In the Sunset Forest, Lingmo searched for a long time but still couldn't find a suitable soul ring.

Now he is level 60, and he needs to choose from several attributes in the soul ring he needs.

They are special attribute characteristic soul rings such as wind, thunder, time, and space.

Wind and thunder are relatively easy to find, and Lingmo is most worried about the latter two.

If you can't pursue the ultimate perfection, it will directly affect the evolution of the martial soul. Now the development trend of the peacock martial soul has entered the rhythm.

As long as these soul rings are gathered, Lingmo can get biochemistry.

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Lingmo doesn't know what changes will happen to him after absorbing all of them, but you can imagine that he will definitely evolve in a good direction.

"Alas! Damn it, why is there no suitable one..."

Lingmo is in the sky, looking at this forest. The few thousand-year soul beasts that appear vaguely below do not have the characteristics that Lingmo wants.

Lingmo has been wandering around here for a long time, but still hasn't found a suitable soul ring.

"Forget it! Let's go deeper and take a look..."

The Sunset Forest is very big, and no one has really walked through the Sunset Forest.

In other words, the Douluo Continent is very big, and no one can walk through the Douluo Continent. There are many things outside the Douluo Continent.

For example, the Sun and Moon Continent and so on!

There are many secrets in the Douluo Continent, and Lingmo doesn't have the leisure to study so many.

Lingmo has not yet figured out the secret of the bronze coffin.

How can I have the time to study those.

Maybe the outside of the Douluo Continent is the source of the bronze coffin!

"Huh? Appeared again? You appeared as soon as I thought of you?"

After passing through a forest, Lingmo was about to continue flying forward, and suddenly felt a familiar breath.

It was the bronze coffin that had disappeared for a long time, and it appeared again.

After half a year, this was its third appearance.

Every time the bronze coffin appeared, it would bring Lingmo a great opportunity.

I don't know what it will be this time.

Lingmo didn't hesitate, and chased after it directly, with a wings spread, full firepower! Chasing in the direction of the Far North.

After chasing for nearly two days, Lingmo no longer knew how far he had chased.

At this time, he had left the mainland and was deep in the ocean. On the sea... there were small islands, but Lingmo ignored them.

He continued to chase forward. Since he was in the air, the soul beasts in the sea could not attack him, so there was no need to worry about any danger.

Flying along the sea, suddenly a big wave came, and Lingmo rose in time and just dodged it.

"Damn! Dare to trick me?"

Lingmo opened his double pupils and clearly saw a ten-thousand-year-old megalodon in the sea looking at him.

The big wave just now was caused by it! It wanted to knock Lingmo down from the air.

Lingmo took out the peacock feather directly with his backhand and shot at the megalodon. In an instant... hundreds of poisonous needles flew out and pierced into the body of the megalodon fiercely.

In less than a few seconds, the body of the megalodon began to float on the sea, and the sea water in that area was also dyed red.

This megalodon was very large, several dozen meters long, much larger than the soul beasts on land.

It was not weak in itself, but unfortunately... it provoked Lingmo, and was taken away by Lingmo with a peacock feather.

At the last moment of its life, it might still be thinking about how it died.

"Damn! I almost lost it..."

Seeing the breath of the copper coffin getting weaker and weaker, Lingmo was so angry that he cursed his mother. This guy almost ruined his good thing, and he deserved to die.

It's good to be alive, isn't it? Why did you come to provoke him.

After chasing for hundreds of miles, it was already dark, and pieces of floating ice began to appear on the sea in front of Lingmo.

The floating ice floated on the sea, and behind the floating ice were snow-capped mountains, with majestic snow-capped mountains.

"How did you chase me here!"

When he saw the snow-capped mountains, Lingmo was stunned for a long time. If he guessed correctly, this place... should be the legendary Far North, right?

There seemed to be something hidden in the snowy mountain ice cave that had been frozen for thousands of years. In the vast snowy mountain, there was actually a white bear walking by.

Its body was very large, several times larger than the megalodon just now. Judging from the three golden lines on its body, this white bear was at least 300,000 years old.

In an instant, Lingmo saw that at the moment when the snowflakes were flying, a figure like an elf vaguely appeared under the glacier.

Lingmo could see it clearly even though it was only a back figure several thousand meters away, but Lingmo could vaguely judge.

That was a person! No... She was not a pure person, she had the breath of a soul beast.

This breath was more like an elf born from heaven and earth. She was not wearing shoes, and her jade feet gently stepped on the snowflakes, dancing lightly.


Suddenly, the white bear on the snowy mountain let out a loud roar, and a terrifying force instantly attacked.

A beam of holy light appeared behind Lingmo, and the five-colored divine light appeared with a bang, facing this terrifying blow head-on, and absorbed it all in an instant.

"So strong!"

Although he devoured the opponent's power, Lingmo was also attacked. This 300,000-year-old soul beast was too powerful.

It was not something Lingmo could resist. If he was not careful, he might die.

"Mad, I'll let you go this time. Next time, I'll let you know what social beatings mean..."

Ling Mo did not get entangled with the white bear and chased in the direction where the copper coffin disappeared, praying not to lose him or else everything would be in vain.

Just now, Ling Mo's five-color divine light startled the girl under the glacier. She turned around, revealing an appearance that was astonishing to anyone in heaven.

She looked at Ling Mo leaving with a trace of melancholy, as if she was lost in thought.

At that moment, she felt that the divine light was so strange that it even affected her.


The white bear wanted to attack Ling Mo, but the girl stopped him!

The white bear seemed to respect the girl very much and did not dare to complain at all.

At this time, Ling Mo had left the snow mountain and continued to chase along the sea.

He didn't know how long he had been chasing him, he only knew that he was lost! Surrounded by the vast sea, there are not only snow-capped mountains, but also snow-capped mountains.

Fortunately, the aura of the copper coffin was still there, otherwise Ling Mo wouldn't have known which way to pursue him.

Ling Mo didn't guess the identity of the white bear on the snow mountain or the girl.

He had said earlier that he only read the first part of the story about Douluo Continent and basically didn't read the rest.

This was also the reason why Ling Mo wanted to build Tianji Pavilion. He was used to being able to predict things in advance. Without this advantage, Ling Mo had to think of other ways.

If he knew the identity of the girl, Ling Mo would definitely go back to find her.

Because Ling Mo had a way to help her survive that catastrophe!

It's a pity that Ling Mo didn't know her identity and thought she was just an elf born from heaven and earth.

Ling Mo has seen many elves like this, but there seems to be only one in the world who can reach the level of the girl just now.

Ling Mo couldn't see her strength. For this kind of elf, Ling Mo still lacked the ability to judge.

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