The rules of the promotion tournament are simple.

Each side sends seven players to participate, and every player on the field must fight until they are defeated.

The winner will face the next opponent until all seven players on one side are defeated.

Judging from the rules, Shrek Academy is almost guaranteed to win!

Why? In terms of personal strength, the strongest player in this competition is definitely Ling Mo.

He is also the most dazzling talent in this competition, and everyone avoids him.


"Okay! In this promotion competition, you can just watch the show. Leave the rest to me..."

After understanding the rules of the competition, Ling Mo looked back at everyone and won all the competitions.

It doesn’t mean anything, everyone here is rubbish.

With Ling Mo's current soul power, there is no way he can find an opponent!

With a soul power of level 68, he is the player with the highest soul power in the entire competition.

If it weren't for her age, Lingmo might not even be able to participate in the competition!

Just imagine, a sixty-level soul emperor appears in the soul master competition. What is the concept?

Even the Wuhun Palace, which is known as the golden generation, is only over fifty levels at its highest.

"Look how arrogant you are..." Ning Rongrong rolled her eyes. It was not her turn to appear anyway, so she walked away.

From the beginning of the competition until now, she has not had a chance to play, and she feels extremely depressed.

"Hehe, it looks like we may win again!" Oscar and others laughed excitedly and walked towards the audience stand together.

Only Tang San and Dai Mubai were left there, this was the master's consideration.

If Ling Mo consumes too much soul power, these two people can take over.

But what is certain is that Shrek Academy will almost certainly qualify in this promotion round.


In her spare time, Ling Mo looked at the other teams. Because Shrek Academy came out late, they had to wait for the previous teams to finish before taking action.

In the team on the left, a figure that was very familiar to Ling Mo appeared.

"Tsk tsk, this girl has become a lot more beautiful after not seeing her for a few months..."

Looking around, it was none other than Meng Yiran from the Alien Beast Academy, the girl who had an indescribable incident with Ling Mo in the Star Dou Forest last time.

Hey...why is it indescribable?

Because, at that time, no one knew what was going on inside, so they didn’t know how to describe it.

Looking over, she happened to look over and glared at Ling Mo with a feigned fierce expression.

"Xiao Mo, you've provoked quite a few girls..."

Tang San said with a headache, there were just a few of them standing here, and many beauties were already looking at them strangely.

There are people from all colleges, and I don’t know if these people look at Ling Mo or Dai Mubai.

Anyway, it’s not Tang San who is here to look at him. In terms of appearance, no matter how you judge, it’s not his turn.

If he really wants to stand up, he will probably have to wait until the Blue Silver Emperor awakens.

"You know, being handsome is also a worry..."

Ling Mo said amusedly. Dai Mubai immediately agreed: "I think so too..."

Looking back and forth, he found that he also gained a lot of little fans in this competition.

All of them are naturally beautiful, and it makes people’s hearts itch to see them.

"Alas! People's hearts are not ancient..."

Tang San expressed that he was very depressed, feeling that standing in front of these two handsome guys was asking for shame.

"Isn't that the Tiandou Royal Academy's first team?" Tang San said suddenly.

Ling Mo looked around and saw Dugu Yan. Ling Mo hadn't looked at her for a long time.

After Dugu Yan saw Ling Mo, he raised an eyebrow and did not come over, but followed the team at the back.

After saying hello, Ling Mo looked at the others. Standing next to Dugu Yan was Ye Lingling.

She was as quiet as ever, following the team quietly, talking to Dugu Yan about something unknown.

Almost everyone is here! The soul fighting has also begun.

The first one to play was the Blazing Fire Academy, and it faced off against an academy from a kingdom affiliated with the Tiandou Empire.

With the strength of Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu, they are enough to sweep the entire team, so there is not much to see.

To the north of the school ground, Xue Ye Xue Xing, Dugu Bo and others were sitting in the VIP seats, watching the game.

"Fengzhi, which college do you think will be the first to advance this time?"

Xue Ye asked Ning Fengzhi next to him. Everyone on the stage had their own agendas, and only Ning Fengzhi could speak.

"Your Majesty! Every student in this competition is excellent. If I really have to choose one, I guess... it should be Shrek Academy!"

Ning Fengzhi said without hesitation.

This is an ironclad fact. Judging from the results in the qualifying rounds, Shrek Academy has definitely qualified.

"Sect Master Ning, I don't think so? I admit that Shrek's student named Ling Mo is indeed excellent, is difficult for him to defeat four people with just two fists. How can he withstand the consumption of seven people with his own strength? .

Once his soul power is exhausted, the remaining students of Shrek Academy may not be able to defeat their opponents..."

It was Salas who raised the question, his tone a bit sinister.

"Huh? Bishop Salas seems very confident! How can you be sure that apart from Ling Mo, there are no other outstanding students in Shrek Academy?"

Dugu Bo responded unceremoniously.

In this competition, there are two people who are the most outstanding, besides Ling Mo, it is Tang San.

But it's a pity that Tang San never had the chance to display his strength due to Ling Mo's existence.

Therefore, it was gradually ignored by the public, so that some people believed that the reason why Shrek Academy was able to advance was entirely due to Lingmo's single-core leadership.

"Oh? I wonder which one Elder Dugu is referring to?"

Hearing Dugu Bo's confidence, everyone was curious and cast doubtful eyes.

Dugu Bo smiled but didn't say anything, which made Saras uncomfortable.

"Let's go! It's our turn to play..."

Seeing that after the Blazing Academy finished playing, it was Shrek Academy's turn.

Before Huo Wu stepped down, she looked at Lingmo with a provocative look, thinking that she would compete with Lingmo in person later.

Lingmo ignored it.

She greeted Tang San and the others, and walked directly to the fighting spirit stage in the center of the school field, quietly waiting for the arrival of the opponent.

Shrek Academy's opponent in the first game was a team from the Barak Kingdom, the Barak team.

The first person to appear in the Barak Academy was a tall young man who looked to be in his twenties, wearing a black school uniform with gold edges.

After he went on stage, he was also very nervous when he saw that his opponent was Lingmo.

The strongest opponent in this competition, they didn't expect to meet in the first round, it would be a lie to say that he was not nervous.

But then again, being able to fight with the strongest opponent is also a challenge.

With infinite fighting spirit in his heart, the young man looked at Lingmo seriously and said respectfully: "Please don't show mercy, I want to see the gap between you and me..."

After these words came out, Lingmo was stunned for a long time, and asked uncertainly: "Are you sure?"

Is this guy crazy? Looking for me to practice, aren't you afraid that I will slap him to death?

"I'm sure, only by fighting with the strongest opponent can I find out my shortcomings.

You are very strong, you can be said to be the strongest in this competition, but... I won't admit defeat..."

The young man said seriously.

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