- black and 1- reddish-black rings and behind Tang Chen was 1-yellow, 1-yellow with purple tiny, 1- purple, 1- purple with black tint, 1- black & 1- deep red rings. What was the red ring? It was Spirit masters most d.e.s.i.r.ed thing in the world even Tang Xiao didn't have it but Tang Chen has it as spirit Emperor. Both brothers then released their blue silver spirit domain and the grass at the field stood straight as soldiers waiting for the command. Elder looked towards each other and nodded they knew their sect master has made the right decision.

Yellow rings behind both boys brightened simultaneously and there was a staff in Tang Chen's hand and Tang San was summoning and manipulating the blue silver emperor. Both boys ran towards Tang Xiao, Tang Chen attacked him with his staff and was expertly changing its shape and making it sword and hammer and was using his self created arts and intents, similarly, Tang San has a whip in his hand and was attacking with it. He was a control master so he was trying to control the enemy. Both boys were in perfect coordination. Tang Xiao also showed his battle experience and quickly gained upper hand but was annoyed how the grass on the ground was constantly trying to bind or cut him, Tand San decided to use the ability parasite but it was useless then both used their third abilities, Tang Chen summoned his two clones with Hammer, sword, and staff of blue silver spirit in their hands and jumped forward when Tang san threw spider web bomb at Tang Xiao. Their spirit now wasn't fragile as before as Tang Chen got Toughness of diamond as he absorbed his sixth ring while Tang San har resiliency of ant Emperor Just bu spirit alone the can cause harm to most spirit douluos, but they were facing Rank 97 super Douluo who can easily make these boost look useless. The fight went on for half an hour when they decided to use the fourth and fifth abilities as Tang Chen's fourth ability will just boost his spirit strength and fifth ability will make a spear from the same spirit. The fight lasted this long also because of their clever ability to use their domain and constant create an obstacle or abrupt rhythm of Tang Xiao. Tang San fourth ability forms prison around Tang Xiao to distract them while similarly, a spear from fifth ability will form. The fifth ability was coom as they both got it while awakening their bloodline. Tang Xiao who was only defensive at this point suddenly felt danger then he swung his hammer to deflect both the spears coming at him. Then again fight went on for half more hours, Seeing Tang Xiao was attacking Tang Chen red ring shined and formed a dome of Blue silver spirit around them. Tang Xiao smashed the dome but both boys were relatively unharmed.

The people in the surrounding was quiet as they were looking at the fight, they were definitely impressed. As per old Tradition, both boys have passed as they crossed a 1-hour mark but Tang Hao was adamant to keep the test for two hours. Originally the sect master will just defend mostly and rarely attack to see the strength of one they want to test but here Both youngsters have forced Tang Xiao to fight seriously granted he wasn't using his spirit ability or strength but was using enough strength to fight and seriously injured spirit doulou and even some Titled Douluo.

The fight came to an abrupt halt as Tang Brothers created some distance between them and Tang Xiao. Both boys retrieved their blue silver spirits. They then released their respective hammer spirit domains. Only Tang Xiao felt gravity around him changes and was pressed by heavy mountain simultaneously while being subjected to inhumane killing intent, He also felt that his spirit power has dropped 15%. The gravity and 5% reduction of spirit power was because of Deathgod Doom Domain while the Felling of pressure and 10% reduced spirit power was because of the enhanced Deathgod dominating domain. Tang Chen deliberately suppress initiate suppression because of his hammer spirit. Both boys can now control and direct their domain to individuals and groups they d.e.s.i.r.ed unlike the last time they were at Clear Sky Sect.

Both boys then summoned their hammer spirit and rings and everybody was speechless again. Behind them were 5- black and 1- red rings separately. Even the resident Ultimate Clear sky Douluo didn't have a red sixth ring but his sons have that, they realized that both boys would only select 100,000 years old rings from now on meaning their rings will be of 5- black and 4- red rings for clear sky hammer spirit when they will be Titled Douluo.

Tang Xiao was also shocked but came out of it immediately when he saw both boys lit up their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd rings. Tang san hammer's Hammerhead was shrouded in lightning and its strength was increased. As his 1st ring generate lightning on his hammer while 2nd ring increases the area of lightning and 3rd ring strengthened the hammer. Tang Chen's hammer size increased and its hammerhead ends covered in a diamond while getting a strength boost. as his 1st ring gives it boost, the 2nd ring changes the size, and the Diamond end was because of the 3rd ring. Both boys then used the Perplexing Disorder Splitting Hammer method using their Flowing Hammer and Dominating hammer descend respectively and tried to attack Tang Xiao, who was forced to retreat as boys were constantly harassing him with this method. As soon as their 9 by 9 hits completed both boys used their sixth ring. Tang San formed a thunder prison around Tang Xiao and Tang Chen locked his target on him. Both boys then let go of their Hammers using Controlling Crane, Capturing Dragon method so that it will not lose its momentum.

Tang Xiao felt the danger coming towards him, he knew if he was struck by hammers he will be seriously injured if not die as the craters created by both hammers while trying to hit him spoke volumes about its weight. He then quickly summoned his rings which were standard 2- yellow,2- purple, and 5- black. His seventh ring shined and he used clear sky hammer avatar in front of him to take both hits. His avatar was struck hammers it broke his avatars while being flung to the wall behind him and disappeared with the broken wall. Tang Hao quickly ended the match and went to find his elder brother. There was pin-drop silence on the field. Both boys were tired and kneeling as the fight has exhauster their all spirit power.

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