"Hmph, kid! You are really smart, but it's a pity that even so, you can't escape death.

Do you think that relying on these people can save your life?

I want to kill you, it's as easy as crushing an ant..."


Yue Guan's face was extremely gloomy, he was right.

Even if Ling Mo's soul power reached level 68, it would be useless in front of a Titled Douluo.

Just now, even the peerless dragon and snake couple who used the martial soul fusion technique could not last more than a minute, so what was Ling Mo.

It was as easy for him to kill a level 68 soul master as taking something out of a bag.

"Xiao Mo, come back soon!"

The Shrek people shouted, very worried.

Unexpectedly, Ling Mo not only did not retreat, but walked out openly.


With a confident smile on his face, Lingmo not only did not retreat, but walked to the front of the team.

"What is he going to do? Is he crazy? He dares to despise a Titled Douluo."

"Oh my God, he is simply a lunatic!"

Everyone present thought Lingmo was crazy, but...is he really crazy?

At this time, a dark light suddenly flashed under Lingmo's feet, covering the entire area in an instant.

"This is...a domain!"

"Oh my God, how can he have a domain..."

When that special domain space appeared, everyone was dumbfounded.

This is a domain that only comes with a 100,000-year soul ring or a special soul bone, and Lingmo actually has it too.

Did he absorb some soul bone?

When the Supreme Bone Domain appeared, anyone who appeared in the Supreme Bone Domain found that their soul power was greatly restricted.

All those with higher soul power than Lingmo dropped to level 68 and could not exceed it.

"Soul power suppression domain!"

Meng Shu said in surprise. He clearly felt that his soul power was suppressed and could only exert soul power at level 68.

Under this kind of suppression, his soul skills can continue to be used, but the power will be greatly reduced.

"This kid is really weird, he actually has such a heaven-defying domain magic..."

Not many people can feel their soul power decline, because only a few people present can reach level 70 or above.

Therefore, only those with higher soul power than Lingmo will be restricted, and those with lower soul power will not have any effect.

"Boy, what kind of magic did you use to restrict my soul power!"

Yue Guan said in panic, Lingmo's domain was opened silently, and he was suppressed before he could even react.

This is completely unavoidable suppression, this domain is too powerful, more powerful than all the domains he has seen, weird.

"You are still arrogant when you are about to die! In my supreme domain, no one is my opponent, get ready to be judged..."

Lingmo instantly rose from the ground, without any more nonsense, gently extended his right hand, thunder rolled in his hand, and a palm thunder instantly exploded.


Between the flash of lightning, a big pit was smashed out of the ground.

Lingmo didn't even use puppets or double pupils. With only the divine thunder in his hand, he crushed Yueguan.

"Boy, you pissed me off!"

With a roar, Yueguan directly activated his martial soul, and a dazzling Qirong Tongtian chrysanthemum appeared in his hand.

It enlarged in an instant, fell against the strong wind, and attacked Lingmo like a sharp blade.

Bang bang...

Only the sound of metal collision was heard, and the petals hit Lingmo, but there was no damage at all.

"Haha, you yin and yang, are you tickling me?"

In the supreme domain, Lingmo's defense was greatly increased. After the supreme bone was activated, Lingmo's physical defense was abnormal. With this domain, even Yueguan was powerless.

If he was still at the level of Titled Douluo, it might still be useful, but... at this time his soul power had been suppressed to level 68, what could he use to fight Lingmo.

"Damn it..."

Yue Guan was furious, his figure flashed, and suddenly appeared on the left side inside, slapping him with a palm.

His speed was so fast that before anyone could react, he had already arrived next to them.

Bang, bang...

In the air, the two of them took advantage of the situation and slapped each other twice, from the sky to the ground, at a very fast speed.

Everyone only saw a series of shadows flashing by, but did not see the real person.

Lingmo's physical defense is indeed strong, but Yue Guan's defense is also not something that ordinary people can understand.

Lingmo only has this little trick, and the skills at hand can indeed suppress him, but he can't cause any harm to him.

Yue Guan, likewise, can't cause any harm to Lingmo, and for a while, the two of them just talked about food and shelter.

But anyone with a discerning eye could see that Lingmo was very relaxed, while Yue Guan was very difficult.

In the supreme domain, his soul power was constantly suppressed, and if it continued for a long time, he would definitely collapse.

He couldn't fight a war of attrition at all, because the speed of soul power loss was too fast, and he couldn't afford it at all.

"This guy is such a pervert! Even the Titled Douluo is no match for him..."

Everyone inside and outside the arena was dumbfounded. They originally thought it was a one-sided massacre, but they didn't expect Lingmo to burst out with his true strength.

Everyone realized that the Soul Master Competition was just a casual play for him, and this was his true strength.

What's funny is that some of them actually still hold out hope, hoping to defeat Lingmo.

At this moment, after seeing the true horror of Lingmo, no one has such an idea anymore.

"How many secrets does he still have?"

In the Tianshui Academy lineup, Shui Bing'er and Xue Wu were puzzled. The disciples of Tianji Pavilion surrounded them and protected them in the middle. They didn't need to worry about their safety.

His eyes stayed on Lingmo. At the same time, Dugu Yan and others also kept their eyes on this side.

As for Shrek Academy, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong were watching in the team.

Number Five behind Zhu Zhuqing did not make a move from beginning to end.

His mission has always been to protect Zhu Zhuqing. As long as she is not injured, Number Five never takes the initiative to make a move.

This is the only order Lingmo gave when he handed him over to Zhu Zhuqing.

Number Five has a strange temper. Unlike the others, in his eyes, the life and death of others is none of his business, as long as the target he protects is safe.

This is also the reason why Lingmo put him next to Zhu Zhuqing, because he always puts Zhu Zhuqing's safety first.

"Number Five, go help him?"

Zhu Zhuqing hesitated for a long time and said worriedly.

But No. 5 only replied with a few words, "The master didn't ask me to take action, I won't intervene..."

These words appeared in Zhu Zhuqing's mind, and the answer was very direct.

Zhu Zhuqing was extremely depressed. Why didn't this guy know how to adapt?

"Juhuaguan, is this all you can do? You disappoint me so much..."

In the air, Lingmo looked down, and the disdainful smile on his face was very obvious.

This smile was very dazzling to Yueguan.

It was a great shame that a dignified Titled Douluo couldn't do anything to a little Soul Emperor.

Originally, he thought that as long as Dugu Bo and others were sent away, it would not be a problem to take down Shrek.

But he was wrong. In fact, the most terrifying person was Lingmo.

This domain completely restricted his ability, and restricted it to death.

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