Their eyes met, Ling Mo stood on the soul fighting stage without any preparation.

"Damn it, this guy is still as arrogant as ever..."

At the referee's signal, Feng Xiaotian had activated his martial spirit. However, Ling Mo remained unmoved.

In the audience, Huo Wu, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but cursed. The reason why Feng Xiaotian came to Ling Mo to declare a challenge might be because of her.

But none of this matters...

"He is arrogant, but... he does have the capital to be arrogant..."

Huo Wushuang next to him said calmly, without any disturbance in his heart.

He seemed to have seen the result of the game. There was no doubt that Feng Xiaotian would lose.

Of course, no one would think that Feng Xiaotian would win.

Because he is not the protagonist, this kind of plot where he can win through cross-level fighting only happens to the protagonist.

Green light surged, and Feng Xiaotian's body changed obviously.

Along with the crackling sound of bones, the muscles and bones expanded at the same time, and the body became obviously larger.

The long hair on his head was also rendered cyan, and the most peculiar thing was that a wolf head emerged from his left shoulder.

The blue wolf's head stared at Ling Mo with a stern look, and traces of chill continued to emit from it.

The two-headed wolf of the wind, the mutant existence of the devil wolf of the wind.

The Gale Demonic Wolf was originally a mid-to-high-level martial spirit, but its mutation into a two-headed wolf has transformed it into something close to a top-level martial spirit.

"Double wolf heads! Mutated martial soul? It's interesting..."

All of this was completed under Ling Mo's gaze. Looking at Feng Xiaotian's martial spirit, Ling Mo couldn't help but sigh.

No wonder he was so confident in challenging himself. Maybe it was the courage given by this martial spirit.

"Why don't you activate your martial spirit? How much do you look down on me?"

Feng Xiaotian did not move, but asked.

"I don't think you have the strength to let me activate my martial spirit. Just take action..."

Ling Mo answered very directly, and Feng Xiaotian was so angry that he almost exploded on the spot.

"Arrogant, I'll see how you die soon..."

With an angry scolding, Feng Xiaotian kept coming, grabbing hard with his sharp claws, and rushed towards Ling Mo.

The sharp claws slashed across, carrying the blade of the wind, which was extremely sharp.

This claw will definitely be scratched if it touches any soul master below level 50.

However, he was facing Ling Mo, so this claw was destined to have no effect.

Ling Mo gently raised his right hand, and his palm suddenly turned into the shape of cold jade, which was very strange.

With a gentle grab, Feng Xiaotian's sharp claws were directly held in his hands.

"What! How is it possible..."

Feng Xiaotian was extremely confident in his defense-breaking ability, but... with such defense-breaking ability, he couldn't even damage Ling Mo's skin.

Ling Mo firmly grasped Feng Xiaotian's sharp claws and said with a joking smile: "Is this all you have? If that's all you have, I advise you to surrender directly..."

It is no exaggeration to say that after fused with the Supreme Bone, Ling Mo's defense, let alone Feng Xiaotian, may not be able to be broken by even a Soul Saint.

Even if Ling Mo stood and beat him for several hours, he wouldn't be able to break a layer of skin.

"You are too proud..."

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up on the spot. Taking advantage of this gap, Feng Xiaotian broke free from Ling Mo's hand and made a few quick cuts with the sharp wind blade.

But... the sharp blade left a series of metal collision sounds on the body inside, without leaving any injuries at all.

"Oh my god, how amazing is this guy's defense..."

Everyone inside and outside the court was shocked. Lingmo's attributes in all aspects were too abnormal.

So much so that some people concluded that this guy was not human at all.

The auxiliary effect in the early days, the speed and strength later, and now even the defense is so abnormal.

What is there that he cannot take into account, or what are his shortcomings?

"Are you tickling me?"

From the beginning to the end, Ling Mo didn't even activate his martial spirit. He blocked all Feng Xiaotian's attacks with just his body's pure defensive ability.

It can be said that the whole audience was shocked.

"The fun is yet to come!"

With a startled shout, Feng Xiaotian became angry and didn't intend to test it anymore, and directly used his ultimate move.

Suddenly, a pair of huge cyan wings stretched out from Feng Xiaotian's back. At the same time, cyan light and shadow condensed behind him, exactly like the two-headed wolf of Gale.

Against the backdrop of the huge and dazzling light and shadow, Feng Xiaotian soared into the sky, with just one flapping of wings behind him.

With the help of the wind in the air, his body had skyrocketed up to a distance of fifty meters above the ground.

"Can you still fly? Tsk tsk, this martial spirit is a bit interesting..."

Although Ling Mo had expected it, she really couldn't figure out why Feng Xiaotian's martial spirit had the ability to fly.

"Oh my God, this Feng Xiaotian actually has the ability to fly. Why have I never seen it before?"

In the previous qualifiers and promotion rounds, this guy has never used this ability.

For a moment, the whole school was in a state of excitement and was very surprised!

This guy actually hid his trump card until the end. He was so clever at hiding his clumsiness.

Unfortunately, if the opponent he encountered this time was someone else from Shrek Academy, he might still be able to win with the help of his air superiority.

But... the opponent he encountered this time was Ling Mo, a flying soul master with a peacock martial spirit.

He... also has the ability to fly! Therefore, Feng Xiaotian's advantage no longer exists.

"Ling Mo, I admit that you are strong, but... I will not give up!

Next, I will use my own soul skill to attack you, be careful.

The name of the soul skill is: Swift Wind Wolf Thirty-six Consecutive Slashes. ”

Swift Wind Wolf Thirty-six Consecutive Slashes?

It sounds very domineering, but I don’t know how powerful it is.

“Come on! I will do it next...”

Ling Mo still did not activate his martial soul, and just stood there.

In fact, he did not move at all.

What is he going to do?

“Oh my God, he is not going to...”

“He is not going to rely on his physical defense to resist the thirty-six consecutive slashes, is he?”

“This is too crazy! I didn’t expect that in this last soul battle, I could actually witness such a wonderful game...”

For a while, the whole audience was boiling, whether it was the other team members inside and outside the field, or the royal guards, all cast incredible eyes.

“Dean, isn’t Xiao Mo’s idea too risky? This is not necessary at all... Should we stop him? "

Tang San said directly in front of the Shrek lineup. He was too familiar with Lingmo. Seeing his action, he knew what he was going to do next.

Flanders waved his hand and said calmly: "No need, Xiaomo always knows how to do things!

Since he is ready to take it hard, he must have a trump card to take it hard.

Killing people and destroying their hearts, what a powerful move! This kid is still as black-bellied as ever. "

Flanders can see Lingmo's idea. It's very simple... just take your strongest attack without any defense.

Under such a blow, it will cause great psychological trauma to the opponent.

It can be said that the method of killing people and destroying their hearts can only be said that only Lingmo can do it in this world.

"I really don't know how much confidence he has, and he actually dares to do it..."

"Isn't this normal! When has he disappointed us?"

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