Lingmo stood on the top of the mountain and did not choose to return to the team.

However, his eyes never left the Shrek Academy team.

The layout has been made, and the next step is to close the net.

Looking ahead, some figures are vaguely floating above the canyon in front. These figures are all wearing black clothes and their faces are covered.

Obviously, these people are from the Spirit Hall. Covering their faces is just to hide their identities.

But... this behavior is meaningless, and anyone with a discerning eye can see their identities.

This book was first published on 𝟼𝟿Book Bar → 𝟼𝟿sʜᴜx.ɴᴇᴛ, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

At the front of the team, Qian Renxue, together with Ning Fengzhi of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, and Jian Dao Chenxin walked in front.

Ning Fengzhi is still nominally Qian Renxue's teacher, no... it should be Xue Qinghe's teacher.

But Xue Qinghe died a long time ago, and now Qian Renxue replaced him.

"Teacher, where did Senior Du Douluo go?"

In front, Qian Renxue felt something was wrong and asked in confusion.

Dugu Bo suddenly left just now, and I don't know where he went!

Originally, she wanted to go directly to Lingmo, but unfortunately... there were too many people here, and her identity was not suitable, so she didn't go.

She knew that Dugu Bo must have gone to find Lingmo, but she didn't know what they were talking about.

Combined with what Lingmo told her before, maybe... the so-called plan of Guimen should be implemented here.

Hearing Qian Renxue's question, Ning Fengzhi also felt something was wrong. He looked back a few times and found that Dugu Bo had not returned yet.

At this time, Chen Xin's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he sensed something, and said coldly: "Master, the situation is not right..."


Ning Fengzhi was puzzled and looked at him with a frown.

"I sensed that there are several very strong auras approaching around, and there may be an ambush..."


As soon as these words came out, Ning Fengzhi's face changed drastically. He only brought Chen Xin out this time.

If these ambushes were aimed at him, then... the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect would be in trouble.

As the leader of the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect, if an accident happened, the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect would soon fall apart.

Over the years, the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect has been able to reach this point, all thanks to his personal ability.

"Ambush? What's going on..."

Ning Fengzhi said seriously. He didn't care too much about his own safety. With Chen Xin, he could ensure his safety.

However, his daughter Ning Rongrong was still with the Shrek Academy team.

Chen Xin couldn't take care of both sides.

"There is a strong murderous intent hidden around, coming from four directions, two of which are aimed at us.

There are two more auras, which are aimed at the back, and that direction seems to be the Shrek Academy team..."

Chen Xin said seriously.

"Shrek Academy, they are really coming for Shrek Academy!" Ning Fengzhi's face changed drastically.

"No, not only are they coming for Shrek Academy, they are also coming for us..."

Chen Xin said with certainty that the two auras were obviously aimed at him.

Obviously, he has been targeted by two Title Douluo.

"If that's the case, then it's troublesome! I don't know if Xiaomo is ready at Shrek Academy..."

Ning Fengzhi said worriedly, even though he only brought Chen Xin with him this time.

But he didn't worry about his own safety at all. With his own assistance and Chen Xin's fighting power, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with two Title Douluo.

However, the strongest ones at Shrek Academy are only two Soul Saints. Although they are two of the golden iron triangle, but... the most important one is missing, and it is obviously impossible to deal with the remaining two Title Douluo.

"Teacher, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word?"

Qian Renxue pretended not to understand, but in fact she had understood.

It seems that the Spirit Hall has already taken action, but she doesn't know what tricks Lingmo will have, and she is very worried.

At this time, Dugu Bo came from the back and returned to the team.

"Old monster, where have you been?"

Chen Xin asked directly. He didn't believe that Dugu Bo didn't sense the breath. At their level, their sense of smell is very sharp.

They could sense any slight movement.

"I went to do some private business!"

Dugu Bo said meaningfully, his smile was very creepy.

"Oh? Old monster, don't pretend to be confused, just say what you want to say..."

Chen Xin's implication was very clear, and Dugu Bo understood it.

"Haha, old sword head, you should have noticed it too! Now there are many uninvited guests above our heads.

Among these people, there are four Title Douluo-level masters.

Two of them are coming for you and me! And the two behind are going for the team behind.

You should know what will happen next. Now... we can only join forces to deal with the two in front first, and then deal with the two behind.

Otherwise... once those two have dealt with the people behind, they will come over and double-team us, and none of us will be able to walk out of this canyon alive..."

Dugu Bo replied seriously. Since Ling Mo said he wanted to conserve his strength, he naturally did not plan to use the six Title Douluo.

With his current ability, it is not difficult to defeat a Title Douluo!

With puppets and hidden weapons in hand, Dugu Bo was extremely confident.

After Dugu Bo said this, Chen Xin fell silent, and Ning Fengzhi showed a worried expression.

Ning Rongrong is still behind, if something happens, it will be troublesome.

"Master, how about... I go and bring Rongrong here!"

Chen Xin hesitated for a while, then said.

Ning Rongrong is an extremely important existence in their hearts. If she is implicated, it will be difficult to get out.

"No need! I believe Xiaomo will protect her. I believe that Guimen has made the best preparations, right?"

Ning Fengzhi said, looking at Dugu Bo with a smile.

Before this, Dugu Bo suddenly left, obviously sensing the ambush in advance, and went to Lingmo to discuss it.

In this case, Lingmo must have known about this matter a long time ago, so... Ning Fengzhi dared to guarantee that Lingmo must have a backup plan.

This is his trust in Lingmo.

"Haha, you are worthy of being the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. Leader Ning lives up to his name!

That's right, my Ghost Sect has indeed made all the preparations, just waiting for the big fish to enter the net..."

Dugu Bo laughed, without any reservations.

Qian Renxue was relieved when she heard the conversation between these people.

However...she was still very worried, after all, plans could not keep up with changes, and accidents could happen at any time.

Whether it was Ghost Sect that was hit hard or Spirit Hall that was hit hard this time, it was what she was most reluctant to see.

If she had to say which one she cared more about between Ghost Sect and Spirit Hall, it might be... Ghost Sect!

After all, this was the sect that she witnessed with her own eyes, and was pulled up step by step by Ling Mo.

As for Spirit Hall, she had no feelings for it. The reason why she was willing to work for Spirit Hall and lurked in the Heaven Dou Empire was just to repay the favor of that woman.

In the final analysis, she was still very entangled in her heart, extremely entangled.

"They are here, old swordsman, the one on the left is for you, and the one on the right is for me!

We are all old friends, there is no need to hide anything, just make your move..."

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