"I understand! In other words, as long as the sacrifice is successful, you can escape from the darkness, rebuild your old ways, and rebuild your perfect body?"

Ling Mo lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said.

"Yes, this is the most straightforward method! My current body is filled with too many impurities and needs to be reshaped...

The black blood in my body has eroded me, and you saw it just now!

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Even when I am sleeping, I will release thunder and lightning to attack.

The entire underground abyss was reduced to rubble by me, and the thunder and lightning raged wildly and uncontrollably.

Originally... this was a beautiful place, but unfortunately... it has been destroyed! "

Suanni explained, his voice was very lonely...

Rebuilding a new body is a very difficult thing, but he has to do it.

"Okay, let's get started!"

What should be understood, Lingmo already understood.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling Mo opened his arms and waited quietly for Suan Ni's sacrifice.

I could only hear the roar of thunder in my ears, as if the sky was shattering and the earth was shattering, and the flashing thunder shocked the past and present.

From the illusion of Sumeru, a pair of eyes vaguely appeared, watching here.

Suanni disappeared, and her sky-stretching body turned into a ball of purple light, flashing with heaven-shattering divine thunder, and merged into Ling Mo's body.

And in place, only a stone egg was left, a giant egg with a diameter of two meters.

The source of thunder entered Ling Mo's body, and instantly... a soul ring shining with golden light suddenly erupted, illuminating the entire gray world.

That golden soul ring is Suanni's soul ring.

After the thunder source entered Ling Mo's body, in just one second, thunderous lightning began to appear on Ling Mo's body, filling his whole body.

Ling Mo was completely wrapped in it, and his whole body was flashing with shocking divine thunder, as if he had lost control, and was bombarded.

The scene is very shocking!


A tragic cry resounded throughout the world.

That was the heart-rending cry coming from Lingmo...

The moment the soul ring merged, Ling Mo felt as if his body was going to explode.

Terrifying power filled the whole body, and blood began to ooze from the body. The scene was very bloody.

In just a moment, Ling Mo turned into a bloody man.

Suanni's power is too huge, even if it is a sacrifice, it is still very powerful after being suppressed.

Fortunately, this soul ring did not pose any danger to Ling Mo's life, and he was successfully absorbed in the end.

As a thunder flashed across the sky, six soul rings began to appear on Ling Mo's body.

The most conspicuous thing was undoubtedly the golden soul ring at the edge. Under constant suppression, the soul ring began to slowly turn from golden to red.

From behind... it begins to turn into a black soul ring!

Two yellow, one purple and three black, a total of six soul rings were displayed.

Suanni disappeared, leaving only an egg on the spot, and the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder wanted to continue its violent rage.

Suddenly...a strange bone came out of the darkness and merged directly into Ling Mo's body.

In an instant, Ling Mo went into a coma! The body was surrounded by a ball of lightning and wrapped into a ball.

The entry of that piece made Lingmo's body perfect and undergo transformation.

At this moment, the world became extremely quiet, and Ling Mo fell into a deep sleep surrounded by thunder and lightning.

After turning into a cocoon, the gray world became quiet. Thunder and lightning were no longer flooding, and everything became silent.


Suddenly, a crisp sound came from the silent world, as if something was broken.

I saw... the ball wrapped in thunder and lightning suddenly shattered, and a violent explosion suddenly broke out.

Then, a beam of divine light illuminated the sky and the earth, and a person flew out of the thunder and lightning.

Spreading its wings, it suddenly rose from the ground and soared ninety thousand miles, faster than the lightning.

If you look closely, you will find that the wings actually have six colors, with an additional purple thunder color.

Soaring in the land of Kyushu, Lingmo walks in the clouds and carefully feels the changes in the body.

At this moment, even if he wanted to keep a low profile, he couldn't keep a low profile anymore!

Because, after absorbing this soul ring, Ling Mo was truly invincible.

The increase brought by Suanni's soul ring is a full five hundred times, and this is the effect after suppressing the soul ring for several years.

The most frightening thing is that Ling Mo's lightning attribute is dozens of times more powerful than the thunder and lightning of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family.

This is the real ultimate thunder, more aggressive.

The most terrifying thing is that Lingmo’s sixth soul ring, the realm of divine punishment...

In this field, you can summon the divine thunder of heaven and earth for bombing, and attack the soul ring in a range, which is extremely powerful.

Currently, with Ling Mo's strength, the maximum range can only cover one thousand meters, but... when his strength reaches another limit, this range will increase.

After absorbing this soul ring, Ling Mo's peacock martial soul was greatly enhanced, and the trend of mutation gradually took shape.

This is a growth soul ring, a soul ring with no limits. Lingmo's mood at this time cannot be expressed in words.

It's really too perverted.

After receiving this soul ring, Lingmo instantly rose to eight levels, reaching the terrifying level of sixty-eighth...

This is not over yet, Suan Ni has a lot of soul power, most of which is still stored in Ling Mo's body.

Because Ling Mo couldn't bear all this soul power all at once, most of it was still stored in the soul ring.

With Suan Ni's help, Ling Mo is confident that within five years, Ling Mo will definitely be promoted to the level of Titled Douluo.

Absolutely no joke!

In addition to these gains, Lingmo’s biggest gain should be that piece of supreme bone...

He had recognized the origin of this bone in his dream just now. It was the bone that made him lose his invincibility.

Unexpectedly, it went round and round and returned to his body!

It is very funny to say that everything is born and ends with bones.

Earlier, Ling Mo's body was used by the martial soul to accommodate the soul bone because he had a physical defect.

But Ling Mo didn't know what the flaw was, until the Supreme Bone appeared, and he finally discovered it.

It turns out...he has always been missing this bone, and it is precisely because of this bone that he cannot accept other soul bones.

In other words, Ling Mo's body can only accept this bone, and other soul bones cannot be absorbed.

After the Supreme Bone was integrated into the body, the mark of sinful blood on Ling Mo's forehead began to change, and the blood became darker and darker.

However, this had no effect on Lingmo's appearance, and instead made him look much more handsome.

It's a piece of cake to charm thousands of girls, Ling Mo can guarantee it.

In addition to the changes in appearance, the Supreme Bone also brings about a magical power in the field.

In other words, what comes with it is an inherited treasure, the supreme treasure.

"Supreme Realm..."

Any enemy in the domain will have their strength limited, even a titled Douluo cannot avoid it.

Directly reduced to the level of Ling Mo, which means... with the Supreme Bone, even a titled Douluo can't do anything to Ling Mo.

Once he enters his own realm, his soul power level is directly reduced to the same level as Ling Mo.

Under such restrictions, if Ling Mo can still lose, then he might as well stop practicing and go home to inherit a million-dollar fortune.

The third update starts tomorrow! My grades have dropped seriously, I need to reorganize my thinking...

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