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"Ha ha!"

Ling Mo smiled broadly. When she looked at the dishes just now, she thought they were some delicacies, but in the end she realized that they were simply poison.

He also felt strange, when did Ning Rongrong know how to cook? Why didn't he know?

This pampered young lady has always opened her mouth for food, stretched out her hands for clothes, and has never cooked by herself.

It was so normal to be able to cook such a meal, and it was completely within Lingmo's expectation.

"You're still laughing! It's so annoying. They've worked so hard to learn how to cook for you, and you still laugh at them. Humph...Ignore you..."

Ning Rongrong said angrily, she had realized that she was not that material at all.

"Haha, I can't do it anymore! My stomach hurts..."

Ling Mo smiled and collapsed on the bed.


Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help laughing, which made Ning Rongrong feel uncomfortable all over.

"Zhuqing, why are you helping him? I'm so angry!"

Ning Rongrong yelled angrily, wishing that she could peel off Ling Mo's muscles.

"Okay, okay, it's late at night! Let me make something, just make do with something to eat..."

Zhu Zhuqing smiled for a while, got off the bed gently, and was about to go to the kitchen.

"Let me do it! You are still very weak and cannot move around easily."

Ling Mo grabbed her. Today's spirit fight consumed a lot of her spirit power and her body was very weak.

Of course, from her point of view, nothing happened to her, but from Lingmo's point of view, she was seriously injured.

It's like, you think you're not cold, but your mother thinks you're cold.

Ahem...Why are we here again?

"You...can still cook?"

Zhu Zhuqing was stunned. She had known Ling Mo for so long, but she had never seen him cooking.

"That's natural, I can't boast. With my cooking skills, I can be a chef in any hotel.

I can cook any kind of cuisine, and it’s delicious, delicious, and I guarantee you’ll want to have a second meal after one meal…”

When it comes to cooking skills, Ling Mo feels that she can no longer keep a low profile.

It is no exaggeration to say that I relied on my cooking skills to survive until now.

No matter what dish, he can cook it!

Back then, in Holy Soul Village, Ling Mo had to rely on a pot of porridge to hug Tang Hao's lap.

To this day, Tang Hao still misses the porridge he made. If you don’t believe me, go to Sunset Forest and ask him.

"I don't believe it! You can cook?" Zhu Zhuqing looked suspiciously. No matter how he looked at Ling Mo, he didn't look like the kind of person who could cook.

From the time I met him until now, I still don’t know which family he comes from.

After getting acquainted and falling in love, Lingmo showed her the feeling of a rich young man playing in the world, not knowing how to cook.

"You are looking down on me, aren't you... You and I, both men and women, know everything from astronomy to geography, from the hall to the kitchen, and are proficient in both literature and martial arts.

Is there anything in this world that I don’t know?

Even the mere puppets, traps, and hidden weapons couldn't stop me. I couldn't even cook a mere meal? "

Ling Mo said that it felt so uncomfortable to be looked down upon...

"Then go! If you are not satisfied with what you did today, let's see how I punish you. How dare you laugh at me, huh..."

Zhu Zhuqing was still questioning, but Ning Rongrong couldn't bear it anymore and directly dropped the harsh words.

Obviously, she was shocked by Ling Mo just now. She didn't expect that the food she worked so hard to cook would taste so bad.

If I had known, I would have tasted it before taking it, which would have been a huge embarrassment.

"Wait! Don't go away. I'll come right away. Today I'll let you know what real cooking skills are."

With that said, Ling Mo opened the door and left the room, then turned around and entered the kitchen.

"Oh, what kind of cuisine are you cooking! Cantonese food? Sichuan food? Forget it, let's do the eight major cuisines one by one..."

As a foodie, if you can’t even cook, you’re really useless.

Ling Mo worked in the kitchen for a long time, but no one paid attention to him. No one would come here in the middle of the night.

After saying hello to the person in charge of the hotel, various materials were used casually.

Ling Mo stayed in the kitchen for a full hour and finally prepared a table full of food. It was delicious, delicious and tempting to look at.

"knock off!"

Xiaota packed up all the dishes and took them away, and Ling Mo returned to the room.

However, when passing by Dai Mubai's room, I heard exciting sounds coming from inside.


"This kid is pretty good! He's still in the mood to do good things..."

Lingmo knew who was inside without having to guess, who else was there besides Shui Yue'er?

These two guys have been getting tired of being together almost every day since they fell in love and established a relationship.

I only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals!

Ling Mo originally wanted to scare them, but after thinking about it, he thought it was a bit too damaging, so he let it go.

Back in the room, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were still waiting inside, talking about something unknown and looking very happy.

"I'm back!"

Ling Mo opened the door to the room and walked in directly.

"Where's the food? Take it out quickly, I'm starving..."

Ning Rongrong didn't care about anything, she was still waiting for a while to laugh at Ling Mo when she came back.

No matter how delicious it is, she will definitely say it is not delicious. Only by mocking Ling Mo can she relieve her hatred.

"What's the hurry! You damn girl, you're so frizzy..."

Ling Mo gently knocked on her forehead, then came to the dining table and waved her right hand lightly.

I saw a table full of dishes appearing on the table.

" smells so good!"

After a table of dishes appeared, the aroma instantly filled the entire room, and Ning Rongrong couldn't help but scream.

"Wait, why should I say "fragrance"? No, I must not say "fragrance". I will laugh at him later..."

Realizing something was wrong, Ning Rongrong quickly covered her mouth, but couldn't stop her eyes from looking at the table.

Ling Mo looked amused, came to the bedside, and helped Zhu Zhuqing to the dining table.

"Come on, two little princesses, let's have a taste..."

"Bah, it doesn't taste good at first glance!"

Ning Rongrong said angrily and walked straight over, while Zhu Zhuqing said in disbelief: "This... was really made by you? Didn't you ask the hotel chef to make it on purpose?"

She still doesn't believe this was done by Ling Mo, it's unbelievable.

Do you really know how to do everything?

"Silly girl, what are you thinking about? I'm not as shameless as you think.

Don't you even look at what the weather is like outside now. Is the chef not sleeping at night? "

Ling Mo was very depressed, why didn't she believe him?

"That's right! Hehe, let me try it, my dear husband, if it tastes good..."

After thinking about it, Zhu Zhuqing also imitated Ning Rongrong and smiled mischievously.

Over there, Ning Rongrong couldn't wait any longer and started using her chopsticks.

I just picked up a piece of meat and the moment the aroma entered my mouth, I couldn't help but exclaim: "Wow, it's so delicious!"

She regretted it as soon as she said it. It was completely unconscious and she couldn't control her mouth at all.

Is this the so-called law of true fragrance?

At this time, she didn't care about the taunts anymore, she sat at the table and started eating.

Zhu Zhuqing saw her eating so fast and thought, is it really that delicious?

Thinking about it, he tasted it tentatively. With a hint of enjoyment in his eyes, he looked back at Ling Mo in surprise.

Obviously, she was also shocked by the delicious food in front of her.

Originally, she thought Ling Mo was just talking about it, but she didn't expect that he could actually cook.

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