"Look what I'm doing! It's not like I'm asking you for a gift..."

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Seeing Ling Mo looking over, Shui Bing'er immediately smiled. She wasn't asking for a gift, so let's see what use she had.

"Oh, give it to me, it's not like you don't have anything!" Xue Wu said in a funny voice. They seemed to be happy to see Ling Mo suffer.

"Okay, let's turn the elbows of the two girls outward. The baby of the house will stand up without even blinking..."

Ling Mo asked amusedly, did these two girls kill him, the local landlord and old man, on purpose?

"Brother-in-law, if you don't have it, forget it..."

Shui Yue'er made the last strike in time, her disappointed eyes seemed to be questioning Ling Mo, which made Ling Mo even more depressed.

Can he say no? That's definitely not possible.

"Who says I don't have any! Now, I'll give you some good things..."

With that said, Ling Mo took out more than a dozen small clear stones from the small tower, which contained a wave of water ripples.

"This is?"

Shui Yue'er took the water source stone in surprise and froze on the spot.

She could clearly sense that the power contained in the water source stone completely matched her martial spirit and could be used to absorb it.

"This stone is called the water element stone, or it can also be called the water source stone.

As the name suggests, it is a stone that contains the power of the water element. If you are a water attribute soul master, you can directly absorb the soul power contained in the water source stone.

It effectively promotes the cultivation of soul power and improves the quality of attributes..."

Ling Mo explained sentence by sentence. After hearing this, Shui Yue'er was stunned.

"Oh my god, there are such magical things in the world. Thank you, brother-in-law..."

If it weren't for the fact that Dai Mubai was nearby, she couldn't help but rush forward and give Ling Mo a kiss.

She originally just deliberately teased Ling Mo, but she didn't expect that he would really be willing to give her such a precious treasure.

This kind of treasure is simply unheard of. I didn't expect Ling Mo to be willing to take it out.

"Water Source Stone? Is this thing really that magical?"

Shui Bing'er came over curiously, took a piece from Shui Yue'er's hand, and started studying it.

In just a few seconds, she found that her soul power began to move on its own, rising rapidly.

This kind of speed is simply too abnormal. The expression on the calm pretty face became more and more surprised, and she looked at Ling Mo with a look of disbelief.

"Where did you get this thing?" Shui Bing'er asked in surprise.

"Picked it up on the ground..."

"Where did you pick it up? I'm going to pick it up too..." Xue Wu came over and leaned directly on Ling Mo's back to look around, with a look of interest on her face, as if she wanted to pick up a few sacks.

Ling Mo shook his head, hit her on the head and said, "I just said it casually, but you took it seriously! If I really picked it up, would it be your turn to pick it up?"

"That's right...but you dare to hit me! Huh...I'm ignoring you!"

Saying that, Xue Wu angrily walked to Shui Bing'er, which made Ling Mo even more headache.

"Sister, this is what my brother-in-law gave me..."

Shui Yue'er was like a greedy little money fan. After putting away all the water source stones in her hands, she looked hesitantly at the one in Shui Bing'er's hand.

She was very afraid of Shui Bing'er and had always listened to her, so she didn't dare to yell loudly.

"Stingy! My sister doesn't want your things, huh..."

Shui Bing'er wanted to laugh when she saw her cautious look, but finally returned the water source stone to her.

Although she also liked these stones, since Ling Mo gave them to Shui Yue'er, she was too embarrassed to interfere.

How could the things given away be taken back, and...since Ling Mo could give so much to Shui Yue'er, there must be some good things left for them.

"Hey, brother-in-law! Why don't you give me some treasure too..."

At this time, a mean voice sounded. No need to think about it, there was no one else but Dai Mubai.



Cursing, Dai Mubai took Shui Yue'er away directly.

There is such a big gap between this person and other people. Girls get gifts if they act coquettishly. He talked nonchalantly for a long time, but he actually got a big sign.

It's... really annoying.


Dai Mubai looked so defeated, and the two women next to him were laughing so hard!

I didn't expect that these two guys were so unruly.

"You brat! If you dare to pluck the hair from the iron rooster, you are seeking death..."

Cursing loudly, Ling Mo wanted to give Dai Mubai a slap. If this guy hadn't suddenly suggested it and Shui Yue'er happened to hear it, he wouldn't have had to spend the money.

However, it is also acceptable to give a little gift to your sister-in-law.

Because Lingmo already had these stones, there was nothing to worry about.

"Okay, tell me, what are you doing here?"

Shui Yue'er and Dai Mubai had a private meeting somewhere. Seeing no one around, Shui Bing'er immediately said.

"What else can I do? I miss you, so I'm here!"

"I don't believe it! Hmm... How can you be so kind? You must be trying to do something bad..."

Xuewu retorted unceremoniously that she had not forgiven Ling Mo for the knock she had just made.

She looks like an angry little girl and looks extremely cute.

"Whatever bad thing I do, I can only do it to you..."

"Bah, vomit... disgusting! Eh... so shameless, Sister Bing'er, we should stay away from this guy..."

After listening to Ling Mo's words, Xue Wu's face turned red!

"Damn girl, if you don't clean up for a day, your skin will be itchy, won't you..."

Ling Mo laughed angrily and wished he could press her against the wall right now...

"Luan Luo Luo, come on, come on, fuck me if you dare... You can't reach me, are you angry..."

"Okay! Girl Wu, stop making trouble and go back to your room first..."

Shui Binger expressed that she was very depressed, but she just casually noticed that there seemed to be a pair of eyes in the corner at the end of the hotel.

This is not the place to talk, so let’s go back first.

With that said, the three of them walked into Shui Bing'er's room.

Shui Bing'er immediately asked, "What happened to those eyes in the corridor just now?"

Shui Bing'er didn't believe that Ling Mo didn't notice. She felt strange why Ling Mo acted so naturally.

"What could possibly happen? I'm being targeted! But don't worry about that. They are watching me and my people are watching them. There won't be any big trouble..."

Ling Mo said indifferently. Shui Bing'er felt relieved after hearing his words.

Xue Wu said depressedly: "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word..."

She didn't find anyone spying on Ling Mo. She was so simple in her heart that she didn't even realize Ling Mo's current situation.

"Nothing! It's just a few mosquitoes buzzing in my ears, which is quite annoying.

Come, I have brought you many gifts today, pick them all..."

With that said, Ling Mo took out a lot of things from the small tower, most of which were water source stones and some soul stones.

There were also many hidden weapons and puppets that Ling Mo took out.

Among them, the two most important things are two Fengxia colorful clothes.

In fact, Ling Mo had already built it, but he never had time to send it over. It happened that he had time today and sent it to them as well.

The two women who got the gifts were very happy. They each chose their own gifts and were very satisfied.

The author's new book is on the way.

The crown prince is on top

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