"Is this the so-called Netherworld White Tiger? I thought it was so powerful, but this is it?

You have no ability, why are you pretending to be a big brother or a hero?"

As the saying goes, "beat the dog when it's down." How could Lingmo miss such a wonderful link?

How can I not humiliate them if they dare to make my little cutie angry?

Lingmo's few words made Davis and Zhu Zhuyun so angry that they almost couldn't catch their breath and sent them away directly.

"Damn, killing people and destroying their hearts! So cruel..."

"You can provoke anyone, but don't provoke this guy. You can't beat him, and you have to be humiliated by him. It's too torturous..."

After a sarcasm, the members of Xingluo Royal Academy were carried away by their side, and everyone was more or less seriously injured.

On the contrary, there was no injured person on the Shrek Academy side.


Shrek Academy won, and they announced the arrival of the king with a complete victory.

The Shrek team kicked out the Xingluo Empire Royal Academy, one of the three seeded teams, from the competition without any serious damage.

It also indicates that Shrek Academy has become the most popular team to win the championship this time.

Even the Wuhun Hall team, which is known as the golden generation, was overshadowed by this light.

Lingmo alone became the focus of the whole audience, and everyone's eyes were on him.

When the referee announced the victory, there was already cheering in the rest area of ​​​​Shrek Academy. Even the master showed a relieved smile on his face.

"I didn't expect the victory to come so suddenly. It's really surprising..."

"That's right, I have always been optimistic about this kid! With him, our Shrek Academy will definitely win a championship this time..."

Flanders was a little inflated. If there were no civilian audiences, he would probably have gone to find advertisers by now.

"Alas, don't be happy too early. There have been rumors that the Wuhun Hall Golden Generation is the most popular team to win the championship this time."

The master said seriously, the game has not yet ended.

"Oh, who cares! Anyway, this time, the top four is already secured..."

Flanders can't care so much. According to his budget, Shrek Academy is lucky to enter the promotion match in this competition.

Unexpectedly, he had the opportunity to challenge the champion, which was beyond his expectations.

With this competition, the enrollment of Shrek Academy will definitely be very popular.

He has seen the golden soul coins waving at him again.

On the fighting soul stage, after the referee announced the victory of Shrek Academy, Lingmo led the team to slowly go down the stage.

"Let's go! Everyone is tired today. Let's go back and rest first, adjust our state, and fight again tomorrow..."

Lingmo said while supporting Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing was not injured, but Lingmo thought she was injured, so he wanted to support her.

It's like, you are not cold, but your mother thinks you are cold.

"Let me go, don't touch me everywhere..."

Zhu Zhuqing blushed slightly, whispered, and looked very shy.

"Hey, you're my wife, what's wrong with hugging me? It's not something shameful..."

How could Lingmo let go? Can't I touch my wife? What a joke.

Of course, Zhu Zhuqing didn't reject Lingmo, but she felt that hugging and hugging in public was not good, and it was a loss of the reserve that women should have.

"I can walk by myself! You should go and take care of your Yanyan. In the next game, she will face the Spirit Hall, which is known as the golden generation..."

Zhu Zhuqing rolled her eyes and then said.

"Spirit Hall? Against Tiandou Royal Academy?"

Lingmo was stunned when he heard it. He really didn't pay attention to the schedule. He had been lurking and playing soy sauce these days.

"You! Go quickly, I'm really fine, I just need to go back and rest..."

Zhu Zhuqing said gently, very considerate.

Her various performances make people feel that women in the world should be like her, to be called perfect.

Not only is she beautiful and has a hot body, but she is also very gentle, gentle, generous, tolerant and considerate to the closest people.

"The golden generation? Then this time, Tiandou Royal Academy will lose..."

With the strength of Yu Tianheng and others, it is impossible to fight against the Spirit Hall.

Although the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex spirit is very powerful, but... facing the Spirit Hall team whose overall spirit power is higher than theirs, they have no chance of winning.

The only one who can change the situation may be Dugu Yan, because her Green Phosphorus Snake spirit has mutated and become a true Undead Snake King.

The only breakthrough may be her point, but...it is difficult to support alone, and it is impossible for her to reverse the situation alone.

It seems that Tiandou Royal Academy, as the third seed team, is going to be eliminated this time.

"Knowing that they are going to lose, why don't you go and see them quickly? Be careful that Sister Yanyan is angry!"

Zhu Zhuqing has met Dugu Yan and gets along well with her. Lingmo has nothing to hide from her.

She has met almost all women who have a little relationship with Lingmo, and they get along well.

Maybe she deliberately forced herself to accept it. Lingmo knows that she owes her a lot.

He kissed her on the face lovingly, then said, "Wait for me tonight!"

After that, Lingmo left first. Zhu Zhuqing rolled his eyes at him and muttered, "No way, he's so energetic every day..."

To be honest, she was very touched that Lingmo was willing to attack the Xingluo Empire for her today.

In her heart, Lingmo had planted a seed of hope, which had already taken root and sprouted.

This was the seed of love, and she liked it very much. Her eyes... were full of him.

No matter what Lingmo would do in the future, she would silently stand behind her to support her. This was her idea at the moment.

Just because Lingmo dared to attack an empire for her, she was willing to give everything for him.

Lingmo came to another fighting spirit arena first. As soon as he entered here, he saw the Tiandou Royal Academy team not far away.

Yu Tianheng stood at the front of the team, his eyes were a little dim, and he had no intention of fighting against the opponent in front of him.

"Is it you?"

As soon as Lingmo came, Yu Tianheng noticed him and looked at him with a sharp gaze.

"Yo! The fight hasn't started yet, and you look dejected, as if you're going to give up before the battle. What's the point?"

Lingmo deliberately provoked him to arouse his fighting spirit.


Yu Tianheng didn't have any hope in the first place, and when he heard Lingmo's words, he immediately got angry.

If someone else said this to him, he might just laugh it off, but Lingmo was different.

He took away everything that should have belonged to him, and now he's standing here and making sarcastic remarks.

This time, their Tiandou Royal Academy cleared a lot of powerful opponents for Shrek Academy, but as the captains of the two teams, the relationship was not so harmonious.

"What are you arguing about! What's there to argue about..."

Yu Tianheng was furious and was about to lose his temper, but Duguyan stood up in time to stop him.

"Why are you here? Isn't there a game over at Shrek Academy?"

Duguyan asked with concern, obviously...she didn't think they could win this time, so she didn't care about morale at all.

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