"Oh, it's boring! I thought we could have some fun, but now the mistress is all pretending, and we haven't pretended to do anything..."

Not only was Ling Mo speechless, Huo Wu had already appeared on the stage, and she was the last one to appear. She didn't know if Tang San could complete the one-on-seven winning streak.

I originally thought about taking the opportunity to develop something today, but now I have no chance.

If I had known earlier that I wouldn't let Tang San show off, I would have done it myself.

"Come on, I asked you to pretend yesterday, and today I let the mistress pretend.

No, I must go first tomorrow! I also want to pretend..."

Dai Mubai was very depressed. As teammates with these two guys, he didn't even have a chance to shine.

"Who will I fight tomorrow?"

Ling Mo asked curiously.

"It seems to be the one called the Academy of Alien Beasts! There are no masters, but Meng Yiran is a bit interesting..."

Dai Mubai thought for a while and finally said.

"Okay, I'll let you play in the first round tomorrow..."

In this competition of the Alien Beast Academy, there really are no outstanding talents, only Meng Yiran is holding on for dear life.

There are also a few soul sect-level experts among the others, but in terms of combat prowess, they are probably no match for Dai Mubai.

On the stage, Huo Wu walked up angrily and looked at Tang San coldly.

At this time, Tang San had eliminated six members of Blazing Fire Academy and was already exhausted.

"Tang San, come on, let me see how much soul power you still have!"

Huo Wu didn't waste any time and directly activated his martial spirit to prepare for the battle.


At this time, Tang San reached out to interrupt, looked back at Ling Mo, and then at Huo Wu.

A bad thought suddenly came to his mind. He heard Ling Mo talk about the last time they were in the ring of fire.

"I surrender!"

After saying that, Tang San walked off the stage in full view of everyone.

It's not that he can't fight, it's that he doesn't want to fight.

He had already seen that Huo Wu was interested in Ling Mo, otherwise he wouldn't have been running around Shrek Academy again and again.

Based on his understanding of Ling Mo, how could he let go of a beauty of Huo Wu's level?

As a brother, I should give him a push.

In fact, he was harming Ling Mo. Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong were watching carefully behind him.

There was a bit of Tang San's bad taste in this. This guy was completely led astray and became extremely sinister.


"This, what is this? Are you letting things slip on purpose?"

Tang San abstained, causing a heated discussion, but he, the culprit, had already arrived next to Ling Mo and Dai Mubai.

"Xiao San, what's the matter with you?" Dai Mubai was confused. With his understanding of Tang San, how could he abstain?

This is not like his character. Even if he loses all his soul power, he will fight until the last moment.

"It's nothing. I'm tired. Let you have some fun..."

Tang San glanced at Ling Mo meaningfully, which made Ling Mo feel terrified.

Did this guy do this on purpose? When did he become so sinister.

Looking back, I found that Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong were indeed paying attention to this place.

Ling Mo was speechless. It seemed that he couldn't run away. When he returned, he was inevitably beaten again.

"Okay, you take a rest first, I'll get on..." With that said, Dai Mubai was about to get on.

Who would have thought that Tang San stopped him, and with a look in his eyes, Dai Mubai understood immediately.

This guy did this on purpose!

"Please ask the next member of Shrek to appear as soon as possible..." the referee above urged.

"Xiao Mo, come on!"

Tang San and Dai Mubai looked at Ling Mo and said.

"Come on, come on, cut..."

Ling Mo rolled his eyes. He knew what these two guys were trying to do and didn't bother to dwell on it.

Anyway, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong already knew about this matter, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

In addition to Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu over there, Qian Renxue next to Xue Ye, and Dugu Yan from the Tiandou Academy team were all watching here.

You are really pretending to be brave against the wind, Lingmo is too difficult.

I guess this time I will have to kneel on the washboard when I go back.

Fortunately for Qian Renxue, she didn't say anything about it. Xue Wu and Shui Bing'er didn't care about it at all.

Perhaps due to the influence of the environment they live in all year round, they don't care much about this kind of thing.

As for Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong, they can just be coaxed. Little girls are easy to coax.

It's just that Dugu Yan is a bit difficult to deal with. This girl is really jealous. I really don't know what she will do.

Before Ling Mo went on stage, he glanced at Qian Renxue behind Xue Ye and found a hint of cunning hidden in her eyes.

It was as if he was gloating about his misfortune, which made Ling Mo feel scared.

As Ling Mo came on stage, the atmosphere at the scene began to become weird.

No one thought that Blazing Fire Academy could win, but the power of the last resistance to the explosion of the ring of fire was vivid in everyone's mind.

What will be the consequences if something like this happens again?

This is the Royal School Ground, and it won’t be the Great Soul Fighting Ground that will be lost.

"Hmph, you stinky scoundrel, let's see how I fix you this time..."

After Ling Mo came on stage, Huo Wu's eyes were full of resentment, and he wanted to press Ling Mo to the ground and rub him.

"Little girl, why are you so angry!"

Ling Mo was unmoved. After walking on the stage, he was not in a hurry to take action, nor did he reveal his martial arts spirit.

With his current soul power, it is too easy to defeat Huo Wu.

"Shut up, you're not even older than me, and you're a little brat and you still call me a little girl! Shameless..."

"Big? Where is it bigger?"

Ling Mo suddenly changed the topic and looked directly at Huo Wu's hot figure. Huo Wu immediately blushed.

Because the school ground was very chaotic, no one heard their conversation. They only found that Huo Wu suddenly blushed for some reason.

I thought they were talking trash to each other and were blushing because they were angry.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that this girl's expression is obviously shy.

"Damn it, this damn gangster, go back and see how I deal with him..."

Behind him, Ning Rongrong clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth.

Zhu Zhuqing consoled him: "Forget it, this guy has always been like this, just get used to it..."

"No, I have to take care of him this time..."

How could Ning Rongrong agree? The two of them were secretly discussing something.

On the other side of the stands, Dugu Yan was surprisingly unresponsive, as if... accustomed to this phenomenon.

Dugu Bo seemed to have told her about Ling Mo, so she didn't have any strange reaction as Ling Mo expected.

As for Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu, they were laughing and whispering, as if they were discussing some conspiracy.


Huo Wu blushed and cursed angrily.

Ling Mo remained unmoved. Since he wanted to play, he might as well play bigger. As for the consequences, let’s talk about it when we get back.

"How shameless of me? You said you are older than me, but where is it? Is it over there?"

Ling Mo smiled meaningfully.

As soon as these words came out, Huo Wu's face turned even redder. Thinking of the last encounter, he felt extremely panicked.

"I'm talking about age..."

After roaring angrily, Huo Wu almost collapsed. Every time he quarreled with Ling Mo, he couldn't take any advantage.

"Oh! So it's your age. You should have told me earlier. If you didn't tell me, how would I know you were talking about your age.

Why didn't you say it earlier? Why didn't you say it earlier?

I thought you were talking about it being bigger than me, but then again, it’s really big..."

Ling Mo tried hard not to laugh, but in fact she was already happy.

"are you mad at me!"

Huo Wuqi's body trembled and trembled constantly, making everyone watching with joy.

Recommend a new book.

Gambit became the god of fishing.

It's an absolutely good book. You can read it and don't come back to hit me.

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