The strong wind howled, and under everyone's gaze, more and more people appeared in front of the Pope's Palace.

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They were dressed uniformly, with blue and white clothes matching each other, and they looked really good-looking.

"All the disciples of Tianji Pavilion are here, please give instructions from the sect leader..."

"More than 2,000 people from Zangfeng Valley have all arrived. Please give instructions from the sect leader..."

"All the departments of Yama Hall are here, please give instructions from the sect leader..."

Amidst the passionate calls, dense crowds of people appeared in the square in front of the Pope's Palace.

At this time, everyone was stunned.

"How did these people sneak in?" Bibi Dong Baohan looked at the two ghosts and ghosts of Yueguan on the side with murderous eyes.

It's ridiculous that Wuhun City, which prides itself on being strict in order and well-guarded, has so many people from the ghost sect unknowingly pouring in.

"Your Majesty, we have no idea at all..."

Yue Guan Gui Mei and the other two were also dumbfounded. It was incredible how this person from the Ghost Sect escaped all the checks and entered Wuhun City.

The crowd of tens of thousands was not over yet. The dense crowd rushed towards the mountain, and the whole place was in chaos for a while.

"Elephant Armor Sect, all members are here! Please give instructions from the sect leader..."

With a heroic voice, Hu Yanzhen appeared on the stage with a dazzling trend, attracting everyone's attention.


"What's going on? When did the Elephant Armor Sect submit to the Ghost Sect?"

"Oh my God! Who can tell me what happened?"

The moment Hu Yanzhen appeared, everyone could no longer remain calm.

It can only be said that the methods of the Ghost Sect are really amazing. Not only did they conjure up so many people out of thin air to help, but they even belonged to the Elephant Armor Sect, one of the four sects.

The world has become too crazy.

"Hu Yanzhen! This old guy dares to betray us..."

The moment Hu Yanzhen appeared, Yue Guan's face became extremely ugly.

He has always been responsible for the interactions between various sects in the Tiandou Empire. Among them... the Elephant Armor Sect, under his persuasion and oppression, had already expressed its intention to join the Spirit Hall.

Now...he appears in the lineup of the Ghost Sect. This act of betrayal is outrageous.

"Elder Ju Douluo! It seems that your ability to do things needs to be tested..."

Bibi Dong already had murderous intentions and gave Yue Guan a cold look.

"His Majesty the Pope, I..." Before she could explain, Bibi Dong interrupted with a shout, "Shut up! I'll deal with you later..."

"Your Excellency, I wonder if I can still be discerned by you in this ghost world now?"

Seeing the dazzling crowd of more than 10,000 people, Ling Mo smiled from the bottom of her heart.

These disciples are no worse than the so-called elites in Wuhun Palace.

So far, except for the more than a thousand Yin soldiers who have not appeared, all the others who have appeared have appeared.

"Sect Leader Ling is so calculating! These tens of thousands of people descended on our Wuhun City out of thin air. Could it be that... they want to fight us decisively?"

Bibi Dong said coldly.

"I don't dare to fight in a decisive battle! It's just that I am a timid person. I like to bring a group of bodyguards with me wherever I go, so as not to be targeted by people with evil intentions.

Therefore, before setting off to Wuhun City, I secretly placed all these people in in advance.

As everyone knows, I am the leader of the Ghost Sect and have more than 10,000 bodyguards. This makes sense, right? Is it consistent with my status? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

"Damn, that's so pretentious! It's reasonable. Who the heck would go out with more than 10,000 bodyguards..."

"Yes! That's too much. The master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, doesn't he only bring a titled Douluo? It's good that he not only brings a titled Douluo, but also brings more than 10,000 bodyguards with him..."

The atmosphere at the scene gradually solidified, and Bibi Dong's murderous intention became more and more intense.

"Do it!"

Until finally, she couldn't bear it anymore and took action directly...

"Yueguan, ghosts, you keep pestering Dugu Bo for me, and I'll take care of him..."

The battle is about to break out, and under the spotlight,

Bibi Dong's nine soul rings were displayed, and the most eye-catching one was the last one, which turned out to be an astonishing one hundred thousand year soul ring.

When she saw the hundred thousand year spirit ring, Xiao Wu's mood obviously fluctuated and she wanted to step forward, but was stopped by Tang San.

"That's mom's soul ring!" Xiao Wu looked pained and cried out.


Her helpless and miserable cry moved everyone in Shrek, and they looked at Bibi Dong with angry expressions.

"Chrysanthemum, little devil! I have been waiting for many years, come on... today, let's settle our old and new grudges together..."

It was finally time to take action. Dugu Bo had been holding back for too long and couldn't stop him. He faced Juhuayueguan and Gui Mei and killed them.

Today, he must understand the grudges from back then.

With the help of a puppet and a martial spirit, Dugu Bo was able to fight one against two without losing.

"This Dugu Bo! Isn't he known as the weakest in single combat? Why is he so fierce..."

Everyone was confused. Dugu Bo has always had the title of the weakest duel in the soul master world. Why now, looking at it, it seems that he is stronger than Tang Hao... Is it a rumor?

On the other side, the disciples of the Ghost Sect had already exchanged fire with the people of Wuhun Palace. With the combination of hidden weapons and puppets, Yu Luanjun could come and go freely without any problems.

As for Lingmo, he is very pessimistic.

Because... he was targeted by Bibi Dong!

"Boy, your death has come! Let me see, who else can save you now..."

The killing intent surged, and Bibi Dong killed directly the moment she activated her martial spirit.

When she arrived at the area where Lingmo was, she suddenly found that a barrier appeared in front of her. After entering the barrier, her soul power was greatly restricted.

Reduced to the level of 69, this amazing suppression ability is simply unheard of.

At this time, she suddenly realized that the last time Yueguan and Guimei came back, they told her that Lingmo had a very magical field that could limit the level of a person's soul power.

She didn't believe it at first, thinking that this was an excuse that Yueguan and Guimei found to exonerate themselves!

Now that she is really in the situation, she is completely convinced.

"Do you really think you can beat me?"

As she got closer and closer, Bibi Dong found that Lingmo's figure began to darken, and the confident smile on his face was not right at first glance.

"Not good!"

Just when she reacted, she saw Lingmo suddenly exploded on the spot, and the metal structure of the machine was running at a high speed, bursting out countless poison needles.

Fortunately, Bibi Dong has a strong defense, even if Lingmo, who has the soul power level, uses the puppet with all his strength, he can't hurt her.

"A trifle! Is that all you can do?"

Bibi Dong sneered as she knocked down the flying steel needle.

The difference in their soul power is too big, no matter how hard Lingmo tries, she can't hurt her.

"Haha, don't worry! If I only have these few moves, how can I become the leader of the Ghost Gate.

Don't worry! I have many moves, you can experience them in a while, I guarantee you can't stop..."

Lingmo's evil smile came from not far away, Bibi Dong looked at him in confusion, only to see him fly into the air, attracting thousands of feet of thunder.

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