Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people's martial arts spirits

Chapter 304: The Evil Soul Master Appears

At the end of the battle, when Tang San put away the Clear Sky Hammer, a strong wind suddenly blew by.

"what happened?"

At this time, everyone was stunned! Where did this sudden strong wind come from?

Ling Mo looked at the horizon deeply, feeling a little uneasy in her heart. She always felt that something big had happened.

This kind of sign cannot be caused by humans at all.


On the stage, Shrek and others had just finished using Haotian's avatar. Their soul power was consumed too much, and their formation was directly disrupted by the strong wind.

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In the chaos, Xiao Wu fell out, and in an instant... everyone present was titled Douluo, and all Contra's eyes looked over...

"Mad! Who is causing trouble for me..."

Ling Mo had the desire to kill, and his eyes widened, like a death gaze, sweeping across the abyss.

At this moment, the power of the ancient double-eyed man was fully displayed, full of evil aura.

The eye of yin and yang that reverses chaos reappears the light of the troubled times, staring at it like the Dharma eye that destroys the common people.

At a certain moment, the shadow in the sky suddenly fell from the sky.

"He who has double eyes! Let's go quickly..."

A voice came from above, and the shadow above the clouds fled quickly.

At a certain moment, the sky seemed to become gloomy, gradually shrouded in the gaze of a pair of eyes, suffocating.

Countless people felt the breath of death under that kind of overlooking oppression.


Even Dugu Bo felt a hint of fear. Why did he pull Ling Mo to prevent him from losing himself?

Waking up from his anger, Ling Mo's murderous intention gradually receded. that moment, everyone felt what kind of violence this seemingly calm and playful man possessed.

"Such a strong evil spirit, is he just a soul emperor?"

On the other side, Bibi Dong looked over with a deep look, and she couldn't understand Ling Mo even more.

At that moment, she seemed to have seen the supreme god, looking at the entire world with Dharma Eyes.

She had never felt that kind of feeling before! It's so scary.

No one could predict the sudden change. Everyone saw the shadow above the clouds just now.

But... no one knew the origin of the other party. They only saw Ling Mo fighting with the other party.

"The source of darkness and chaos? Or the evil soul master?"

At this moment, Lingmo was silent! The scene he just saw shocked him.

At that moment, he felt a very disgusting aura, which came from the disgust in his blood.

At some point in the long river of time, he had been exposed to this kind of thing, and his death in his previous life seemed to have been caused by this aura.

Finally, is it coming?

Ling Mo was not sure whether it was an evil soul master or a so-called dark creature.

The bronze coffin of the third generation that broke through the void wall seemed to have brought many things to this world that did not belong to this world.

Ling Mo had this hunch from the beginning, but he was not sure.

But this time he can be sure, because the other party has exposed his traces.

"Sect Master, what just happened?" Dugu Bo asked with lingering fear. At that moment, when Ling Mo's double pupils exploded, even he felt a suffocating pressure.

The pressure and gaze from the ancient people with double eyes, and the feeling of being there personally, are really amazing.

"Someone wants to deliberately disrupt the situation and create a sensation..."

Ling Mo replied coldly.

"Spoiler? What do you mean..." Dugu Bo was confused and asked immediately.

"If you think about it carefully, how many years has the mainland been peaceful? How long has it been since a large-scale war broke out?" Ling Mo asked.

"You mean, someone wants to cause chaos and start a war?"

Dugu Bo immediately asked, feeling anxious and uneasy.

Who is it that openly provokes war and promotes the development of unrest behind the scenes?

“We cannot see clearly what is hidden in the clouds and mist, so the only thing we can do is wait and see.

Let’s talk about this when we get back! Next, give me all your strength to protect Xiao Wu..."

Ling Mo said coldly, at that moment, everyone present from Contra and above discovered Xiao Wu's identity.

However, no one said it publicly, but secretly plotted to capture her.

"Sect Leader Ling, what did you see just now?"

Bibi Dong's expression was frozen and she said with a cold expression. She was very curious about what Ling Mo saw just now.

I'm also very curious about what kind of magic power Ling Mo's eyes have and why they can emit such a violent energy.

There are rumors in the world that people born with double pupils are murderous by nature and have weird tempers.

Bibi Dong didn't believe it at first, but at that moment, she believed it.

Even the murderous city known as the paradise of sin cannot compare to that astonishing violence.

"I saw a person! A very interesting person..."

Putting away her uneasy mood, Ling Mo regained her previous calmness and said with a smile.

At this time, he was completely different from before, making him unpredictable.

Is he a ruthless butcher, or a sunny and handsome young man?

"An interesting person? Who is he?" Bibi Dong asked coldly.

"You should know better than me who they are..."

Ling Mo didn't answer, nor did he want to answer.

Ever since that person appeared just now, Ling Mo's goal has also shifted.

If, at the beginning, he regarded the last big boss as Wuhun Palace, then... now Wuhun Palace can no longer be regarded as his final goal.

The plan can't keep up with the changes. Something evil is coming soon!

"Evil soul master?"

Ling Mo didn't answer Bibi Dong directly. Bibi Dong muttered something to herself.

She obviously knew about the evil soul master and had even fought against him.

If it is really an evil soul master, then... everything can be explained clearly.

The reason why they cause such turmoil is simple. The more chaotic things are, the easier it is for them to profit.

The person causing the sensation is the girl from Shrek Academy below.

"It seems that His Holiness the Pope also knows about the evil soul master..."

Ling Mo smiled and said, of course Bibi Dong's muttering could not escape his ears, he could hear it very clearly.

"I've heard something! Hmm... Could it be that the Ghost Sect is also interested in the evil soul master's affairs?"

Bibi Dong smiled, looked at Ling Mo and asked.

"Interest is out of the question! Whether the evil soul master lives or dies is none of my business, but... I am very interested in the things about them..."

Ling Mo said meaningfully, as for what exactly the evil soul master had on him, he didn't say.


Ling Mo's fishing method was really annoying, and Bibi Dong's interest was obviously aroused, but he just didn't tell her what it was.

"Your Holiness, if you are interested, you can investigate them yourself, but... I advise you not to approach those things easily.

Once some things are stained, you will never be able to clean them off..."

Ling Mo replied calmly. The words seemed to be ordinary, but they hid a mystery.

No one could understand what he said, but everyone knew that what he said was very terrifying.

Today’s portion! Feihua Ling: Road

I'll come first: Horsepower can be seen from a distance, and people's hearts can be seen from time to time!

Let’s talk about the most beautiful poems about the word “road” in your heart!

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