"Ten thousand year soul beast, ten thousand year soul beast..."

In the forest, Ling Mo looked around, trying to find a suitable soul ring. It was not an easy task.

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At present, the soul ring that Ling Mo needs is less than 30,000 years old. If it is higher, Ling Mo's current physical strength cannot support it...

Ling Mo now urgently needs a ten-thousand-year soul beast with the earth element to verify his previous assumptions.

After searching for a day and a night, Ling Mo came to a hill! There is a cliff down here...

Spreading its wings, Ling Mo fluttered and fell suddenly. During the fall, she suddenly found a huge figure passing in front of her eyes...

It just rushed straight into the cracks in the ground.

"I'll wipe it. I can't find it even if I wear iron shoes. It doesn't take any effort to get it!"

Ling Mo was immediately happy after this discovery!

A giant beast hidden in the rocks turned out to be a rare stone-armored sword spirit beast!

The body is like a sharp sword, which can easily pass through some hard stone walls and carve out a path.

"Wow... this is awesome, this is awesome! If you use this to rob tombs, you won't have to dig the soil anymore. You can dig directly into the ground and you won't be able to escape from any tomb..."

This is a 30,000-year-old stone-armored sword spirit beast, just within the range that Lingmo can bear...

The double pupil opened, and Ling Mo instantly stole its characteristics. His body was like a sharp sword, and he suddenly rushed away from the stone wall in front of him and got in.


The stone-armored sword spirit beast discovered Ling Mo, and a roar came out that almost knocked Ling Mo out of the stone wall and fell off the cliff.

"Damn it, you dare to yell at me?"

Ling Mo was furious, spread out his wings, and rushed over instantly, a prairie fire sweeping away.

In an instant... the body of the stone-armored sword spirit beast was on fire.

This is the flame that swallows the skylark, and its temperature itself is extremely terrifying!

Covered by the fire, the stone-armored sword spirit beast not only did not panic, but became very angry.

A hard tail swept over and instantly blocked the gap that had just been opened in front of him.

"Little tricks!"

While dodging the opponent's sharp tail, Ling Mo took out the divine crossbow, aimed at it and swiped at it.

Not only that, after being possessed by the martial soul, Ling Mo's soul skills were very well connected. Pressing forward step by step, Ling Mo could actually suppress it.

Knowing that it couldn't be defeated, the stone-armored sword spirit beast began to escape.

Suddenly a hole opened under his feet and he got in.

"Want to run? No way..."

A game unfolded, and Ling Mo and the Stone-armored Sword Spirit Beast started a fierce battle on the cliff.

The Peacock Martial Spirit was activated, a beam of golden light bloomed, and the gravity field was released instantly. The stone-armored sword spirit beast slowed down.

This stone-armored sword spirit beast is too smart. It knows that Ling Mo is not good at fighting in this kind of stone wall, so it often tries to trick him.

It's a pity that Ling Mo has never been tricked by anything in his life, except for that big black dog and that damn fat man...

The gravity field was turned on, and Lingmo threw a wave of light in the air before the stone-armored sword spirit beast could react.

Ling Mo has silently escaped from his big treasure...

Holding the Hell Sticker in your hand, you can exert force instantly...

With a sound that pierced through the air, on the cliff, the King of Hell successfully penetrated into the body of the stone-armored sword spirit beast.

It turns out that the Zhuge Divine Crossbow can't hurt him, but I didn't expect that the King of Hell Tie can...

"Let you run! We'll see how you die later..."

Ling Mo likes to fight these slow-moving soul beasts with incredible defense. Basically, he can hit them accurately every time...

The King of Hell successfully scored, and the next moment was waiting for the poison to take effect.

Sure enough, in less than three minutes, the stone-armored sword spirit beast that was still escaping stopped, with its feet in the air, and lay stiffly on the ground...

When the poison attacks, its life ends instantly...

If it started fighting Lingmo from the beginning, it might still have a chance of survival.

It's a pity... This kind of spirit beast is very timid. It can be seen from its talent that in order to avoid natural enemies, it hides in the cracks of rocks. Do you still think how bold it is?

After getting the soul ring, Lingmo released the ghost master and absorbed the soul ring on the cliff...

The difficulty of absorbing this soul ring is even more difficult than the previous one.

The moment the soul power entered the body, Ling Mo's body suffered tremendous pain!

This state is normal. Going beyond the limit and forcibly absorbing a 30,000-year-old soul beast is no different from seeking death.

It took Lingmo nearly half a day to completely absorb it...


Seeing that the soul ring was successfully absorbed, Ling Mo was happy!

The increase brought by this soul ring has increased to 600%! It is almost growing by hundreds...

"Let's take a look at the soul skills..."

After calming down, Ling Mo sensed it carefully. After discovering this soul skill, she almost died laughing...

"Tuheche? Haha... that's interesting!"

If nothing else, the effect of this soul skill seems to be related to digging holes in the ground, right?

The fifth soul skill, Earth River Cart!

It can hit the ground and have a deterrent effect! There will be a certain probability that the enemy unit's soul power will be temporarily out of balance for one second and unable to be used.

This is a bit like a control skill, but Lingmo is more concerned about another feature of it.

That's digging holes!

Combined with the characteristics of the stone-armored sword spirit beast, this Tuhe chariot has extremely strong digging ability, and can easily dig a hole even in the strongest stone wall.

"The defense increase is 100%, plus the original increase, it has reached 600%!

Damn... Am I going to cultivate an indestructible body?"

Unable to calm down, Lingmo continued to sense slowly.

Sure enough... after absorbing this soul ring, Lingmo finally gained another color!

The real five elements have gathered.

"Let's see what effect it has..."

I saw a beam of light blooming from Lingmo's body, and the five-color divine light bloomed...

In an instant, everything within a few miles was covered by the holy light!

"Oh my god! This is much more perverted than the original..."

Lingmo couldn't stop his excitement.

After meeting the conditions for the gathering of the five elements, the five-color divine light can truly be called divine light.

Not only does it greatly enhance the ability to devour, it also has a certain mental suppression, and strikes the soul of the enemy unit...

"This is not a skill brush, it is clearly confiscated..."

After slowly sensing, Lingmo was completely excited.

His two martial souls are unreasonable martial souls.

The double pupil has the ability to steal, and the peacock has the ability to confiscate.

As long as you dare to hit me, I dare to confiscate, and you can't resist...

Not only can you not resist, but you will also be beaten by me!

What? You said your martial soul is awesome? Sorry, I still have a martial soul. No matter how awesome you are, I can make your martial soul become my martial soul within three chapters...

One steals, the other confiscates!

Lingmo doesn't know how to describe it! Are thieves so unreasonable now?

Now that he has both confiscated and stolen, Lingmo doesn't know what he needs next...

"Well! In general, everything can be confiscated, there is nothing wrong with this.

Forget it, it's time to go back..."

After absorbing the soul ring and testing its power, Lingmo prepared to start the return journey.

Now the refining of the peacock feather has begun. When he returns to the medicine garden, Lingmo starts to refine the peacock feather without saying a word.

As long as he has such a big killer, Lingmo will feel at ease... slowly feel safe...

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