Dugu Bo knew how to arrange the next things.

The Yama Palace was very big and could accommodate all these people. As for the back mountain, it could also accommodate some.

However... Lingmo was not planning to open the back mountain now. He needed to observe which suitable candidates to train in the back mountain.

For example...people who were proficient in hidden weapons or were interested in this aspect could be directly brought to the back mountain for training.

In the next few days, Lingmo stayed at the Ghost Gate, busying himself, and finally let the sect gradually get on the right track.

The basic operation has taken shape, and the next step is to consider the development of business.

However, Lingmo was not very familiar with this aspect, but...professional things should be left to professionals.

Among these people, there are many elites in various industries, and they can be entrusted to do it.

In addition...Lingmo has already made the latest batch of hidden weapons, and the next step is to sell them and make a lot of money.

❻❾Book Bar

"Ah! It's another beautiful day..."

This morning, Lingmo lazily woke up from the cold jade bed. The room was very messy, as if some fierce battle had taken place.

Qian Renxue had just left! She came here almost every day. It must be said that the cold jade bed was really good for her cultivation.

So much so that she lingered and came every night!

Now that she was here, how could Lingmo let her go easily!

Therefore... this room was very messy every morning...

After a simple tidying up, Lingmo went directly to the Zhaixing Tower and began to deal with daily affairs.

During this period of time, he sorted out a lot of exercises and the refining diagrams of Tangmen hidden weapons, and put them together in the Zhaixing Tower for these disciples to study.

Beishan has also been on the right track. As expected by Lingmo, many people have recovered from the state of absent-mindedness during this period of time.

There are seven floors in the Zhaixing Tower. Lingmo usually stays on the seventh floor, and the remaining six floors are filled with various books.

Those books are divided into six levels. Only those who have made contributions that meet the requirements can enter the next level.


A man came up the stairs. It was Dugu Bo!

"Well, is there something wrong?"

Lingmo was puzzled. Seeing his nervous expression, it seemed that something big had happened.

"It's not a big deal! Have you heard of the Soul Master Competition?"

Dugu Bo came and handed Lingmo a card directly.

"What's wrong with the Soul Master Competition?"

Lingmo took the card and found that it was an invitation letter! Very surprised...

"The Spirit Hall sent an invitation letter to invite our Ghost Gate to serve as the organizing committee and referee of this Soul Master Competition and to host this Soul Master Competition together with the Spirit Hall..."

Dugu Bo said solemnly.

"What? Is there such a thing?"

Lingmo was particularly surprised. What the hell is this Spirit Hall doing?

Referee? This matter has always been under the jurisdiction of the Spirit Hall. Even the Empire has not intervened. They actually dragged the Ghost Gate in.

Are they trying to muddy the water?

Or are they deliberately placing the Ghost Gate in a conspicuous place to attract hatred?

"I don't know what the Spirit Hall is up to! This invitation letter was sent by them, inviting us to host all matters of this competition together with the Spirit Hall..."

Dugu Bo's expression was very solemn. It seemed that...the Spirit Hall had already set its sights on Guimen, and this time...it was a real test.

"It's lonely at the top! Interesting..."

Lingmo fell into a period of contemplation, and then immediately said: "Since the other party has already made a move, we can't ignore it!

Let's put it this way, now that the sect has entered the development track, there is nothing particularly important for you to do next.

For this competition, you will replace Guimen and deal with them...

In addition, didn't you say before that you had a grudge with the two bastards of the Spirit Hall? It's just right...take this opportunity to give them a good slap!"

As soon as Lingmo finished speaking, Dugu Bo's face suddenly showed a strange smile.

Lingmo's words hit the mark.

You know, he has never had time to settle accounts with those two bastards, mainly because they have been staying in the Spirit Hall and he dare not go alone.

Now... after the preliminaries are over, he can enter the Spirit Hall with a legitimate reason, and then he can settle accounts with those two bastards.

If it were before, he would be quite afraid of those two guys, but now...

With the Peacock Feather in his hand, even the old dragon of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family can't do anything to him. The two bastards of the Spirit Hall, once they are alone, can't be his opponents.

"Okay! This time... I will let those two bastards know what it means to be beaten by society..."

Thinking of what happened many years ago, Dugu Bo burst into a murderous intent.

He had wanted to settle accounts with those two people for a long time, but he was always busy with the affairs of the sect.

Now... just have this opportunity.

"Wait, Sect Master! Where are you going?"

Suddenly, Dugu Bo realized a problem.

While he was busy, what was Lingmo doing? Was he taking a break again?

"Me? Haha, don't forget, I'm still a student of Shrek Academy. I want to participate in this Soul Master Competition as a student.

I have a feeling that something interesting may happen next. It's just right... After the preliminaries, you take all the people from Zhaixing Tower from 1 to 7 and go to the Spirit Hall together!

At that time, there may be a good show to watch. I hope... I can find out the details of the Spirit Hall..."

Lingmo vaguely remembered that the finals seemed to be held in the Spirit Hall.

And then, Tang Hao would show up and make a big fuss in the Spirit Hall.

It just so happened that... Lingmo wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to explore the foundation of the Spirit Hall.

The other party had already made a move, and Lingmo had no reason to sit still.

At that time, Lingmo would take Gui Ye with him to personally test how powerful the Spirit Hall was, and how strong Qian Daoliu, the Ultimate Douluo, was.

Lingmo still had no idea about Gui Ye's strength, and didn't know whether he was stronger or the Ultimate Douluo was stronger.

He had tried to ask Qian Renxue before, but she didn't say a word about the Spirit Hall.

She seemed very conflicted. She wanted to help Lingmo, but she didn't want to tell Lingmo everything about the Spirit Hall.

"Take all seven Title Douluo away, isn't that a bit inappropriate?"

Dugu Bo hesitated. If all seven Title Douluo were taken away, the sect might be empty.

"What's wrong? Do you really think that those hundreds of Soul Douluo are vegetarians?

Each of those hundreds of Soul Douluo is a king in terms of strength. Even if someone dares to attack, they can't step into the mountain gate half a step..."

Lingmo has great trust in these three thousand soldiers and armors. Even if there are ten Title Douluo, they may not be able to attack the mountain!

"It seems that I am too worried! In this case, let me handle this matter. This time, I must let these bastards see how powerful my Ghost Gate is..."

After enduring for many years, Dugu Bo has been eager to take revenge.

"Okay! The Soul Master Competition is left to you. In the next period of time! I will go back to Shrek and become my student again. I will talk about it when I arrive at the Spirit Hall..."

Lingmo thought about it. In order to protect the safety of Zhu Zhuqing and others, he decided to return to Shrek Academy.

He was originally a student of Shrek Academy. He has not graduated yet and can still participate in the Soul Master Competition.

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