"I'm serious, aren't you my Ghost Gate's wife..."

As he said that, Lingmo couldn't help hugging her tightly, and the fragrance filled his nose.

Lingmo sighed, this woman is really too fragrant.

❻❾Book Bar

"Shameless, when did I become your wife? Don't deliberately change the subject, I haven't settled accounts with you about your two girlfriends..."

Qian Renxue said angrily, but she was very satisfied in her heart.

The appearance of Lingmo seemed to fill the love she had been missing for many years, and she enjoyed the feeling of being loved.

"Hehe, let's talk about something else..."

Lingmo would not talk about this aspect, this is a life-threatening question.

"Aren't you curious about how many people there are in Ghost Gate? I'll show you now..."

As he said that, Lingmo picked up Qian Renxue and came to the window sill.

She looked around in confusion, and there was nothing below, only an empty playground, and nothing else.

Suddenly, Lingmo snapped his fingers, and a gust of cold wind blew.

Qian Renxue's eyes were locked and her brows were furrowed.

She felt a mysterious aura suddenly appear around her.

No... not just one, but many.

When she looked down again, the empty square was instantly filled with people.

Each of them was wearing armor and holding a weapon! They stood very neatly, lined up in a row, and divided into ten teams.


At this moment, Qian Renxue was completely shocked!

Where did these people come from? Why didn't she notice it just now?

Weird, very weird...

Looking at Lingmo in disbelief, and then looking down, Qian Renxue was shocked.

The weakest of the six people in the lead was also the strength of a Titled Douluo.

In that team, there were even hundreds of terrifying Soul Douluo-level masters.

"Where did you get so many masters?"

Qian Renxue couldn't suppress her surprise. Such combat power, even the Spirit Hall might not be able to match it, right?

"These ghost soldiers are all my followers dug out from the ancient tomb. Hey... Last time I wanted to dig the imperial tomb. If it weren't for you, I might have dug out more..."

Qian Renxue: "..."

? ? ?

"Are you kidding me? You dug all these things out of the tomb?"

Qian Renxue asked in disbelief. She really couldn't believe Lingmo's words.

Can digging a grave also dig out a reinforced legion? What kind of operation is this?

When Lingmo dug the grave, Qian Renxue thought he had a grudge with the empire and wanted to dig their ancestral graves for revenge.

I didn't expect Lingmo to be thinking about the things inside...

This kind of magical operation is the first time Qian Renxue has seen it, which completely involves her own knowledge blind spot.

Of course... Lingmo didn't lie. These things were indeed dug out by him, but... that grave is not an ordinary grave.

"Why would I lie to you? I dug these ghost soldiers from the ancient tombs, but they were subdued.

Now, they only listen to me, and any action is arranged by me.

If I tell them to go east, they will never go west. I put them in the Ghost Gate since its establishment, and they are hidden on weekdays.

As long as the sect is attacked, these ghost soldiers can enter the battlefield at the first time, and any existence that threatens my Ghost Gate will be killed on the spot."

As Lingmo slowly explained, Qian Renxue was completely confused. She thought of many factors, but she couldn't think of this.

What kind of operation is this?

Perhaps, only Lingmo can do this in the world?

"Who have you told about this?" Qian Renxue suddenly got a little scared.

If everyone learns from Lingmo, wouldn't it turn the whole continent upside down?

This is too scary. Their Wuhun Hall and their ancestors are all buried underneath. If they are targeted by Lingmo, it will be over.

Qian Renxue was a little relieved that she became Lingmo's woman. If they had always maintained a hostile relationship, her ancestral tomb might have been dug up by Lingmo one day.

He dared to dig the imperial tomb, is there anything else in the world that he dare not do?

Qian Renxue simply couldn't believe that there was such a crazy person in the world, and it was her man.

"Hehe, so far, I haven't told anyone about this except you.

How about it, are you moved? Do you have a sudden idea of ​​devoting yourself?"

"Go to hell!"

Qian Renxue laughed angrily, pointed at Lingmo's forehead and pushed it, feeling very satisfied.

"Do your two girlfriends know about your digging graves?"

Suddenly, Qian Renxue asked again with her beautiful eyes moving.

"No, I didn't tell them..."

Lingmo did not tell them, because this matter seemed not very glorious.

The reason why he told Qian Renxue was because she caught him digging graves, so there was nothing to hide.

"Hehe, since you've behaved so well, I'll forgive you for what happened before..."

As he spoke, he leaned over and kissed Lingmo on the cheek.

Lingmo waved his hand, dispelled the three thousand soldiers and returned to the designated position.

Then he carried Qian Renxue back inside.

There was no place to rest in the Zhaixing Tower, only a desk and a bookshelf behind him.

He took off his shoes and kneaded them carefully, feeling very satisfied.

Qian Renxue didn't stop him. Everything had happened before, so what was there to stop?

She seemed to enjoy this feeling, especially Ling Mo's strange technique, which made people feel refreshed.

"No wonder you dare to fight against the wind and waves to show off the Guimen sign. It turns out that you have these things to rely on...

It seems that my worries are unnecessary, you don’t need me to worry at all..."

Qian Renxue sat quietly on the table, letting Ling Mo play with her feet, and looked at Ling Mo with her beautiful eyes.

Sometimes she wonders, why does Lingmo always give people such unexpected surprises? How many secrets does he still keep from himself?

After seeing the inside story of the Ghost Sect, she never doubted Ling Mo's strength again.

Originally, she wanted to help Ling Mo suppress the pressure from the Wuhun Palace, but it seemed that there was no need. With the current strength of the Guimen, they were not afraid of the suppression from the Wuhun Palace at all.

"So, do you prefer the Wuhun Palace now, or do you prefer me?"

Ling Mo kneaded her for a while, then picked up Qian Renxue and headed to Yulangxuan.

You’ve come here, it would be boring if you didn’t do something exciting.

"You guess……"

Qian Renxue did not answer directly, her eyes were hesitant...

"I don't have to guess. No matter what you choose, you can't escape. You are my woman..."

"Bah, shameless!"

Such intimate words seemed to have become a habit. Qian Renxue did not reject it and snuggled into Ling Mo's arms.

Arriving at Yulangxuan and looking at the cold jade bed in front of her, Qian Renxue wondered.

"What kind of bed is this? Why is the material so strange..."

After touching it gently, I found that the bed was extremely cold, and my body seemed to be frozen.

Throw away your monthly ticket

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