"Aren't you curious about your past?"

Suanni didn't rush out, but said in surprise.

It originally thought that after it said so much, Lingmo would ask about his past and what happened.

But unexpectedly, Lingmo didn't ask anything.

"Since it is the past, something that has passed, why should I ask?

You don't need to say it, I understand that there are many causes and effects on me, but... when they should appear, they will always appear.

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I won't go back and ask about everything that happened! There is no meaning..."

Lingmo replied softly.

He has experienced too many things in his life, and each one has a mystery. If he asks about each one, he can't do anything.

Before growing up, Lingmo will not ask about his past life and what he experienced.

Lingmo's answer surprised Suanni, who couldn't help but admire Lingmo's free and easy attitude.

If it were someone else, they would definitely be eager to ask about all the past.

They would not even consider whether they could bear such karma. From this point of view, Lingmo has successfully passed its test.

"Very good! You are worthy of being one of the most outstanding dual supremes of the human race, but... there are some things you still need to know..."

Suanni had just finished speaking when a lightning bolt suddenly struck Lingmo.

In an instant, Lingmo was directly shocked and fainted, and entered a dream directly.

That dream was in a dark void.

In the endless darkness, Lingmo saw that familiar figure, although it was just a back figure.

But... Lingmo could vaguely recognize that it was his back figure.

"What... is going on?"

Lingmo was completely stunned by the scene in front of him, and saw... himself in the darkness, with his pupils wide open, instantly shattering this piece of heaven and earth.

In the darkness, countless dark creatures emerged, and a killing was carried out in the sky.

Here... seems to be a battlefield, a very chaotic battlefield.

On the other side of the river bank, there are nine heavens and ten earths! Lingmo could vaguely see that the man who once appeared in his eyes and was called the Son of Heaven was facing several dark giants at the same time, facing them alone.

The world tree in his hand was broken, and when he finished off the last dark giant, he also fell.

Looking again, the back figure in the darkness went to the other side of the embankment alone.

It seems... there are stronger opponents waiting for him there, and among the people of the world, only he can cross the embankment.

Relying on his powerful strength, he cut a bloody path and directly reached the other end of the embankment.

There, Lingmo saw the man who often appeared in his dreams, the beast milk handsome boy who often mocked him.

"It hurts..."

Suddenly, his mind was out of control, and his mind was in a mess, as if it was about to explode.

Lingmo couldn't see what happened at all. Suddenly... the last beam of light fell.

When Lingmo looked at the other side of the dam again, he only heard a sentence being chanted between heaven and earth.

"Double pupils are the road of emperors. Why borrow other people's bones? The cause in the past, the result today, return it to you..."

As the last sad voice ended, when Lingmo looked again, the back in the dark had turned into a ball of blood.


The scene in front of him fell completely into Lingmo's eyes, and his mind began to be dazed, as if a memory deep in his mind was about to be awakened.

"Double pupils... Double pupils..."

Lingmo kept repeating these two words in his mouth, which seemed to be a very heavy thing.

It was an invincible road, but lost the invincible heart!

A lifetime of foil, just to be the most dazzling green leaf, this is really a trick of fate!

Everything started with a piece of bone, and finally ended with a piece of bone.

Perhaps, it was the unwillingness of that person that shaped Lingmo's second and third lives.

The double pupils were originally invincible, but they lost their invincible heart. One wrong step would lead to a lifetime of mistakes.

All the causes and effects seemed to have been paid off! But... he died!

Is this really a relief?

No... this is not a relief, but a regret!

Until the moment of his death, he had not succeeded in proving himself, and until the final curtain, he had not been able to resolve the regrets of many years ago.

The failure in the virtual world became the only failure in his life.

Unable to see clearly, Lingmo's double pupils began to lose consciousness, and he could no longer see the people in the dark.

When he woke up again, there was only the former walker on the abyss!

The whole world became dim and lightless. At the end of this war, only he was left, a burnt willow branch.

Lonely, lonely!

Lingmo could not understand his mood at this time, but he could feel that he was very lonely...

He left, taking a willow tree, breaking the eternity with a sword, leaving this world and heading to the heavens.

Before leaving, he also glanced at Lingmo, as if... he could see Lingmo.

Lingmo could not forget that look, it was too heavy.

Following a sharp pain, Lingmo fainted again.

When he woke up again, the blood mark on his forehead was completely revealed.

At this moment, his identity was very clear, he was the so-called descendant of blood!

"The cause of the previous life, the result of this life! It's time to pay it back..."

After waking up, Lingmo was in a trance, trying to recall what happened to himself in the darkness and the last moment of his death.

But he couldn't remember it anyway, nothing at all.

"You still have a bond in your heart..."

At this time, the voice of Suanni came again.

"Bond? What is that?"

Lingmo didn't understand, he... seemed to have a knot in his heart.

"Invincible heart!"

Suanni only said three words, like a thunderbolt hitting Lingmo's heart hard.


All the cause and effect of the previous life, all ended because of an invincible heart.

It turned out that this thing! It had been lost from the beginning.

Now, Lingmo needs to find it back, but... Lingmo doesn't know how to find it back.

Looking at Suanni in doubt, hoping that it can answer, answer the confusion in Lingmo's heart

"I know what you are thinking! But unfortunately, I can't help you with this matter...

My existence, in addition to helping you to grow up as quickly as possible.

The only thing I can do is to awaken the knot in your heart!

Your achievements should not stop here after you have achieved the great cause of the Immortal King in this life.

Just because you have lost your invincible heart, the Immortal King is your final destination.

If you can't solve this fetter, you still can't change anything! You can't take that last step..."

Suanni said again, and Lingmo seemed to have understood.

It was this fetter that prevented him from taking that last step.

Whether in the previous life or in this life, if this fetter cannot be solved, his final destination will still be the same as in the previous life, without any change.

He shouldn't have stopped here, just because of a piece of bone, he lost his invincible heart, and he didn't find it back until three reincarnations.

"In the end! You and I actually don't know what the real invincible heart is...

The illusory things are often the most deadly! Well... since it is destined, there is no escape."

Ling Mo said in a low voice, and his emotions began to stabilize.

Now, he has not yet touched this level, so... he has no way to solve this problem.

And Suanni just awakened his fetters and let him know his fetters in advance.

It can't help Ling Mo, and it doesn't have that ability.

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