"Yes, such a fairy medicine must be something rare in the world..."

Ning Fengzhi said disappointedly, if Lingmo really had it, he wouldn't mind buying it at the highest price.

Unfortunately...Lingmo didn't have it, so he was very disappointed.

"Forget it! I've seen everything you asked Uncle Jian to bring back last time. The power is indeed overbearing.

So I want to make a thousand sets with you. What do you think? "

"No problem! I have already prepared a thousand sets. Rongrong has told me before, so we can deliver them now..."

Ling Mo had already prepared, otherwise he and Ning Rongrong would not have come to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

"Oh? Rongrong has already told you about this?"

❻❾Book Bar

Ning Fengzhi was a little surprised. Chen Xin had never mentioned this to him, so he didn't know about it.

Ling Mo has always been in direct contact with Sword Douluo. Even coming to Qibao Glazed Sect today was decided by Chen Xin and Ling Mo.

Ning Rongrong didn't even know about this.

"Now that you're ready, let's spread it out..."

Suddenly, Ning Fengzhi showed a rare businessman's smile and looked at Ning Rongrong and then at Ling Mo.

Ling Mo suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"Previously you offered a price of 100,000 yuan, and we didn't have any objections! But...don't you think you should relax on this price?"

Ning Fengzhi suddenly said in a funny tone, and the implication was already obvious.

He recognized Ling Mo as his prospective son-in-law, so he wanted to make a fuss about Ning Rongrong.

How can you offer such a high price when doing business with your father-in-law?

Ling Mo is a smart man and knows what he wants to express.

A set of 100,000 yuan is indeed a bit expensive! Although the Qibao Glazed Sect is not short of money, but... this huge expenditure has also hurt a bit of vitality.

"Haha, you said that! For Rongrong, I can give you these thousand sets for free..."

There is nothing you can do. They have already given their daughter to you. Isn’t Lingmo the one who has the final say on such a huge industry in the future?

What money are we talking about at this time? Hurt feelings.

"No, one code is the same! Since we are talking about business, don't get involved in other personal affairs.

I don't want to stop Rongrong and you, as long as you don't bully her.

But in terms of price, what do you think of a set of 50,000? "

Ning Fengzhi said, one code at a time. It wasn't that he didn't want to pay the money, but he felt that it would be a real loss if Ling Mo just stole his precious daughter away without making him pay anything.

Of course, he just wanted to test Lingmo and see if Rongrong was worth the price reduction in his heart.

However...he was very satisfied with Lingmo's answer just now!

He was really surprised by his courage to be willing to give away a thousand sets of top-notch hidden weapons.

Ling Mo is excellent, he admits it!

In the mainland today, he has yet to find anyone who is better than Ling Mo!

Moreover, Ling Mo’s talent is not only abnormal, but his background is also so terrifying!

Just a ghost gate is enough to scare the old people in the clan!

There is no doubt that Ling Mo is the best son-in-law candidate.

"Fifty thousand? Okay...as long as you're happy."

The price was suddenly cut in half. Although Lingmo didn't mind, she still felt a little uncomfortable.

Because of Ning Rongrong's relationship, Ling Mo didn't need the money, but he didn't like being bargained for.

If the other party was not Ning Fengzhi, but someone else, Lingmo would definitely not accept it.

"It's really refreshing..."

A transaction has been successful! After Ling Mo delivered the concealed weapon that was supposed to be delivered, he got the money that was supposed to be his.

"We've finished talking about official matters, uncle...it's time for us to talk about some personal matters..."

After the transaction was successful, Ling Mo did not leave directly.

In response, Ning Fengzhi also smiled and said: "Oh? What private matters do you want to talk about? About Rongrong?"

He had already seen that Ning Rongrong liked Ling Mo very much, but he didn't know how far they had developed.

So I'm very curious about what Ling Mo will say next.

"Hehe, you can think so! For Rongrong, I am willing to give away a peacock feather, one of the three treasures of my ghost sect, as a betrothal gift..."

With that said, Ling Mo took out a handful of peacock feathers and handed them to Ning Fengzhi.

He shamelessly regarded the peacock feather as one of the three greatest treasures of the Ghost Sect. I wonder what Tang San would think when he heard this?

"Oh? Peacock Feathers? What's the use?"

Upon hearing this, Ning Fengzhi immediately became interested. Something that Ling Mo could call a treasure would not be more powerful than other hidden weapons.

He has tested all the hidden weapons and is very satisfied!

Those alone are already so powerful. Now Ling Mo has taken out another peacock feather. What kind of existence will it be?

"Peacock Feather is one of the three hidden weapons of our Ghost Sect. Its biggest feature is group burst damage.

The peacock feather is equipped with various poisonous needles, and each poison can achieve the effect of instant death.

Moreover... this hidden weapon is made by condensing one's own soul power. The higher the strength, the greater the power!

It can be said that with such a top-notch hidden weapon, even a titled Douluo can take away a group of people with one shot..."


As soon as Ling Mo finished speaking, everyone was shocked.

Does this heaven-defying magic weapon really exist?

A group of titled Douluo?

"You're not looking for fun with us, are you? How is this possible? Do you know how strong the Titled Douluo's defense is?"

Bone Douluo was the first to question. He had extremely strong confidence in his own strength.

I don’t believe what Ling Mo said!

Kill a group of Title Douluo at once? It sounds unrealistic, how can it be done.

"You can try! But I remind you first, once the Peacock is activated, it will have an explosive strike effect.

If you want to try, it's best to find a place where no one is, otherwise it's easy to get into trouble...

Moreover, this thing is extremely poisonous. Once you are pierced by the poison needle, it can kill you instantly..."

This Peacock Feather was given to Ning Fengzhi by Lingmo for self-defense. After all, he is the father-in-law. If he doesn't match some divine equipment, he will be easily killed by others in the wild.

"Master, look..."

Not to mention that Bone Douluo doesn't believe it, Sword Douluo also finds it incredible and wants to try whether this thing really has this power.

"No need to try! I believe Master Ling will not lie to us..." Ning Fengzhi suddenly said, and skillfully accepted the Peacock Feather, and did not test the power of the Peacock Feather in front of Lingmo.

"Uncle, don't call me Master Ling, just call me Xiaomo..."

Lingmo was very satisfied with Ning Fengzhi's performance. He was a very stable person and did not try the power of the gift in front of Lingmo.

"Haha, good! In that case, I'll take advantage..." Ning Fengzhi said happily.

Their status should have been equal! Taking advantage of Ning Rongrong, he was twice as high as Lingmo, not to mention how happy he was.

But... this business was a bit of a loss.

Not only did he lose 50 million gold soul coins, but he also lost his daughter.

"Hehe, Dad! This peacock feather is an incredible treasure. Brother Mo didn't lie to you..."

Ning Rongrong said happily. She was originally worried that Lingmo and her father would have a conflict. Now it seems that not only did they not have a conflict, but they got along very well.

"Haha, it's said that girls can't be kept at home! She's only been out for a year, and her heart has been stolen by someone..."

"Hate, Lulu... I'm ignoring you..."

Ning Rongrong shyly hid behind, not daring to look at Ning Fengzhi's eyes, for fear that he would see something.

"Well! Since you're already here, why don't you stay for two days before leaving? It's just right, there are some things we need to talk about..."

Ning Fengzhi's implication was that he wanted to form an alliance with Guimen.

The daughter has been given away, so the alliance has to be made.

It's normal to lose a daughter when doing business.

Lingmo naturally understood what he meant, but...

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