Douluo Dalu: I can steal other people's martial arts spirits

Chapter 312 Ghost Master Shocks the Whole Audience

The atmosphere at the scene has solidified. After Tang Hao made such a fuss, the situation became increasingly chaotic.

Xiao Wu, who was the trigger of this battle, has been taken away by Tang Hao.

But... this time the Gui Sect is making trouble with the Wuhun Palace. If the Wuhun Palace shows no sign of action, how can it establish its authority in the soul master world in the future?

You know, the Ghost Sect is causing trouble in Wuhundian's house this time, and the plot is very serious!

Looking over to that side, the more than 10,000 people in Wuhun Palace were unconscious, dead, and suffered heavy losses.

Looking at the six titled Douluo behind him, Bibi Dong smiled.

With these six titled Douluo here, she could keep everyone in the Ghost Sect without the more than 10,000 people.

You know, when you reach the level of Titled Douluo, you can't keep it even with thousands of troops.

"Do you think you still have a chance to leave here alive? If you are allowed to leave safely today, how can I, the Spirit Hall, gain a foothold in the soul master world...

You have rebelled against us over and over again, and the day when your ghost sect will die..."

Bibi Dong answered very directly, and the six titled Douluo behind her were already ready to go.

"That means there is no need to discuss? Haha... then come on..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a dark figure suddenly appeared next to Ling Mo, wearing armor and holding a heavy sword.

He suddenly appeared here, and no one reacted. Everyone was shocked until they saw him.

This momentum is even more terrifying and domineering than Tang Hao just now...

But the power of the sword gave people a feeling of suffocation. If he took action, he would definitely suffer heavy casualties with one strike.

"Oh my God! The Ghost Sect actually has such a hidden skill. What level of Titled Douluo is this?"

"Judging from this aura alone, even Tang Hao just now wouldn't be able to take his sword. It's really terrifying..."

The appearance of the Ghost Master caused a sensation in the whole place. Everyone originally thought that the Ghost Sect would be bound and annihilated by the Wuhun Palace.

Now, the situation has been reversed in an instant!

Such a peerless strong man is enough to turn things around.

"It's you!"

The moment he saw Master Gui, Yue Guan's expression was extremely ugly. Last time... he had personally experienced Master Gui's crushing.

He was filled with shadows about Master Gui, and when he saw the sword in Master Gui's hand, he was scared out of his wits.

"Elder Yue, do you know him?"

Bibi Dong said with an ugly face. She could clearly feel the aura on Master Gui's body, which was definitely not something she could fight against.

She originally wanted to avenge her shame, but gave up the idea again. If Master Gui really took action, today's Wuhun City would definitely cease to exist.

"Gui Sect, how much of your secrets have not been exposed?" Bibi Dong couldn't help but wonder in her heart, which was very complicated.

Ling Mo shocked her too much, not only was she powerful, but her dominance was also so powerful.

With so many powerful people in control, they were able to hold on to the situation steadily, without any decentralization of power.

"Your Majesty, he is the one I told you about last time! The one who defeated me in the temple..."

Yue Zhenxing said in a worried tone, last time... he couldn't even take a sword from Master Gui, and now he feels like he can't hold his face when talking about it.

"Oh? Level 99 Ultimate Douluo?"

Bibi Dong's eyes were blank and she looked towards the small hall in the back. She really wanted to lure that person out, because now, only that one could stop the ghost master's momentum.

The Ghost Master alone was enough to block them all. At level ninety-nine, killing a Titled Douluo was as easy as squeezing an ant to death.

"Your Holiness the Pope! I don't know, can we have a good talk now?"

Ling Mo sneered, what did he want to talk about?

Are you kidding me? Raising troops here in a big way, only to go back without catching anything in the end? This is not his character.

Now it is not whether Wuhun Palace should let Guimen go, but what Wuhun Palace should do before Ling Mo is willing to withdraw his troops.

The situation has completely reversed. Whenever the Wuhun Palace wants to fight, Lingmo is always waiting.

"What do you want to talk about?"

Bibi Dong glanced at Master Gui who was next to Ling Mo with fear. Her mood was a little gloomy, but she finally calmed down and pretended to be calm.

"We have a lot to talk about! For example... I have so many people who have taken the trouble to come here, so I have to pay some traveling expenses.

Could you please reimburse me for the round trip expenses? In addition... please also compensate me for the damage and casualties suffered by my ghost gate..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was dumbfounded!

This is simply an overbearing clause and completely unreasonable.

You aggressively go to someone's house and start a fight, and in the end you want them to reimburse you for travel expenses.

What's even more outrageous is that it was obviously you who started the battle, but you still have to compensate for the casualties caused.

However, that's the thing! The weaker party never has the right to speak.

Wuhundian refuses to expose the final details, will the Ghost Sect be exposed?

Neither, they are all people with big plans and will not choose to expose them in advance just for the sake of small immediate gains.

It was precisely because of this that Ling Mo dared to ask for compensation, because under the current situation, Wuhun Palace could no longer afford to fight...

"Boy, don't go too far!"

As soon as Ling Mo said these words, the people from the Wuhun Palace couldn't bear it anymore and started to curse.

"Huh? Isn't Wuhun Palace very sincere? It seems that we still have to fight!

In this case, I will simply destroy this Wuhun City today..."

Facing the Titled Douluo who was cursing, Lingmo gave him a cold look, and his anger burst out.

"Shut up! It's not your turn to speak here..."

Bibi Dong shouted coldly, scaring the man who had just spoken back.

This man, although not her lackey, but... as long as she is still the Pope of the Spirit Hall, he dare not get angry with her.

These people are all elders of the Worship Hall! Bibi Dong has no right to command them, but in the Spirit Hall, as long as that person does not appear, Bibi Dong still has the final say.

"How do you want to compensate!"

Bibi Dong said calmly with cold eyes.

Obviously, Lingmo has firmly grasped her heart and controlled her tightly.

She doesn't want to expose too many things too early. If she wants to keep the Spirit Hall and not expose it, the only way is to compensate.

"It's very simple! I won't go too far. We will reimburse the round-trip travel expenses first, and compensate more than 1 billion gold soul coins..."

Damn! More than 1 billion, did they come here on an aircraft carrier? It cost so much money...

Many people were shocked by Lingmo's words. Why did it feel like 1 billion was less when he said it?

How did these people come here? Why did they spend 1 billion?

"As long as it can be solved with money, it's not a problem! OK..."

Bibi Dong doesn't care about money at all. As long as it can calm down this farce with money, the Spirit Hall doesn't care.

But...this time it's not just about money, it's also about the face of the Spirit Hall.

Obviously, the Ghost Gate won this time! The Spirit Hall lost completely.

Everything was reversed because of the Ghost Master!

His sword gave people a feeling of facing death, and even Bibi Dong didn't dare to shake it easily.

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