"Damn! You said it was a toad?"

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Tyrone was furious and wanted to fight.

"Come back!"

Lingmo glared at him, and Tyrone retreated in frustration.

"A few jumping clowns are also qualified to show off their skills in front of us?

A hermaphrodite, a prostitute! And a few pugs, it's a perfect match..."

When Lingmo said this, everyone in Shrek laughed.

"Who do you say is a prostitute?"

The female student in the Tiandou Academy team looked extremely ugly after being hit by Lingmo's depression.

"Don't make eyes at me. There's nothing wrong with growing up like you, but it's your fault that you come out to scare people..."


For a while, the atmosphere on the field gradually solidified!

Whether inside or outside the field, it was the same.

On the high platform, Xue Ye looked at Dugu Bo gloomily. He had noticed the words on the back of the uniforms of the Shrek Academy team.

"Master Ning, it seems that there is no suspense in this game..."

Xue Ye said meaningfully, and this sentence seemed to be said to Dugu Bo.

Perhaps in his opinion, Shrek Academy is not even qualified to carry shoes for Tiandou Royal Academy.

Ning Fengzhi was caught in the middle, a little embarrassed! He didn't know what to say.

"Your Majesty! You are right, this game is indeed no suspense..."

At this time, Dugu Bo spoke! But the meaning of his words was full of gunpowder.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the no suspense Dugu Bo said was about Shrek Academy.

And the no suspense Xue Ye said was about Tiandou Royal Academy.

"It seems that you, old poison, are very confident in this Shrek Academy?"

At this time, a sarcastic voice floated from the side, it was Saras.

When he said this, it seemed that he was standing on the same line with Xue Ye!

Dugu Bo just said coldly: "I can't say I'm confident! But... the winner will be revealed soon, let's... wait and see!"

In Dugu Bo's heart, there was no suspense about the outcome, let alone the Royal Team 2, even Team 1! If they met the Shrek Academy team led by Ling Mo, they would have no chance of winning.

Dugu Bo has been in contact with Ling Mo for so long, and even he can't do anything to Ling Mo, these people don't have the qualifications.

Ling Mo's confiscated magic skill alone is an unsolvable existence.

"Okay! Then let's wait and see..."

Xue Ye frowned and said coldly, and then continued to watch the game.

At this time, many spectators and players from various participating teams gathered on the Douhun audience stand.

Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu stood on the audience stand, always paying attention to one person off the field.

"Sister Bing'er, what kind of martial spirit is he, and it can arouse your curiosity..."

Xue Wu was very puzzled. The martial spirit that can resonate with the Ice Phoenix almost does not exist on this continent.

It's no wonder Shui Bing'er was so excited, after all, this was the first time she had seen such a situation.

"I don't know! I'll know soon, I think... it must be a very special martial soul..."

Shui Bing'er muttered to herself, not knowing what she was thinking! Her eyes were always fixed on Lingmo.

She was very curious, what kind of martial soul was Lingmo?

"The first round of the first qualifying match officially begins."

At the referee's signal, the first qualifying match of this year's All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition officially began.

Somewhat similar to fighting souls, the competition gave both sides one minute to open their martial souls.

Lingmo stood at the front of the team! He glanced coldly at the opposite side...

"Brothers, open your martial soul..."

When both sides released their martial souls at the same time and all the soul rings appeared in front of the audience, the sound of surprise spread in the audience.

Directly behind Lingmo, the wings suddenly spread, and a pair of colorful wings opened instantly. Lingmo slowly rose up and surpassed everyone.

At this moment, the whole audience was shocked!

Faintly, someone saw a peacock dancing on the fighting stage, surrounded by holy light, like a god descending from heaven.

"Is that... a peacock?"

For a moment, the whole place was boiling.

I didn't expect that such a martial soul would appear in the first match of this soul master competition. It was simply too shocking.

Little did they know that even more shocking things were still to come.

I saw... soul rings rising from Lingmo's feet and spreading around him.

The most eye-catching thing was that the two soul rings besides the third soul ring were amazing ten thousand year soul rings...

"Oh my God! Ten thousand year soul rings, and two..."

"Is this still a human? The fourth soul ring absorbed the ten thousand year soul ring, and it's a soul king!"

If the impact brought by the ten thousand year soul ring is not big enough, then... this soul king is enough to shock everyone.

Especially, the soul king with a god-level martial soul, the five-colored peacock.

This kind of heaven-defying martial soul, coupled with the strength of more than fifty levels and two ten thousand year soul rings, the entire soul master competition is his personal performance arena.


At this moment, Shui Bing'er was completely stunned on the stands, especially when Lingmo activated his martial spirit.

She felt a throbbing in her heart, as if she felt something calling her, and was ready to move...

What is the connection between the peacock and the phoenix? Shui Bing'er couldn't imagine it, but... this inexplicable attraction is real.

The moment Lingmo's martial soul was activated, she had already sensed the throbbing of the ice phoenix, and faintly felt a sense of resonance.

The moment Lingmo activated his martial soul, the focus of the whole audience was locked on Lingmo, even Tang San's light was covered.

When everyone came to their senses, they found that Tang San also had a ten thousand year soul ring...

"Wait, look at that man! Oh my God, he also has a ten thousand year soul ring..."

"Blue silver grass! Can blue silver grass also be cultivated?"

"Damn, this Shrek Academy, is it going against the sky?"

"No wonder the clothes are so strange, it feels like masters all dress like this..."

At this moment, no one dared to question the strength of Shrek Academy, and everyone's eyes were on the Shrek team.

At this time, the Tiandou Royal Team II seemed so bleak.

Wouldn't it be the same for a team of two soul masters with ten thousand year soul rings to sweep any team in this competition?

"It seems that this Shrek Academy is the biggest dark horse in this competition..."

Lingmo watched this scene calmly, which was exactly what he wanted to see.

Lingmo knew that the moment he showed his martial soul, he would definitely become the focus of everyone's attention.

And the purpose of doing this was not only to shock these people, but also to make the old man in the stands, Shi Nian... feel a sense of crisis.

As long as he felt a sense of crisis, he would be eager to get rid of himself.

Lingmo was waiting for him to take the bait! How could he miss such a good opportunity.

On the fighting soul stage, Lingmo had already noticed Shi Nian in the stands. As expected, his cold killing intent had already moved.

"Xiaomo, is it too high-profile? Showing your martial soul as soon as you come on the stage, you may be specially targeted in the next match..."

On the other side of the stands, the master said worriedly.

Flanders was relatively calm, and replied leisurely, "Hey, Xiaogang! You know Xiaomo's character, would he fight such an uncertain battle?

He must have his own ideas for doing this! Anyway, I trust him very much..."

After listening to this, the master also shook his head, and he couldn't figure out what Lingmo wanted to do.

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