"Haha, are you willing to kill me with one sword?"

Ling Mo laughed.


In fact, Qian Renxue really wanted to do this at the beginning, but unfortunately... she met the scoundrel Ling Mo.

No matter how she attacked, she could not harm Ling Mo, so slowly, she found that the gap between her and Ling Mo was getting smaller and smaller.

Following this trend, Lingmo's soul power soon caught up with her!

I don’t know how this guy cultivates. Breaking through is easier than eating and drinking.

Come to think of it, it doesn't make sense! With the cold jade bed and the weird two-person training method, there is a reason why this guy improved so quickly.

Not to mention those fairy grass and elixirs, anyway, he is full of treasures.

"You just got an advantage and still behaved!"

Qian Renxue glared at him angrily, and then continued: "By the way, when I first came back, I noticed a strange energy fluctuation in the back mountain.

What are you doing in the back mountain? Why are there several elemental powers appearing at the same time!

Moreover, I feel that the soul power fluctuation there is very strong..."

Qian Renxue doesn't know about what happened in the back mountain yet, because she just came back today.

"Oh, you're talking about this! Now..."

With that said, Ling Mo took out a few soul stones and handed them to Qian Renxue.

Then he explained: “Actually, it’s nothing, it’s just that when I was digging the grave some time ago, I accidentally dug a little deeper.

I dug straight into the underground abyss and found this thing!

I don’t know if I am the only one in the world who has discovered this thing.

After all, not everyone has this special hobby like me. "

Ling Mo not only lamented that sometimes luck is really difficult to explain clearly.

"This is……"

Qian Renxue took the soul stone and looked at it carefully, her expression turned bad.

This... is there such a thing in the world? It's incredible.

In her entire life, she has never seen such a special energy stone that can be used for cultivation.

"This is called the soul stone! Its function is very simple. It can be used to absorb directly, which greatly increases the speed of cultivation. It has no impact and the effect is excellent..."

Ling Mo slowly explained, and Qian Renxue gradually understood the horror of this thing.

"I really don't know if there is anything else in this world that you don't have..."

Qian Renxue was speechless. How come Ling Mo could always come up with something she had never heard of.

"Hehe! Let me tell you this, in fact, there are many such stones hidden deep underground in the continent where we live.

After years of accumulation and nourishment by the laws of the world, he slowly gained a certain amount of soul power.

However, the reason why it has not been discovered for so many years is simple because... this thing is hidden in the deepest part of the earth, hundreds of thousands of meters down.

There is nothing at this depth. Even if I plummeted, it would have taken me three days and three nights, let alone digging.

Therefore, it is impossible for anyone to discover these things, and no one will be idle to dig them up. "

Ling Mo has probably guessed the origin of the soul stone, and he also knows why this thing is not circulated in the mainland.

The reason is simple, because it is hidden too deep, probably even in the core of the earth.

It’s not that it can’t be excavated, it’s that no one knows there is such a thing, so it’s impossible to excavate it.

There is another key reason. Although the soul stones are hidden deep underground, they are widely scattered. Even if you want to dig them, you have to dig through the entire continent.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to dig out. It all depends on chance. Luck is more important than anything else.

Simply speaking, Lingmo dug a lot in the underground abyss before, which was enough to support the operation of the ghost gate for hundreds of years.

As for the others! If they want to dig, Lingmo will be happy to tell them, but whether they can dig it or not depends on God's will.

Anyway, Ling Mo didn’t think anyone could dig it out, it was unrealistic.

"You can dig out such a rare and rare thing from deep underground. Compared to the soul stone, I am more surprised by your courage...

What kind of spirit can make you dig out these things so persistently?

Don't tell me that you just wanted to dig a grave, but accidentally dug a little deeper and dug out these soul stones..."

The more Qian Renxue thought about it, the more funny it became.

What Ling Mo said was so outrageous, in fact, he was even more outrageous than this soul stone.

Who has nothing to do to dig such a deep hole? Isn’t this just what you need after you’re full?

"Haha, actually! It's just a coincidence. I can't help it. If a person is handsome, his luck will get better. I'm also helpless..."

Ling Mo became shameless, which simply refreshed Qian Renxue's perception.

Of course, he said this just to cover up the secret of the bronze coffin of the third generation.

The third generation bronze coffin involves too much cause and effect, so it's better not to let her understand.

"Screw you! It's getting worse every day, but then again, aren't you going to give your wife a few bucks for this thing?"

Qian Renxue smiled meaningfully, not worrying about how Lingmo dug out these things.

"Yes, of course! As long as you need it, I will give myself to you..."

Of course Ling Mo wouldn't refuse. He still had a lot of soul stones on him and couldn't use them all.

"Come on, I can't bear it! If I take possession of you, many little sisters will probably cry to death."

Qian Renxue said angrily, and then blackmailed Ling Mo severely, feeling very satisfied.

The soul stones extorted from Lingmo are enough to support her cultivation to the level of Extreme Douluo.

After absorbing these soul stones, she will go to participate in the God Position Assessment!

Become the first person to become a god in recent years!

Her pursuit is not to be a vase for people to admire, but to become the supreme god.

"So, the energy fluctuation in your back mountain is actually emitted by this soul stone? And those elemental forces..."

Putting away the soul stone, Qian Renxue continued to ask, she still had many doubts.

"Back mountain! In fact, I just used these soul stones and combined with various elemental stones to make a training field, also known as a trial field.

The training intensity of the trial field is suitable for all attribute soul stones, and can potentially tap the elemental power in the human body."

"Trial field, elemental stone?"

Qian Renxue felt that her imagination was not big enough, why did it sound a bit outrageous, and she couldn't understand it at all.

"Hey, these are..."

As he said, Lingmo took out a pile of elemental stones. He didn't take them out at first because Qian Renxue couldn't use them.

But since she was curious, Lingmo showed it to her.

"My God! Soul stones are outrageous enough, and you can also take out this kind of elemental stone.

If an elemental soul master uses this, it will be much faster to practice than these soul stones!"

Qian Renxue was speechless. She just said that Lingmo had everything, and it turned out that he really had everything.

What else does he not have? Qian Renxue was confused. She was getting more and more confused about the man in front of her.

The man she loved.

"You are right! Elemental soul masters can use this kind of elemental stone to not only refine their own elemental power, but also practice more efficiently..."

Lingmo prepared a bunch of ice elemental stones and planned to send them to Shui Bing'er and Xuewu, but he didn't have time.

He planned to find a time to send them to them and cultivate their feelings.

It seems that I haven't seen Xuewu dancing for a while. Lingmo is a little obsessed with her dancing.

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