"Old Poison, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

If he were outside, Yue Guan would still be afraid of Dugu Bo, but... this is Wuhun City.

He was pressed down at the door of his house, and it was embarrassing to go out. No matter how shameless Yue Guan was, he couldn't bear this kind of humiliation.

"Juhuaguan, you have no right to speak here. If you want to fight, I'll be here for you at any time!"

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What's the point of being able to show off your words? How about... let's make an appointment and go out to have a fight? "

Dugu Bo sneered and said that he was deliberately provoking Yue Guan. As long as he dared to agree, Dugu Bo could guarantee that he would never come back alive.

Just as Yueguan was about to agree, he was stopped by the ghost, who whispered in his ear: "Don't be fooled! This old poisonous guy is so tough, he obviously has someone to rely on.

He is deliberately irritating you. As long as you are fooled, you will never come back.

Remember why our last ambush failed? "

The ghost's words deeply stimulated Yue Guan and woke him up.

Why did the last ambush fail?

Yue Guan thought about it carefully and suddenly realized.

Last time, they lost two Titled Douluo because of the weird hidden weapons of the Ghost Sect and a dummy that looked human but not human.

Obviously, as an elder of the ghost sect, Dugu Bo couldn't possibly live without such a thing!

"Hmph, Dugu Bo, do you think I will be fooled? It's a small provocation, you should go and fool the children..."

Yue Guan said with an ugly expression, if the ghost hadn't stopped him in time, he might have gone out with Dugu Bo.

"Haha, a sissy is a sissy, and she still uses provocation! For a hermaphrodite like you, do I still need to use provocation with you?"

Dugu Bo said disdainfully, full of sarcasm.

As soon as these words came out, Yue Guan's face turned red, and he was so angry that he almost couldn't help but take action.

Dugu Bo's words were really exciting. If the ghost hadn't been blocking him, he would have taken action.

"Dugu Bo, don't get too proud too early! Once you're old enough, don't imitate young people who wander around, be careful when you go out and accidentally fall to death..."

The ghost said sarcastically from the side, what he meant by this was definitely not about falling.

Obviously...his words had exposed their thoughts. It was similar to what Ling Mo had guessed before, that there were murderous intentions inside and outside Wuhun City.

"Haha, you guys from the Wuhun Palace are all just talking about showing off?

fall? It’s not certain who will fall, don’t hide it, use whatever tricks you have, I will catch them one by one..."

Dugu Bo said disdainfully.

A tense situation unfolded between these three titled Douluo.

It's a pity... Ling Mo, the sect leader, and Bibi Dong, the pope, didn't say a word and watched the three people arguing quietly.

Obviously, in terms of talking skills, Wuhun Palace's Hengha generals are no match for Dugubo.

Ling Mo was happy to see such a scene, which was why he deliberately said that the Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace was a third-rate team.

Don't they want to ask Ling Mo's opinion? Then tell them that in Ling Mo's eyes, that team is not even a third-rate team, just to stimulate them.

"Sect Leader Ling is really good at teaching! He is good at talking..."

Bibi Dong looked at Dugu Bo coldly, with a hint of warmth and anger clearly visible on his face.

"Excuse me! His Holiness the Pope still knows how to teach, and the subordinates he teaches are more incompetent than the last!

Uh, I'm sorry, Your Majesty the Pope, please forgive me for being honest and accidentally speaking out what's on my mind..."

Ling Mo looked like he was admitting his mistake, which made everyone else want to laugh.


Bibi Dong was too angry to say anything. Apparently... Ling Mo's words had ignited the anger in her heart.

Even after so many years, she has never met an opponent like Ling Mo. Not only is she shameless, but she can also make you choke and have nowhere to vent your anger.

They say you should never hit someone with a smiling face, but they apologized to you with an apologetic look on their face. Can you blame them?

But...what's behind the apology? Aren't you still scolding your Wuhun Hall people for being incompetent?

What is said is not what is in the heart, but is the iron-clad fact.

"Young people, don't be too arrogant!"

The two ghosts and ghosts of Yueguan were also so angry that their faces turned red, but they had nowhere to express their anger.

"If young people are not arrogant, are they still young people? Is it illegal to drag someone? Is there a rule that says people can't be dragged?

Besides, I am a relatively honest person, and I don’t like to say things that are contradictory. I basically say one thing and the other.

It's your duty to be honest and you don't know how to lie! If you feel that I am despising you by telling the truth, please ignore my words..."

A dead pig is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, a typical desperate act.

There is nothing to be afraid of Lingmo! If there is a real fight, it is not certain who will lose or win.

"You brat! I've tolerated you for a long time..." Yueguan was furious and wanted to take action.


Unexpectedly, before he could take action, he was frightened back by Bibi Dong's cold shout.

"Aren't you embarrassed enough? Shut up..."

This cold shout made the two of them afraid to say anything.

They knew very well about the pope's temper. Such an abnormality was an act, and provoking her was an act seeking death.

This time, Ling Mo slapped Wuhundian hard, which made them full of resentment.

As the person involved, he was aloof and acted as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

In the end, Ling Mo still felt that he was not enjoying himself enough and continued: "Your Majesty the Pope, these two subordinates of yours are not very sensible. Do you want me to help you train them?"

"This kid is really crazy! Do you really think that the Wuhun Palace is afraid of him?"

Until the end, Chen Xin almost couldn't help but curse, Ling Mo was having a great time doing this.

But... everyone followed him in fear, fearing that Bibi Dong would suddenly become angry and vent his anger on all of them.

"Uncle Jian, this matter has nothing to do with us! Let him continue playing..."

Ning Fengzhi said with a smile, he had been watching Ling Mo and was very satisfied with everything Ling Mo said and did.

"Training? You'd better take care of your subordinates. I won't bother you to worry about the affairs of my Wuhun Palace..."

Bibi Dong coolly rejected Ling Mo. It was not Ling Mo's turn to point fingers at her people.

"Oh, that's such a shame!"

Ling Mo expressed his disappointment and continued: "None of my subordinates are so ignorant of etiquette!

I still understand the basic rules of respect and inferiority, and I am not like these two who do not understand etiquette and dare to speak arrogantly to a sect leader..."

As soon as these words came out, Bibi Dong's face turned dark, it was because he was angry.

Ling Mo's identity was that of the head of a sect. He was present and had the same status as him. Apart from Ning Fengzhi, the only one who talked to him was Bibi Dong.

However, Gui Mei Yue Guan and the two of them just passed her and scolded Ling Mo directly.

Doesn’t this mean that he doesn’t take her as the pope seriously?

Diplomatic relations between sect forces have rules belonging to this circle, with unequal status and no right to speak.

Obviously, Ling Mo took advantage of this gap and scolded them that Wuhun Temple did not understand the rules. She was also indirectly saying that she, the Pope, had no authority at all.

"Beautiful counterattack! This kid is so cruel..."

Until the end, Chen Xin had to praise Ling Mo. This move was too cruel.

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