
After Ning Fengzhi left, the master gave a few words and then everyone dispersed.

The first round of the preliminaries had been completed ahead of schedule by Shrek Academy, so there were no matches in the past two days.

However... although there were no matches, everyone still stayed in their rooms to practice hard and did not run out to play.

On this day, Lingmo had just walked out of Zhu Zhuqing's room and was about to go back to Guimen.

Suddenly, he felt a cold breath surrounding him.

"Oh? Are you here?"

Lingmo remained calm, slowly closed Zhu Zhuqing's door, and then pretended to know nothing and left the hotel directly.

Walking forward, Lingmo left Tiandou City directly and came to a small forest.

The breath around him was always there, and he always followed Lingmo and refused to leave.

Lingmo had already guessed who he was!

Apart from that Shi Nian, who else would have the leisure to specifically wait for Lingmo?

Lingmo has been waiting for two days, waiting for such an opportunity, but he didn't expect him to be so impatient...

Walking into the woods, Lingmo kept walking normally, seemingly unaffected by everything in front of him.

And his double pupils opened unconsciously, and he walked straight into Shi Nian's dream.

What is Lingmo going to do? Knowing that there is an abyss ahead, why did he rush in without hesitation?

"Haha, ignorant boy! Enter my dream world, I want to see how you survive..."

Lingmo just entered, and then... a figure appeared in the forest, it was Shi Nian.

In order to deal with Lingmo, he prepared for three whole days, waiting for Lingmo to enter the dream world, and then completely make him disappear from this world.

Not to mention the previous humiliation, just based on the ability Lingmo showed last time, Shi Nian would never leave Lingmo alone.

Such a peerless genius, since he can't make friends, he can only be destroyed.

All trees that stand out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind! That's the truth.

If there is anyone to blame, it can only be blamed on him for not knowing how to restrain himself...

Shi Nian slowly merged into the Canmeng dream world and began to further torture Ling Mo in the dream world.

At this time, Ling Mo had completely merged into the dream world and opened his eyes...The world that emerged in front of him was actually the scene he saw at the void boundary wall.

Nine dragon skeletons, pulling a copper coffin, went to the end of the void and passed by Ling Mo's copper coffin.

The pictures that emerged from the Canmeng dream are often the most fearful side of people, or the side they most want to see.

Ling Mo's eyes were dull, staring at the copper coffin tightly.

In the pitch-black gloom, as if he was in it, Ling Mo felt the darkness all around.

In order to avoid the turbulence of the void, he hid alone in the copper coffin, and he didn't know how long it had been.

Loneliness! Desolation, expressed vividly...

At this time...Shi Nian had entered, and after discovering Ling Mo's state, he showed a sinister smile.

"Hmph, I thought he was so amazing, but in the end, he still fell into my dream and couldn't extricate himself?"

The smile on Shi Nian's face gradually became rampant. He was not in a hurry to kill Ling Mo immediately, but wanted to torture him to death in the dream.

Just as he was further controlling the dream, suddenly... Ling Mo turned around and smiled at him.


At this moment, Shi Nian could no longer remain calm.

He originally thought that Ling Mo had been trapped in the dream, but he didn't expect... He was not trapped in the dream.

"Are you surprised?"

Ling Mo sneered. The scene he showed just now was just to lead Shi Nian out.

After the double pupils were opened, the so-called illusion in front of him was just a mural, meaningless.

"Why are you..."

Shi Nian was shocked and at a loss, and couldn't even speak clearly.

"Are you confused, why am I not affected by your dream?"

Ling Mo knew what he wanted to ask, and walked towards him step by step.

"Your so-called dream is just taking advantage of the weakness of human nature to show the most frightening side.

But unfortunately, everything in front of us is an illusion! Every day, any practical meaning...

You think your illusion can control everyone, but you never thought that if it is an illusion you set up.

It only misleads the enemy in terms of vision, and...if a soul master with eyes as martial soul appears.

Your so-called illusion is completely useless!"

Lingmo explained that he was not in a hurry to kill Shi Nian! Instead, he was slowly grinding away his pride.

Doesn't he like to torture people? Lingmo will give him a taste of his own medicine...

"What do you mean? Isn't your martial soul a peacock?"

Shi Nian was panicked and didn't understand what Lingmo was saying.

He looked at Lingmo and suddenly found that his eyes were surprisingly double pupils.

But is his martial soul a peacock? Double pupils as martial souls, isn't it unrealistic?

"You're right, my martial soul is indeed Peacock! But you forgot one thing..."

"What did you forget?"

Shi Nian was shocked. His dream was completely ineffective against Lingmo.

In other words, his greatest killer move was useless in front of Lingmo.

"It is common sense that everyone has one martial soul... It is precisely because of this inertial thinking that some people selectively forget another concept.

That is the twin martial souls! Such a common stereotype of thinking makes you ignore one possibility, that is...why can't I be a twin martial soul? "

As soon as these words came out, Shi Nian's heart was already half cold.

He had never thought about this. Indeed, as Ling Mo said, everyone in the world generally believes that a person only has one martial spirit.

But they ignored that twin martial spirits also existed.

"So, your other martial soul is these eyes?"

After thinking about this in Shi Nian, I gradually calmed down!

So that's the case, no wonder his dreams are ineffective on him. He has another martial soul that can just restrain the influence of dreams.

In this case, Lingmo can no longer be left alone in Shi Nian.

A natural nemesis, or a genius of this level, keeping him... wouldn't he cause trouble for himself?

Over the years, relying on this martial spirit, I have been able to go anywhere, but I didn't expect that this was the first time I would fall into Lingmo's hands.

"You are right! My second martial soul is these eyes...

However, even if you know this, it is useless! Because you are about to become a dead person..."

Ling Mo is not afraid of hiding things and has nothing to hide.

He deliberately lured Shi Nian to this wilderness just to kill him quietly.

So he no longer needs to hide his secrets, because there is no need.

There's no one around... at all! Even if he told Shi Nian his biggest secret, no one would know...

"Dead person? Haha, do you think you can kill me just by breaking my dream?

Don’t forget, I am the Soul Saint, and you... are just a little Soul King..."

Shi Nian said coldly.

Yes, he is indeed a Soul Saint! If you want to deal with a soul king, even if you don't use martial arts, you can easily deal with it.

It's a pity... Ling Mo, this soul king, is not an ordinary soul king. His idea is destined to fail.

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