"Damn it! The roads are blocked and all teams are separated..."

Tang San shouted as he punched away a piece of gravel.

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Rocks from the sky kept falling, blocking all the roads in front and behind.

"Don't panic, try not to use martial arts, hide if you can, don't waste soul power..."

Flender reminded him, fixed his gaze on the top of the mountain, and directly activated the martial soul's true form.

"Erlong, protect the children. I'll be back as soon as I go..."

After saying that, Flanders jumped into the air and flew towards the top of the mountain.

"Don't worry, Boss Fu, I'll leave this place to you..."

Liu Erlong had an extremely bad temper. He punched stones, and his eyes seemed to be on fire.

"Everyone, don't scatter, come closer to me..."

Qin Ming shouted and struggled to resist the surrounding rubble. With his soul power, he had no problem solving these rubbles.

"Xiao Mo!"

In the chaos, Ning Rongrong discovered that Ling Mo's puppet body had been hit and shouted subconsciously.

"Rongrong is back, that's not Xiaomo!"

Seeing that a piece of gravel almost hit him, Tang San stepped forward and blocked the stone, but he was also hit.

The scene was in chaos. Seeing that the teams in front and behind were completely blocked, Shrek Academy was truly divided.

Now everyone wants to know who this person is that even the Royal Knights dare to attack.

It was really too bold. Even though they had left the Tiandou Empire now,... the strength of this knight group was not so easy to deal with.

What's more, there are so many soul masters and teachers from various colleges, and the other party actually dares to take action.

After the rock fell, it was quiet for a long time. Flanders was hovering in the air. He didn't know what he saw, but he hadn't come back yet.

"Children, come closer to me, don't leave me more than ten steps away..." Liu Erlong said seriously, she could already feel the hidden murderous intent around her.

The rockfall just now was just an introduction, the real backhand was yet to come.

At this moment, a whistle sounded from somewhere on the top of the mountain on both sides.

Thousands of men in black suddenly appeared, rushing down at an alarming speed.

Since the formation has been divided, the soul masters of the fifteen colleges can only rely on their own strength to protect themselves.

The surrounding formations have been disrupted. At this time, you can only rely on yourself and no one can rely on you.

This team of thousands of people marched down from the top of the mountain and headed to different areas.

"Get ready to fight!"

Liu Erlong said coldly, in the air, Flanders didn't know what happened, but he was entangled by a man in black. The two fought fiercely in the air for a long time, and they couldn't get away at all.

Down below, only two teachers, Liu Erlong and Qin Ming, were left to lead the team, and the rest were students.

The master has already gone to Wuhun Hall, so he is not in the team.

Shrek and the others are all ready and ready to go, and their martial spirits have also been activated.

"Solve the battle quickly!"

On the top of the mountain, there were hundreds of people in black surrounding Shrek Academy.

The leading man in black said coldly, and as soon as he finished speaking, he killed him directly.

The target was facing Ling Mo, who was still standing on the horse. From the riot to the present, Ling Mo had been sitting on the horse without any movement.

He observed it for a long time and didn’t know why! I was very confused. After trying it several times, I realized that it was not Lingmo.

But Lingmo does exist, which is really weird.

"Everyone, don't move!"

Seeing the man in black heading towards Ling Mo, everyone wanted to resist, but they were all stopped by Liu Erlong.

At this time, everyone remembered that Ling Mo had left, and it was not Ling Mo himself.

A golden light flashed, and the man in black walked straight towards Ling Mo, intending to kill him on the spot.

As long as he dies, the blocking mission this time will be completed! And he will make a first-class contribution.

"Suffer death!"

Shining with light, the man in black went straight towards Ling Mo, and suddenly... when a palm slapped Ling Mo, there was a sound of metal twisting.

"No, it's fake!"

When he reacted, an explosion was heard on the spot, instantly rolling up thousands of feet of dust, and the violent explosion shook the canyon.

"Such power! This explosive force can destroy a Contra-level strongman in an instant, even a defensive spirit master."

Liu Erlong was shocked. She had just tried it, but she didn't expect Ling Mo's backhand to be so powerful.

The dozens of people who were killed at the same time were also eroded by the explosion. Hundreds of steel needles flew out, killing these dozens of people on the spot.

And the man in black who attacked Ling Mo, even with his Contra-level soul power, was swallowed up by the explosion in an instant, leaving no residue behind.

This abnormal blow shocked everyone, and their faces were full of disbelief.

"Oh my God! This explosive power is so amazing..."

"This is simply an artifact!"

For a moment, everyone in Shrek, not to mention the men in black, was stunned.

"Damn it! You're trapped, you deserve it..."

Behind him, several men in black looked at each other and cursed angrily.

The person who took action just now was on the same level as them. Unfortunately, he was so eager to achieve success that he actually wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to take action.

Unexpectedly, he was tricked, and all of a sudden he was blown up to pieces.

No one sympathized with him, everyone came here for merit.

"Everyone be careful!"

After the aftermath of the explosion, Liu Erlong stood in front to protect everyone.

She could feel that there were still several powerful enemies in front, and each of them had a soul power higher than hers.

If the Golden Iron Triangle was there, they would have a chance to resist, but unfortunately the master was not there, and Flanders was entangled again, leaving only her and Qin Ming.

"Damn, where did Xiaomo go? I can't find him at the critical moment..."

The situation was critical, and Liu Erlong couldn't help cursing.

Damn, he was always here to brag, but he was not here when he was doing the real work.

If he was here, he could probably hold back a few more people. After all, his strength was so strong that even Flanders couldn't do anything about it, so it shouldn't be a problem to deal with these people.

As for Qin Ming, he was lucky to hold back one, and the remaining hundreds of people had no chance at all.

"Everyone take this..."

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing took out a small box from the soul guide, which looked like a peacock's tail and was very small.

"This is, Peacock Feather?"

Tang San was shocked. He didn't expect Zhu Zhuqing to have so many Peacock Feathers in his hand. Moreover, from the feeling, these Peacock Feathers are more terrifying than he knows.

"Yes, this is what he gave me before he left! One for each person, it should be able to hold on for a while..."

Zhu Zhuqing replied calmly. The things in her hand were all given to her by Lingmo. Each treasure has great lethality.

And this Peacock Feather is a big killer. It may not be useless even against Soul Douluo-level strongmen.

What Lingmo lacks the least now is these things. Peacock Feathers can be hundreds of them after training. Almost every Ghost Gate disciple can equip them. It depends on whether Lingmo wants to give them.

"Good stuff! Everyone, take it quickly. Use this to deal with them. Not only can you save soul power, but the lethality is even stronger than martial souls.

Aunt Erlong, you also take it. Use this to deal with those Soul Douluos. You can take away several of them with one shot..."

No one knows the power of Peacock Feather better than Tangmen, especially the Peacock Feather after Lingmo's revision.

Although he can't do it, but... he can see it.

Alas! My grades are getting worse day by day, and I've fallen off the bottom of the list.

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