Ling Mo's words immediately aroused public anger.

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Damn... the closer you are to the water, the better. I have been in the Spirit Hall for so many years, but I have never touched the Saint. Why should I give it to you?

"Too much! I can't stand it..."

"If you can't stand it, hold it back. Do you have the right to speak here?"

Seeing the emotions aroused by the male compatriots, Ling Mo retorted and shocked them directly.

At this time, Hu Liena suddenly spoke, showing a smile, and said: "Sure! As long as you are willing, I can also compensate you.

But... the premise is that you have to join our Spirit Hall..."

"Uh... Haha, forget it! Anyway, I don't expect you to agree.

Okay... stop talking nonsense, take the money! I will give you one hour. After one hour, I won't see the money, don't blame me for being rude..."

As Ling Mo sat down, many heroes fell under the skirt of the woman. Fortunately, he was suppressed by his righteousness, otherwise he almost agreed just now.

What a joke, why would he join the Spirit Hall?

If it was before, Lingmo could still consider it!

Now... there is no need at all, because the power in his hands is already equal to that of the Spirit Hall.

What qualifications does the Spirit Hall have to recruit him?

Hu Liena was very disappointed with Lingmo's answer! Just a moment ago, she suddenly had a hope, hoping that Lingmo would agree.

But she didn't expect Lingmo to answer so directly!

Could it be that she has no appeal at all?

The more she thinks about it, the more she feels at a loss, and the more she thinks about it, the angrier she gets, but she can't find a way to vent her anger!

This is not Lingmo's fault at all, it was obviously her who took the initiative to stick to him, and Lingmo just played along.

The one who suffered the loss is still herself! Others make a lot of money...

If a girl has a grudge against a man, then congratulations, she may remember you for the rest of her life...

After Lingmo said this, he didn't plan to say anything else! If the Spirit Hall doesn't take the money, he doesn't mind fighting to the death with the other party.

They will take it! Lingmo dares to guarantee that they will definitely take it.

Imagine that the Spirit Hall has been planning for so many years. If it breaks out in advance because of Lingmo's accidental intrusion, will it cause such a chain reaction?

Not to mention, fighting to the death with Lingmo will definitely be a lose-lose situation, and Lingmo may not lose...

Hu Liena ordered a good person to prepare money for Lingmo, and then returned to Yueguan.

"Your Highness, this person is sophistry and has no rules! And he has a great background. Now we should not offend him..."

Yueguan said with a miserable face. The sword just now almost took his life.

"I understand! Since he wants money, then we will give him money. As long as it can be solved with money, it is not a big problem...

This person's origin is unknown, and he is protected by such a powerful strongman. It must be a huge obstacle.

If you can make friends with him and form an alliance with him, it may not be a bad thing..."

Hu Liena thought a lot, of course... more selfish.

She wanted to keep Lingmo in the Spirit Hall and avenge the revenge just now!

Unfortunately, Lingmo didn't buy it and was obviously disappointed.

Soon, the other party came up with a black gold card and handed it directly to Lingmo.

"Check it and see if the amount is correct..."

"No need! I don't have this habit.

But... if you dare to lie to me, I will make you pay a heavier price..."

Lingmo smiled coldly and didn't check any accounts.

The previous series of actions have made them completely give up resistance. If they dare to lie to Lingmo again, they are probably really desperate.

"I'm leaving, little fox! See you another day..."

As he said, Lingmo's greedy eyes swept across Hu Liena's skirt, scaring Hu Liena to shrink and quickly cover her, as if she was afraid that she would be exposed.

It was the first time she did this to a man. She was usually very generous and would charm anyone she met to make them willing to do things for her.

But Lingmo's appearance left her with a psychological shadow, fearing that she would really fall over if she was not careful.

Just when Lingmo was about to leave the Spirit Hall, suddenly... a figure flashed across the sky and rushed towards Lingmo.

"Rogue, where are you going!"

Seeing a beautiful woman rushing towards him, with six wings spread out, sacred and flawless.

Lingmo was very familiar with that beautiful face.

"Oh my god, an angel..."

Lingmo was frightened when he saw Qian Renxue! The peacock wings spread out directly and flew away in another direction in an instant.

Qian Renxue's appearance even confused the people in the Spirit Hall.

"Elder Yue, this..."

Hu Liena was stunned for a long time. If she was not mistaken just now, it should be Qian Renxue, right? How... did she know Lingmo?

"It's a mess, it's all messed up..." Yue Guan was also confused.

I wondered which god this kid was, and for a while, the two saints of the Spirit Hall were related to him.

"This matter must be reported to the Pope..."

"Okay, I'll go back with you..."

As she spoke, Hu Liena supported the seriously injured Yue Guan and set off on the journey back to the Spirit Hall.

At this time, Lingmo was desperately running away, and Qian Renxue was chasing him!

When Lingmo left, Guiye had already put him in the small tower because he was afraid that Guiye would be unhappy and kill Qian Renxue.

This is a big sin! Readers will be unhappy.

"Sister Angel, I have no enmity with you, so there is no need to hold on to me, right?"

Ling Mo shouted while speeding up!

Unexpectedly, Qian Renxue hit him back with a sword of justice...

In an instant, Lingmo's five-color divine light burst out, and the peacock's colorful wings directly swallowed up the sword energy attack.

"No grievances, no grudges? You bastard, we haven't settled our accounts properly last time..."

Qian Renxue's face turned red when she thought of what happened last time. This was the first time in her life that she was treated like this by a man.

"Account? It seems that I didn't do anything to you, right? It was obviously you who took the initiative..."

Ling Mo thought about it for a moment, it seemed like that was the case at that time!

"You also said..."

Seeing that Ling Mo was about to mention what happened that night, Qian Renxue suddenly became anxious.

Fortunately, there are only two of them here, otherwise what would people think of her if this spread?

How could such a dignified saint do such a thing! What does the world think of her?

"Hey, you're being a little unreasonable! It's obviously you..."

Before she finished speaking, a sharp sword cut through the sky and Qian Renxue wanted to stop Ling Mo from telling what happened that night.

Seeing that the other party hadn't given up yet, Lingmo exploded! The five-color divine light bloomed, his double pupils opened wide, and the angelic martial spirit entered his body. Lingmo's speed instantly tripled!

Qian Renxue's powerful blow exceeded the range of the five-color divine light.

Ling Mo had no choice but to dodge! At a clever angle, he dodged the sword attack.

Then he flashed forward and escaped into the light!

In an instant, when Qian Renxue reacted again, Ling Mo had already appeared several kilometers away in the sky.

"Little angel, let's talk some other time... To be honest, if you really can't stand it anymore, you can come to me to satisfy your cravings. There's no need to hold it in...

Desire is something that everyone has! God is no exception, so... don't get too entangled.

If you want, I will reluctantly cooperate with you..."

After saying that, Ling Mo escaped directly into the light and disappeared instantly.

His speed was too fast, Qian Renxue couldn't catch him...

"I'm so angry! Bah, who wants to be with you..."

Frustrated, Qian Renxue finally found Ling Mo, but she didn't expect that he would run away again this time.

Will be available tomorrow. If you can subscribe, the explosions will continue...

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