If you feel that the speed is too fast, I can slow down a little!

After a fierce battle, Lingmo and Ning Rongrong lay on the bed helplessly!

With this real contact, Ning Rongrong finally confirmed the relationship with Lingmo.

Although it seems a bit outrageous, Lingmo has a good wife!

"How do you feel?"


Lingmo looked at Ning Rongrong's beautiful eyes quietly and smiled playfully.

"It's all your fault. How can I go out and meet people in this state..."

"Don't panic, I will revive you with full blood in a while..."

Lingmo teased, and then activated the fourth soul skill, and in an instant... Ning Rongrong directly returned to her original state.

Lingmo's fourth soul skill can not only be used on himself, but also on others.

Although the effect is reduced by half, it is enough to repair Ning Rongrong's body.

There is no way. If Ning Fengzhi knew what Lingmo did, he would probably fight with Lingmo.

Therefore... it is better to repair it to avoid trouble.

"Wow, your soul skill! How..."

Feeling her body slowly recovering, Ning Rongrong was completely shocked.

I knew Lingmo's martial soul was abnormal, but I didn't expect it to be so abnormal that it could even repair such things.

"This is my fourth soul skill, which has the ability of Nirvana! No matter what kind of injury, I can restore you to the most perfect state...

The innate spirit body is born with hundreds of meridians! The meaning of Phoenix Nirvana is a sign of immortality.

My soul skill is equivalent to having a second life. No matter how serious the injury is, as long as there is still a breath, I can restore you to the original state...

However, this soul skill has a flaw. It can only be used once a day! If I use it on myself, I can achieve true Nirvana rebirth.

If I use it on others, I can repair any injury in the body, such as... where..."

Lingmo explained, the last sentence was meaningful, and Ning Rongrong blushed.

"This... this is too abnormal, right? And... is this a defect? ​​Once a day, I..."

Ning Rongrong didn't know how to describe Lingmo's soul skill. No wonder Zhu Zhuqing told her just now that she couldn't do it alone.

So that's it!

Doing it several times a day, anyone can't bear it!

"What's the big deal! In the world, except for giving birth, there are really not many things I don't know..."

Lingmo said confidently and slowly, but the fact is true.

One confiscated, the other stole! Just talking about these two martial souls, Lingmo has such confidence.

In fact, he was not an auxiliary soul master, but the master thought he was.

Therefore, a lot of auxiliary soul rings were added to the five-color divine light.

But the effect is okay, and all kinds of repair abilities are strong.

"Look at you, you are so beautiful, I really don't know why I like you, a stinky hooligan..."

Ning Rongrong said angrily, and then lay in Lingmo's arms. The two were honest with each other, and there was no estrangement anymore.

To be honest, she is much braver than Zhu Zhuqing. She is worthy of being the eldest lady of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. There is really nothing she dare not do in the world.

Even Lingmo was a little unbelievable. She admired her courage so much.

If... Lingmo rejected her, she probably didn't want to live.

"Hehe, a rogue like me just happened to accept you, a charming fairy..."

It seems... I have to repair it again tomorrow, so as not to let Ning Fengzhi find out something wrong. That would be bad.

After all, Ning Rongrong is also the precious princess of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. If the people of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect knew that I treated Ning Rongrong like this, I guess they would use the whole sect to fight Lingmo.

This is not an exaggeration, it is indeed possible.

Fortunately, Lingmo has such a heaven-defying skill that can keep Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing in the most perfect state without anyone noticing.

Others can't see anything at all, and Lingmo can't let them see it.

From day to night, and then to the next morning.

Lingmo ran out of the room in a panic!

This is too...

How to say it, I suddenly felt a little out of control, if I didn't run, I would die.

Lingmo thought that it would not be a problem to deal with Ning Rongrong, but who knew that Zhu Zhuqing would come at night.

This time Lingmo couldn't resist! He put on his clothes and ran away.

This day and night of fighting overturned Lingmo's cognition. Why are these two girls so united? They almost killed Lingmo...

Early in the morning, the two girls were still sleeping, but Lingmo had already appeared in the campus.

There was no way, if I stayed any longer, I would probably die when they woke up.

"Hey, Xiaomo? When did you come back?"

Walking into the cafeteria, Lingmo was about to pack some breakfast to take back, but who knew that he found Oscar in the corner.

Damn... Is this guy practicing so hard now?

Oscar is a food-type martial spirit, so the cafeteria is his best place to practice.

He practices in it every day, especially in recent times, he has been practicing almost to the death.

In this way, it is no wonder that he is working so hard.

Among his companions, everyone has made rapid progress, especially Zhu Zhuqing, whose level has soared and she has surpassed Tang San in a flash.

Don't say Oscar is anxious, Tang San is even more anxious!

All day long, I dare not relax at all, for fear that I will be pulled away by a distance if I am not careful.

"You... practiced here all night?"

Lingmo sincerely admired that these people's wills were indeed very strong. If it were him, he would probably not be able to bear it.

It's still more comfortable to cheat, you don't have to do anything, the mission makes them chase.

"Hehe, isn't this to avoid being pulled away too much by you perverts!"

Oscar smiled awkwardly.

"By the way, when did you come back?"

"Me? Yesterday..."

"Okay, you practice slowly, I won't disturb you, I'll go back first..."

Lingmo packed breakfast, chatted with Oscar for a while and left.

The more I looked at him, the more I felt that this kid was a bit strange, with a green light on his head and full of energy.

Leaving the cafeteria, Lingmo went directly to the dormitory.

Lingmo couldn't stand not eating for a day and a night, let alone the two girls.

Returning to Zhu Zhuqing's small room, Lingmo closed the door and patted the two of them...

"Get up! It's time for breakfast..."

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing sitting up with a decadent look on her face, while Ning Rongrong was still sleeping soundly.

That's right... She was the most active last night, so it's normal to be sleepy.

"Give me the things, don't disturb her, she probably won't wake up until noon!"

Zhu Zhuqing looked tired, and after lazily taking the breakfast from Lingmo's hand, she blinked at Lingmo, very playful.

"Okay! Have a good rest after breakfast, I'll go out first and come back later..."

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing's meaningful smile, Lingmo was a little scared and hurriedly said goodbye.

He ran out of the door directly, fearing that he would be pulled back to the small dark room again, and then he couldn't leave.

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