Douluo Dalu: Frozen Heaven Spear Lord

Chapter 93 - Douluo Dalu: FHSL - 93 Spiritual Training

Old Bing nodded his Head seeing Bai Xiaotian look.

he then said while pointing his finger at the Silver White Eye Fleeing in the White Space.

"see this Eye?"

Bai Xiaotian blinked his head and looked at Silver White Eye, in truth he wanted to know why there a eye inside his Spiritual Sea.

Old Bing said.

"This Eye has been previously called Eye of Destiny, but i decided to change it's name, it's called Eye of Frozen Origin. in the past when you formed a your Spiritual Sea inside it, the Power of Nine Elements fused with Power of Destiny inside it creating a great Spiritual Sea which not inferior to your original Spiritual Sea in any aspect, in truth it has been even greater, now your Spiritual Sea was very weak and the connection between Your Spiritual Sea and Eye of Frozen Origin has become very weak, so you can't use Power of Nine Element's inside The Second Spiritual Sea for now, naturally when your Reach Moon Manifestation stage you can use it truly."

Bai Xiaotian frowned from Old Bing words, he understand this Eye of Frozen Origin was something amazing.

but why he tell this since i can't use it?

seeing the doubt on Bai Xiaotian face, Old Bing explain.

"although you can't use Eye of Frozen Origin, but it's can help you to increase Spiritual Power quickly, in the Eye of Frozen Origin, The Ice Element was Supreme Behind it was Light and Darkness element's, The Light Element related to Sun. The Darkness Element related to Moon, but in truth the Heavenly Moon Eye Technique absorb Light of Moon as source, while Ice and Darkness has a great relations with Moon. The Ice and Darkness Elements inside Eye of Frozen Origin can help you to absorbing Light of Moon quicker and more effectively, you must notice this when you tried to absorb Light of Moon, it's has been there easy. this was Eye of Frozen Origin Benefits for your cultivation now!

Bai Xiaotian though deeply, right it's has been very easy to absorb Light of Moon last night, of course he didn't understand anything about Ice Element and Light and Dark stuff...

is not good, i must study seriously from now, Uncle Flender will teach me right?, or i can request My Mother to teach me.

wait a second my mother?

Bai Xiaotian now thought of important issue, Old Bing said i has Grandma which i thought she dead, and now i have Mother, there something fishy.

He Asked Old Bing.

"Old Bing, you said i have Grandma, you didn't say i have mother, then you mentioned that's my grandma didn't die, then who this Woman who call herself my mother?"

Old Bing become silent for a moment before speaking.

"I your Grandma was living, then who do you think that's woman was?, Speaking of which, You has been fooled by your Grandma appearance in the past."

Bai Xiaotian blinked his head and thought deeply, he may be naive sometimes, but he indeed very intelligent, after thinking a little he come with one conclusion.

"that's woman, don't tell me she was my Grandma?, how this possible!"

Bai Xiaotian face twitched fiercely thinking about this possibility.

"my, my Grandma now become my mother?"

he then surprisingly smiled.

"isn't important, Grandma, mother, i don't have any problem."

Old Bing face twitched although it can't be seen.

Bai Xiaotian turned his Head to Old Bing.

"Old Bing to you have anything else want to tell me?"

Old Bing turned his face and said to Bai Xiaotian.

"there something i didn't tell you before, it was something very important."

Old Bing pointed at Frozen Heaven Spear.

"do you know why Frozen Heaven Spear has chosen you as his Lord?"

Bai Xiaotian shake his head, of course he didn't know.

Old Bing said with deep voice.

"this because you have the greatest Spear Talent in Whole Continent, you have a Special Body called Supreme Spear God Body. because of this Body, you have a greatest Spear Talent, and only when you using Spear you will be in you strongest State!"

"in the past no matter what, against strong opponent you has been using The Spear, your true strong point is not Wolf Emperor Bloodline. is not Spirit Eyes or Spiritual Power. is not Frozen Heaven Spirit Power. it was the Spear!"

Bai Xiaotian shocked to extreme by Old Bing Words.

but hearing Old Bing words, he like understand something.

in the past weeks wherever he sleep, there a Figure Wielding a Spear and performed Few Movement, to more accurate they around four simple movement, but Bai Xiaotian has been feeling this Something very important, moreover he can't see The Figure of Person who wielding spear no matter what.

he like can see the appearance of person in his dream.

at was a young man with White Hair, it's has Blue Eyes and there cold expression on his face, but there always strange aura around him when he Wielding his Spear, it was like he wanted to pierce everything in front of him, nothing can stop His Spear!

Bai Xiaotian Opened his eyes.

The Person who Wielding the Spear was none other than him!

even though he lost all his memories, The Spear Still inside him!

Old Bing continue.

"although you can't remember the Spear Basic Movement which i teach you before, but your mind still Unconsciously remembering it, but this not enough. you must train your Spear Dao again!"

Bai Xiaotian looked at Old Bing with worried face.

"but i can't move my body..."

"who said you need to move your body?"

Bai Xiaotian blinked his eyes, he didn't understand Old Bing meaning.

Old Bing said with emotionless and cold tone.

"from now you will train using Spear Basic Movement Again, but this time is not physical Training, but a Spiritual Training!

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