
Tang Hao said nervously, he couldn't wait to implement it.

"You should know that I...there is no need to lie to you..."

Ling Mo was sure that if it had been before, he might not have been able to do anything about it.

But...he has a solution now! That is the scripture of three generations...

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With the help of the power of the Ice and Fire Eyes and the special ability of the Three Generations Sutra, Ling Mo can revive the Blue Silver Emperor in the shortest possible time.

"If this is really the case, then...it's time for me to owe you a favor..."

Tang Hao said in a low voice, according to what Ling Mo said, then... what Ling Mo did was far beyond what a colorful emperor flower could make up for.

"I won't say it's inhumane, but...how long do you want to keep this matter secret from my mistress?"

Tang San now knows nothing about Tang Hao!

"We can't tell Xiaosan yet, he's still too young! If he finds out, something bad might happen..."

"Okay! If possible, send Auntie Blue Silver Emperor here as soon as possible. Now that the mistress is still in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, maybe he can still take care of her..."

With that said, Ling Mo left first with the colorful emperor flowers. Tang Hao, this stuffy oil bottle, was difficult to get in touch with!

Returning to the medicine garden, seeing Tang San refining some hidden weapon, Ling Mo walked in as if nothing had happened.

The moment he discovered Ling Mo, Tang San was stunned for a while, and then said, "Xiao Mo? Why are you here? Did Dugu Bo capture you?"

He was not pretending to be nervous. This kid was still in the dark and had no idea that the reason why he was caught here was entirely at Ling Mo's instigation.

"That's right! That damn old poisoner knocked me out when I wasn't paying attention, and he was here as soon as I woke up..."

Dugubo:? ? ?

"By the way, what are you doing here?"

Ling Mo sat down somewhere casually and betrayed Dugu Bo without any sense of loyalty.

"After Dugu Bo captured me, he left me here without any care. I was thinking...to make some hidden weapons and lure him out someday..."

Tang San answered honestly.

Dugu Bo: "...???"

Poor Dugu Bo was not only betrayed by Ling Mo, but also obsessed with Tang San. If he wasn't careful, he could easily be shot.

Ling Mo was stunned for a while after hearing this, and then said: "Well, I think so! Dugu Bo is not that bad, so there is no need to trick him, right?"

Ling Mo felt a little guilty. If one day Dugu Bo didn't pay attention and was really tricked by Tang San, the joke would be big...

"He injured my teacher and caught the two of us here, Xiaomo... why are you still speaking for him?"

Tang San looked at Ling Mo questioningly, always feeling that he was weird!

Hearing this, Ling Mo felt even more guilty. It was Ling Mo's order to beat the master. It would be embarrassing if he was discovered.

There seems to be nothing we can do, old poisoner, I'm sorry! I can only betray you temporarily...

Saying silently in her heart, Ling Mo betrayed Dugu Bo again without any sense of loyalty.

"You're right. To deal with such an insidious villain and a cunning villain, you should beat him until you don't even know him..."

Tang San:"……"

After chatting for a long time, Ling Mo stopped chatting in order not to expose any flaws.

Instead, he walked aside with the colorful emperor flower and began to absorb the elixir.

Tang San didn't suspect anything and continued to refine his hidden weapon!

Dugu Bo has been out for a long time and has not come back yet. He doesn't know where he went alone.

Holding the colorful emperor flower in her hand, Lingmo ate the stamens in one bite and then entered a meditative state.

Mobilize the scriptures of the Three Generations and relax your whole body!

In an instant, a pure power poured into Ling Mo's body, very surging...

In just one second, all the meridians in the body suffered huge trauma.

"Holy shit..."

With a scream, Ling Mo almost collapsed on the ground, her stomach was in agony and the blood in her body began to coagulate.


In severe pain, Ling Mo used his martial arts forcefully and used the scriptures of three generations to slowly suppress it.

Within a moment, a beam of divine light emitted from the body, like a judgment of holy light, and a light blade rushed towards the rock in front.

In an instant... a huge gash was opened in the hill, and the light blade was extremely sharp.

Tang San noticed the movement here and hurried over to check, and found Ling Mo sitting there with a pale face, not knowing how to intervene.

"This is……"

In panic, Tang San saw the colorful emperor flower on the ground with its stamens eaten, and was stunned for a long time.

"Crazy, really crazy..."

Tang San could no longer describe his mood at this moment in words!

The five-color emperor flower is the emperor's fairy among flowers. Its medicinal effect is overbearing. How can a mortal body easily resist it?

Ling Mo's move was undoubtedly seeking death.

In the world of consciousness, Ling Mo, alone in the chaotic sea of ​​consciousness, vaguely saw the beam of divine light and a shadow floating...

The soaring peacock is like the light before dawn, holy and flawless.

The medicinal effect of the colorful emperor flower took effect, and countless spiritual powers poured into the light, and gradually... like a living peacock, slowly flew out.

Lin Yu is extremely sharp, and when it spreads its wings, it flies up to ninety thousand miles! Soaring to the sky, sometimes falling slowly...

The peacock integrated into Ling Mo's body and slowly broke away from the light, truly escaping from the bondage.


With a cold shout, Ling Mo moved with all his strength and slowly accommodated it. Gradually... Ling Mo's back grew gorgeous feathers.

Like a living peacock! Its specific possession is only a pair of wings.

Merged with Lingmo's external soul bone!


Lingmo was stunned for a long time at the next scene, and couldn't believe it...

His external soul bone was actually absorbed by the double pupil!

What's going on?

Before he had time to be surprised, the peacock that replaced him began to show its edge.

I saw a colorful holy light sweeping in, and a strong wind blew instantly, affecting dozens of miles around.


Tang San was stunned. In just a moment, he was blown away by the power emanating from Lingmo.

"What a domineering power!"

Tang San looked at Lingmo with a pale face, not knowing why all these changes happened.

After a short strong wind, the holy light gradually subsided! And behind Lingmo, what emerged was the real peacock wings...

And the external soul bone that was originally stolen from Tang San has also been integrated into Lingmo's double pupil.

Where it came from, where it goes! The external soul bone was swallowed.

Transformed into pure power, slowly flowing into Lingmo's body!

At this moment, his level soared rapidly, just like taking an elevator...

In just one hour, Lingmo went from level 44 to level 50!

All this happened so fast that Lingmo couldn't react.

"Five hundred percent increase?"

Lingmo couldn't calm down at all after clearly feeling the increase brought by the Peacock Martial Spirit.

Originally, he thought that the strength would be damaged after the external soul bone was devoured, but he didn't expect that it would not be damaged, but improved rapidly...

Just this increase alone was enough to make Lingmo swell!

After the martial soul evolved, Lingmo suddenly made an amazing discovery.

In addition to the initial five elemental forms, Lingmo also discovered the remaining four special abilities.

But...these four special abilities have not been unlocked yet and are in a vague state...

Just like Ning Rongrong before, after unlocking the remaining four special abilities, Lingmo clearly saw his future path.

Wind, thunder, time, space?

"Sure enough, all growth is a specific elemental law...

Under the holy light, can everything be devoured? The Peacock King is about to descend..."

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