Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night!

Under the cover of night, a ray of blue light bloomed, surrounding the entire Yulang Pavilion. In the light, two shadows hugging each other vaguely appeared.

There is no one else in Yulangxuan, so... no matter how weird this place is, no one knows.

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The breeze blows, and the sound of cicadas in summer is very beautiful.

On the cold jade bed, Ling Mo controlled her body's spiritual power at all times and continuously injected it into Qian Renxue's body to help her complete the absorption.

However... the twelfth-grade Immortal Lotus can't be absorbed so easily. The pure medicinal power cannot be resisted by mortals.

Qian Renxue was in a very bad state at this time, and the painful expression on her face made Ling Mo feel heartbroken.

Biting his lips, he could barely sustain the violent power of the medicine.

Behind her, a shadow began to appear. Six pairs of wings slowly opened, and there seemed to be six pairs hidden in the light behind her.

These six pairs of wings are still in an illusory state and have not really appeared. Once they appear, her martial spirit will undergo an earth-shaking upgrade.

From the original six wings, it became eleven or twelve wings.

The effect of this increase in quantity is very abnormal.

"I...I can't bear it anymore..."

Qian Renxue said this sentence with difficulty with a trembling tone! Almost fainted.

Ling Mo was so anxious that she began to become more panicked.

"The spiritual power in the body has been drained! It's time..."

He felt that all the spiritual energy in his body had been sucked out.

The medicinal effect of the twelfth-grade immortal lotus is too great. In order to alleviate the medicinal effect, Ling Mo needs to bear part of Qian Renxue's pain.

And this part of the pain will also bring him amazing benefits, reaching a win-win situation.

Ling Mo studied the scriptures of the Three Generations for a long time, and developed a secret method from it that the two of them could practice together.

And this secret method happened to be applicable to Qian Renxue.

"Keep persisting and you will succeed immediately..."

As a violent force entered Ling Mo's body, his expression began to become painful.

His body was severely damaged, and the violent force swept through Ling Mo's body, causing severe pain in his limbs and bones.

Silently reciting the secret formula, Ling Mo began to activate the power in her body and slowly suppressed it!

The power of the twelfth-grade immortal lotus is so violent that even if it is shared by two people, it is difficult to absorb it.

Ling Mo was very happy. If he hadn't made the sudden decision to let Qian Renxue eat it alone, she would have been hard-pressed to survive.

Ling Mo didn't want to lose her, so he came up with this strategy just to be on the safe side.

Apparently...he succeeded! With the help of the two people, this violent force was slowly suppressed.

Qian Renxue seemed to have had her soul sublimated, and under the holy light, she was like an immortal descending to earth.

The pain on her face began to fade, but the six pairs of wings behind her had not yet truly taken shape.

It may take a long time to slowly transform.


Ling Mo was also surprised by the sudden surprise.

The medicine in the body began to take effect, and a purer power merged into Ling Mo's body.

In less than a few seconds, Ling Mo successfully broke through to level 60, but the power of the medicine had not yet fully exerted its effect.

If he waited until Ling Mo absorbed the sixth soul ring, he would definitely explode again.

By then, maybe Lingmo can directly reach level 65, or higher...

The same is true for Qian Renxue. Her soul power successfully reached level 80 and her body also underwent earth-shaking changes.

In the light, it looks even more sacred!

"How does it feel?"

Ling Mo gently brushed Qian Renxue's pretty pale face with her hand, feeling very distressed.

"Much better! After the effects of the medicine were suppressed, the physical injuries began to recover.

Not only has the soul power increased to level 80, but the martial soul has also undergone considerable changes. Qian Renxue said calmly.

"What changes?"

Ling Mo had just seen the twelve-winged angel spirit, but the other six wings were still in shadow state, so he didn't understand them very well.

"The martial soul has mutated. It is no longer a simple six-winged angel, but has advanced to the legendary twelve-winged angel.

This is the legendary twelve-winged angel. I never thought I could really have it...

Although it is still in an evolved state,... it won't take long before I can fully evolve it.

This twelfth-grade immortal lotus is so powerful that it can forcibly change a person's physique, thereby promoting the evolution of martial souls. "

Qian Renxue couldn't hide the joy in her heart, and was completely surprised by the changes in front of her.

"Twelve Wings,'s exactly what I thought!"

Ling Mo thought for a while and then continued: "This time, not only did you get promoted, I also benefited from you...

Hehe, I have to say that my Xueer is very powerful. In just a few moments, she has replenished me with a lot of soul power..."

This time, Lingmo's experiment was successful, which means that this secret method is real. can be used regardless of whether there is elixir or not.

With this set of secret techniques, Ling Mo can guarantee that he will grow up in the fastest time.

"You are the only one in the world who can come up with such a method..."

Qian Renxue smiled angrily, and then remembered the crazy scene just now and couldn't help but find it funny.

She almost didn't recognize herself. Since she followed Lingmo, she became more and more courageous.

She was less and less like the pure and flawless saint.

In the eyes of others, Qian Renxue had always played the role of a cold-faced saint.

But... in front of Lingmo, she played more of a qualified daughter-in-law, trying her best to meet all of Lingmo's needs.

As long as he was willing, Qian Renxue was willing to do anything for him.

So much so that sometimes Qian Renxue wondered, what virtue and ability did he have? It was worth her so much.

But then she thought about it, isn't this the man in her ideal state?

Mature and stable, smart and smart, capable, responsible, and most importantly, capable, and extremely abnormal in talent.

Such a man is worthy of her, Qian Renxue, the saint of the Spirit Hall.

Although he was a little fickle, Qian Renxue never entangled with this issue. Because she was very confident that she could win a place among Lingmo's many women.

She was very confident in her beauty, which was beyond doubt.

No one would doubt her beauty. The only one who could be compared with her was Zhu Zhuqing.

But... Zhu Zhuqing was still relatively young and had not grown up yet, so there was still a small gap between her and her.

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