"That's for sure. I am over eighty this year, and I have walked on more bridges than you have eaten.

The life experience I have summarized is definitely correct.

As you often said before, if you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer the consequences! "

Dugu Bo looked confident and confident, making it impossible for anyone to refute.

"I didn't expect Senior Dugu to realize such a profound philosophy of life. It's really rare..."

Qian Renxue suppressed her smile, tried hard not to laugh, and said slowly.

"That's necessary! Girl, listen to me, it's absolutely right..."

Dugu Bo said calmly, he naturally knew Qian Renxue's identity.

After all, this girl runs to the ghost gate every day, it would be strange if he didn't know.

69 Book Barβ†’69π“ˆπ’½π“Šπ“.𝓃ℯ𝓉

"Hehe, it seems that if I have a chance, I will definitely have to talk to Senior Dugu about the philosophy of life..."

Qian Renxue said with a gentle smile.

"Ahem, let's forget it! You should spend more time with our sect leader when you have time, lest he run around and not see anyone for months..."

A few people were chatting harmoniously, and over there, the Imperial Fighting Team had already appeared.

Next, the so-called golden generation team from Wuhun Palace appeared.

Today's game is indeed dazzling enough, with four seeded teams competing at the same time to determine the winner.

Now that Shrek Academy has won, the next team to compete for the championship will be between the Wuhun Palace and the Imperial Fighting Team.

The other teams are not worth mentioning at all, no one cares about them.

The uniforms of the Wuhundian Academy team are white, pure white, with six patterns symbolizing Wuhundian embroidered on them.

The three people walking at the front each wore a purple book-shaped badge on their left chest, which was a symbol of their honor.

What caught Ling Mo's attention the most were the three at the back, one of whom was Ling Mo's old friend.

Not really an old friend, just a beautiful woman with a little entanglement.

On both sides of the man with short black hair were a man and a woman. The man had long, fiery red hair, hanging down his back.

Even his eyes are dark red, and his appearance is equally ordinary, but like the short-haired young man before, he exudes that invisible aura.

The only woman among the three has long black hair and looks somewhat similar to the man in front.

This girl is very beautiful. The closer you look, you can feel a strange charm from her.

There was a charming temptation all over her body, and even Ling Mo felt a little moved just looking at it.

"Tsk, tsk, this fox has become a lot more beautiful after not seeing her for so long..."

Ling Mo recognized that the last person in the team was Hu Liena, who had had a dispute with him in the Tiandou Empire Temple.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for a few months, this girl became even more charming.

"Doesn't it look good? If you are so fascinated by it, maybe you have fallen in love with her..."

Qian Renxue suddenly came over and said meaningfully.

"Uh...fuck, you scared me!"

Ling Mo was immediately startled, thinking that she was getting bolder and bolder.

Looking at a beautiful woman in front of his wife is simply an act of seeking death.

"Ahem, it doesn't look good! It doesn't look good at all..."

Ling Mo hurriedly explained, but... would Qian Renxue believe it?

Of course not, just listen to her saying leisurely: "I know that any pretty beauty can make you lose your mind, let alone this coquettish fox.

If I had known earlier, I should have killed her directly, but unfortunately... I felt soft and let her live.

Now it's even more extreme. He even wants to steal a man from me, which makes this bitch of mine obsessed! "

As Qian Renxue spoke, she deliberately showed a hint of murderous intent to let Lingmo notice.

In fact, she had no murderous intention, and she had no feelings for Hu Liena.

She actually knew very well that Hu Liena was trained by her mother just to evade her status.

She was completely cultivated as the heir to Wuhun Palace, and she was ignored.

Originally, she had no feelings for Wuhun Palace, let alone inheriting Wuhun Palace.

She was so happy that she was too lazy to pay attention to it. She had been hiding in the Tiandou Empire and didn't even care about the development of Wuhun Palace.

After listening to Qian Renxue's words, Ling Mo calmed down. He didn't think Qian Renxue would kill others just to win favor.

What's more, he and Hu Liena have nothing to do with each other. He can't look at her. Qian Renxue is going to kill her, right?

Therefore, Ling Mo did not think that Qian Renxue was really murderous, but was deliberately teasing him.

"She is a direct disciple trained by your mother. Do you really dare to take action?"

Ling Mo said amusedly.

"Hehe, it depends on her performance whether she dares or not. If she dares to steal a man from me, I will let her know what angel judgment is..."

Qian Renxue smiled and said, she doesn't have the habit of talking big words. If she dares to say this, it proves that she really dares.

It's just that it's a question of whether she wants to, not whether she dares or not.

"But! I really wanted to kill her originally, because she took away everything from me and the family love that originally belonged to me.

But...it doesn't matter now, because I have gained a more real love, which has made up for the love I have been missing for many years.

It's okay to keep her, so she can spend some time with that boring woman. Anyway, I saw that she was having a lot of fun, and she didn't even care about my existence..."

Qian Renxue was a little absent-minded. She had never spoken to Bibi Dong in all these years, ever since she was old enough to understand.

She had been treated coldly by her. She seemed to regard Qian Renxue as the object of her hatred. If it weren't for Qian Daoliu, Qian Renxue might not have lived until now.

Although she grew up in such an environment and suffered torture from her biological mother, Qian Renxue still had fantasies about Bibi Dong.

She fantasized that one day, she would be recognized by her and would have the family affection she lacked for many years.

Unfortunately... until today, she has not seen hope.

She had given up, but suddenly met Lingmo, who used another kind of love to fill the gap she had been missing for many years.

Although this was not what she wanted at first, but... she was already very satisfied.

It's good to keep Hu Liena. She plays her own role and accompanies that boring woman. It's good...

"Xue'er, don't worry! From now on, you still have me... I will use my greatest love to fill the emptiness in your heart..."

Wait, why does this sound a bit weird.

"Bah! Your head is full of such perverted thoughts, and you still say that you love me the most. Do you want to kill me?"

Qian Renxue was very bold, and what she said caught Lingmo off guard.

"Ahem, I didn't mean that! You misunderstood me..."

Lingmo wanted to explain, but it seemed that she couldn't explain it clearly.

"That's not what you meant. What else do you mean besides this?

Wait, when we get back, I'll call Zhuqing and Rongrong to let you know what cruelty is..."

Qian Renxue said evilly. It is said that a long absence is better than a new marriage. She hasn't been alone with Lingmo for a long time.

Don't say it, I'm really looking forward to it.

Wait, the style of the painting is a bit wrong! How come we are talking about this again...

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