"Well done!"

Seeing that Dai Mubai was the first to leave the team, he tried to kill him.

Hu Yanli felt a fighting spirit in his heart. He didn't think he was weaker than Dai Mubai, so he rushed out of the team.

The two of them instantly slapped each other hard in the center of the soul fighting platform.

The moment their palms met, Hu Yanli was completely shocked. The domineering force coming from the opponent came with a crushing force.

A shocking force erupted, and Hu Yanli was directly knocked back three meters, while Dai Mubai remained motionless.


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For a moment, everyone inside and outside the venue was shocked.

There are very few people who can equal Hu Yanli in terms of strength, and those who can have the upper hand are even more unlikely to exist.

How did this Dai Mubai do it?

Facing countless questioning looks, Dai Mubai looked at it as if it was nothing. He carefully sensed the strong increase brought about by his body, and his heart was very surging.

With this increase, no powerful soul master at the same level can take advantage of him.

"Captain! Are you okay?"

The members of the Elephant Armor Team were all stunned. They were very familiar with Hu Yanli's power. They didn't expect that even he would suffer a loss. How did the other party do it?

"What a domineering power? No, there's something weird about this..."

Although Hu Yanli was defeated by one move, he did not really lose.

He was very careful and noticed the changes in Dai Mubai's palm power. It was obvious that most of the power came from Ling Mo above him.

"Good guy, this guy is actually an auxiliary soul master..."

After thinking through all the problems, Hu Yanli was completely shocked.

They had been making tactical arrangements around Ling Mo before, but they didn't expect Ling Mo to suddenly transform into an auxiliary soul master.

All their previous tactics were instantly ineffective.

If they want to defeat Ling Mo, they must fight through Dai Mubai and the others. Even if they are lucky enough to kill him, they will not be able to defeat Ling Mo.

This is simply an unsolvable situation.

"Have you finished swinging the three-axe? Now it's our turn..."

Dai Mubai sneered and waved his hand, "Up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tai Long rushed out from the side, and Xiao Wu did the same...

When Hu Yanli and others wanted to set up a defensive formation, they discovered that a blue and silver cage had appeared under their feet at some unknown time.

"No, they are trying to force us to fight head-on..."

Hu Yanli immediately figured out something and said it was not good.

"Captain, isn't it our strength to fight head-on? If we can't win even head-to-head, we won't have any chance..."

"That's right, they want to fight head-on, so let's play with them..."

Almost all the team members thought this was a good thing, but Hu Yanli felt it was abnormal.

Generally speaking, no matter which academy you are fighting in, if you encounter them, you will not choose to confront them head-on.

And Shrek Academy can't be that stupid. What trump card do they have?

There was no time to think, Dai Mubai came towards him again, followed closely by Tai Long, eyeing another soul master.

Almost all the Shrek members rushed out, except for Ling Mo at the top and Tang San who was controlling the whole situation from behind. Everyone rushed forward.

"In that case, let's come..."

The real showdown began. Facing the attacks of the five Shrek men at the same time, Hu Yan took the lead and directly withstood the attack of the strongest Dai Mubai.

Hu Yanzhuo, who was on the defensive end, was directly punched away by Tai Long.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Wu relied on the teleportation spirit skill to instantly approach another member of the Elephant Armor Team and knocked him upside down with a waist attack.

He stabbed the opponent hard on the soul fighting platform, the force was really terrifying.

In addition to these three, the other two Shrek members, Jing Ling and Huang Yuan, were not so lucky.

Because they are not purely attack-type soul masters, even though they have a huge increase, they can't do anything to them.

He was hit hard by someone and flew out. He fell to the ground and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood.

"Good opportunity! Two of them are injured, let's fight back..."

Hu Yanli was good at controlling the situation. Seeing that two members of Shrek were injured, he directly restrained Dai Mubai head-on. The remaining four began to attack Xiao Wu and Tai Long.

At this time, a green light suddenly flashed and shone on Jing Ling and Huang Yuan. In less than three seconds, they were resurrected with full health.

"Damn, I actually forgot, this guy has healing skills..."

At this moment, Hu Yanli was completely desperate!

On the offensive end, in a head-to-head situation, they had no advantage at all and were completely overwhelmed by Shrek Academy.

This is so frustrating! The only way to solve this dilemma is to solve Lingmo.

It would be fine if he were an ordinary auxiliary soul master, but he would have no combat power at all.

But Lingmo is different, he is like a father! You may not be able to solve him if you go together.

If you don't have sex with him, it will make you even more uncomfortable! This is an unsolvable situation.

Outside the court, everyone was excited.

Shrek's crazy style of play was insurmountable. Some teams watching the game racked their brains and couldn't come up with a way to deal with it.

"Damn it! There's no way this guy can be dealt with. How can we fight him?"

In the stands, the teams watching the match all had sad faces. The troubles that the Elephant Armor Sect encountered now would also happen to them next.

No matter how miserable the current Elephant Team is, they will be just as miserable.

At this time, on the high platform, Hu Yanzhen looked at everything on the Soul Fighting Stage coldly, and was about to send a message to Hu Yanli to give instructions.

But he didn't expect Dugu Bo to have already discovered it, and stopped him directly, and said: "Master Huyan, don't you take me, the organizing committee referee, seriously?"

"Old poison, what do you mean by this?"

Even though his plan was exposed, Huyan Zhen was still calm. As long as he didn't admit it, Dugu Bo couldn't do anything to him.

"Hmph, you know what I mean very well! I hope that no one will do anything in front of me, otherwise... don't blame me for being rude.

I'm not like someone who gets this job but doesn't do anything! I don't need to point out any secret operations..."

Dugu Bo's last sentence was said to Saras, who was sitting on the far left.

"Dugu Bo, what do you mean?"

Salas was immediately unhappy when he saw Dugu Bo lead the fuse to him.

"What do I mean? You should know very well that there are some things that I don't know, but I just don't want to care.

I don't care what tricks you play, you are destined to be the first to be eliminated..."

Dugu Bo said coldly and returned to his seat directly.

The Xiangjia Sect studied Lingmo for a few days and wanted to set a trap for him.

Unexpectedly, Lingmo was not fooled! The direct change of tactics caught even Hu Yanli off guard.

They knew that they were going to fight Shrek Academy three days ago. As for why they knew?

It's very simple. Someone played tricks in the draw of the preliminaries.

Unfortunately... they played the wrong game. They thought they could suppress Shrek Academy, but they didn't expect to be slapped hard.

The current situation is completely unsolvable. As long as Lingmo's soul power is not exhausted, they have no chance.

Even if they besiege Dai Mubai and others, Lingmo can instantly revive them with full blood and rejoin the battle.

It's like an indestructible cockroach, very difficult to deal with.

The Xiangjia Academy has experienced Shrek's disgusting tactics, which is to pick your strengths.

Crush you from the front, and you have no way.

Recommend a book.

"Starting with Countless Divine Swords"

The top killer in the previous life was murdered on the top of a cliff.

Reincarnated into a useless person, but there is always a way out, awakening the 10 billion magic sword system!

Every time you upgrade a realm, you can get a magic sword!

Let's see how he breaks through the world and reverses the situation in the world!

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