After bidding farewell to Pope Bibi Dong, Lingmo walked away triumphantly with his head held high in front of everyone.

"Damn, this kid is too arrogant! But I like this kind of arrogance..."

"He dared to confront the Pope without losing, he is really a god! I wonder what tricks the Spirit Hall will come up with next, and whether Ghost Gate can take it?"

As Lingmo left, Bibi Dong looked around coldly and left.

Then, there were bursts of discussions at the scene, and everyone was discussing what actions the Spirit Hall would take next.

"Haha, Sect Master, this kid... is quite playful. I really don't know who gave him the courage to dare to talk to Bibi Dong like this..." Jiandao Chenxin said with a smile.

This book was first published in 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 𝟔𝟗𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐱.𝐧𝐞𝐭, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

He was the first to come into contact with Lingmo, and he knew the kind of bad taste in this kid's bones. At the beginning... he was also embarrassed and uncomfortable by Lingmo.

"I won't make a mistake! Just wait and see, there will be a better show to watch next."

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, and seemed to be planning something in his heart.

Since entering Wuhun City, he has not been idle. He knows what Guimen wants to do.

At this time, the position is really important. If you make the wrong choice, there will be no chance to save it in the future.

No need to think, the four sects are of the same blood, supply and demand advance and retreat!

The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect must be on the side of Guimen, and Ning Fengzhi has made it clear from the beginning.

"Let's go!"

The semi-finals are over, and we are waiting for the final tomorrow. Many people are looking forward to what kind of wonderful performances will be in tomorrow's final.

Lingmo has put all his face on the line this time. If he loses, he will probably be too embarrassed to live.

He has beaten others so badly. If he really loses, it will be a big joke.

Back to the hotel, Lingmo went straight to the area where Shrek Academy is located, and went there with Dugu Bo.

Pushing open the door of the conference room, everyone was already there.

"Xiaomo, Senior Dugu..."

Seeing Lingmo and Dugu Bo coming in, everyone shouted.

"Everyone, have a good rest today, and you must teach them a lesson tomorrow! I have put all the dignity of my Ghost Gate on you, so you can't let me lose face..."

Lingmo smiled, and then said seriously.

"Don't worry! We must win the championship this time..." Dai Mubai said confidently.

"That's right. Now that we have come this far, it would be unreasonable not to win a championship.

It is said that the second place is the biggest loser. If we want to win, we must win the championship. The word failure has nothing to do with us..."

"Okay, it seems that you are all very confident. Now I am relieved! Xiao San, I will watch your performance tomorrow..."

Lingmo looked at Tang San. Tomorrow he will definitely be the protagonist of the whole show, there is no doubt about that.

"I won't let you down! Don't worry..."

Tang San said with a smile. He really never let Lingmo down. Basically, everything he promised can be done.

"Okay! I will treat you tonight. If nothing goes wrong, this will be the last dinner we all have together!

Everyone can eat as much as you can. I will cover all the expenses. Let's go..."

Lingmo waved his hand and invited everyone to have the last dinner.

After today, everyone may not be able to eat together again.

This sentence came out of Lingmo's mouth, and the emotion was inexplicably sad.

After these years of contact, everyone has feelings! Now it's time to say goodbye, and everyone is reluctant to leave.

"Everyone, be happy. There will be separation after reunion! All good things must come to an end. Everyone should try to adapt.

How about this, you can set a time and get together after graduation..."

Seeing that everyone was a little disappointed, Lingmo hurried to comfort them.

"Okay! Then let's make a five-year appointment. Five years later, we will go back to Shrek Academy to get together..."

Ma Hongjun suggested.

"Okay! Whoever doesn't come to the five-year appointment is a grandson..."

Dai Mubai said with a smile. In fact... he was the one who was most worried.

If he failed, he would definitely not be able to come to the five-year appointment, but the others were fine.

Lingmo was very surprised that he could say such a thing.

"It's settled! Let's go. I'll treat you today. Everyone can eat as much as you can..."

Speaking of this, Lingmo took everyone to an exclusive VIP dining suite.

Even Flanders, Master, Liu Erlong, Qin Ming, and Dugu Bo came.

Everyone gathered together and finished this dinner happily without any burden in their hearts.

"Haha, these kids! Seeing them happy, I suddenly remembered that we were..."

The master rarely showed a happy smile, and Flanders also responded: "Well, I was happier than them back then! Do you know what a spirited young man is?

Hehe, now think about it, if so many things hadn't happened back then, maybe we wouldn't have left so many regrets..."

"Flanders, when did you become sentimental?" Liu Erlong said playfully, she knew what regrets Flanders was talking about.

However, some things can only be kept in the heart, and if they are spoken out, they will change.

"Senior Dugu, thank you for helping me many times this time, otherwise we wouldn't be here today, this glass of wine is for you..."

Flanders raised the wine glass and said to Dugu Bo.

"Haha, Flanders! To be honest, we had many conflicts in the past, but they are all in the past.

I offended you a lot back then, and today I should make amends..."

Dugu Bo smiled apologetically. He had already integrated into this circle and slowly put down his airs.

"The past is over, and there is no point in bringing it up again. Meeting is fate. Come... drink this glass of wine!"

Flanders said proudly. Anyway, it was not him who was beaten at the beginning.

The real person who was beaten was the master, and he was just a bystander.

At the beginning, Dugu Bo was instructed by Lingmo, but he beat the master up badly.

I don't know when the master offended him, and he beat people up without saying anything.

"Flanders is right, let the past be over! Senior Dugu, this glass, I toast you..."

The master was not a grudge-bearing person. Flanders gave him a platform, and he took it.

Then he toasted Dugu Bo with another glass of wine. As soon as he finished drinking, Dugu Bo drank another glass.

This is not over yet, Liu Erlong suddenly stood up and said: "Senior Dugu, this cup, I toast you..."

Dugu Bo: "???"

No! Why does it feel weird...

After thinking for a long time, Dugu Bo finally figured it out.

"Damn, everyone said that this golden iron triangle is righteous, but I didn't expect it to be so insidious.

They deliberately led me to drink, and they came one by one just to get me drunk!

Good guy, they said they didn't hold grudges, but they were just joking about their feelings..."

Dugu Bo was confused, this golden iron triangle was deliberately getting him drunk.

Luckily, Dugu Bo has a good alcohol tolerance, and they can't do anything to him even if the three of them come together.

If you ask me about my alcohol tolerance, I smiled and looked towards the sea.

In terms of drinking, Dugu Bo has only lost to one person in his life, and that is Lingmo.

The last time at Guimen, he had nothing to do and spent the whole night with Lingmo, and he was directly confused.

Lingmo was still like nothing happened.

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